dark matter, missing pieces of the universe, etc...

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39 pages is hard to beat. I'm not trying for that...what I'm waiting for is dad to get all soused up and funny....geez...two bottles o' whiskey in the jar. Wish I could drink right now.

There's a long historical connection between theoretical physics and melba toast, however special relativity is, IMO, a bit too basic to be breaking out the melba toast.

Mostly, though, we just all want to party with fjrchik. Sounds like she can scope out all the good places. : :drinks: :yahoo:

Yeah...she can pick the place, dad can bring the whiskey, woodstock can tell us about quarks and I'll give a demonstration of the "astral burp". lolol

This is where it gets a little more interesting, because both time, and distance get measured differently. From the standpoint of 5 star base, your clock runs slower. Also, you measure distance (in the direction that you're traveling) as smaller (shorter). I can try and write something else up which gives a little bit more detail of the examples with some of the math, if you're interested.
Now we're getting to the meaty goodness. A little time gravy. So what you are saying then for this example, because the speed of light is the constant, then time has to bend, warp, dialate, whatever to compensate because we have said that C is constant.

In my first post in this topic, I muddied the water by mentioning the fact that the universe is expanding. Thanks to this discussion I'm now thinking of it differently. Instead of some boundry layer getting further from some center with the objects inside staying the same but just getting further apart from each other, the matter inside the universe is also expanding along with it, (at least the matter immediately surrounding my skeloton).

Still, I'm having trouble with the whole two bodies traveling away from each other thing. Isn't time relative to the observer? By that I mean whether I'm stationary or going 99.99999% C, when I do something like type on a keyboard I experience it the same. Only an outside observer would see me as typing very fast or very slow?

So if we have two bodies traveling away from each other at .6C from some center point:


Regardless of how observers experience time, after all they are traveling at the same velocity, would the observers still be able to see each other if:

1. they each have their own light source

2. they don't have their own light source and must be illuminated by some powerful spotlight on the other object thats powerfull enought to shine across the universe bla bla bla.

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Ramblin sez,

So if we have two bodies traveling away from each other at .6C from some center point:


Regardless of how observers experience time, after all they are traveling at the same velocity, would the observers still be able to see each other if:

1. they each have their own light source

2. they don't have their own light source and must be illuminated by some powerful spotlight on the other object thats powerfull enought to shine across the universe bla bla bla.

I expect they would still see each other in either case though much later in the case of 2.) due to the round trip the light would have to make. Pfffft... Cough. right dude ? Cough. cough. Got any of that brandy left Toophast?

This is where it gets a little more interesting, because both time, and distance get measured differently. From the standpoint of 5 star base, your clock runs slower. Also, you measure distance (in the direction that you're traveling) as smaller (shorter). I can try and write something else up which gives a little bit more detail of the examples with some of the math, if you're interested.
Now we're getting to the meaty goodness. A little time gravy. So what you are saying then for this example, because the speed of light is the constant, then time has to bend, warp, dialate, whatever to compensate because we have said that C is constant.

In my first post in this topic, I muddied the water by mentioning the fact that the universe is expanding. Thanks to this discussion I'm now thinking of it differently. Instead of some boundry layer getting further from some center with the objects inside staying the same but just getting further apart from each other, the matter inside the universe is also expanding along with it, (at least the matter immediately surrounding my skeloton).

Still, I'm having trouble with the whole two bodies traveling away from each other thing. Isn't time relative to the observer? By that I mean whether I'm stationary or going 99.99999% C, when I do something like type on a keyboard I experience it the same. Only an outside observer would see me as typing very fast or very slow?

So if we have two bodies traveling away from each other at .6C from some center point:


Regardless of how observers experience time, after all they are traveling at the same velocity, would the observers still be able to see each other if:

1. they each have their own light source

2. they don't have their own light source and must be illuminated by some powerful spotlight on the other object thats powerfull enought to shine across the universe bla bla bla.
I am a math guy, not a physics guy, so someone feel free to correct me but I think you are thinking of space as being flat, like a sheet of paper. You have to think in terms of spacetime, and remember that in our universe spacetime is not "flat", its actually pretty screwed up. The idea of warped spacetime comes from Einstein's famous thought experiments, one of which is that the speed of light is a constant independent of reference frame. That particular little idea seems simple enough, but like many simple ideas it has some wonky consequences.

Wonky? Did you say wonky? Oh, christ on bike....some one ...just shoot me. Are we going to add "wonky" to our dictionary? SHOOT ME

Dark matter that comprises most of the universe is composed of the horsepower that would result from all of the Harleys that have ever been manufactured were they to have the same HP/volumetric displacement as other, more efficient bikes. It all has to go somewhere........

(This provides the obligatory motorcycle content that is necessary in all posts to this forum. Let the thread continue.....)

By the way, I've consumed several mixed drinks of my own invention this evening while reading this thread, as I assumed was the reason for this high level thought. I have christened this drink the "Grotto" in homage to the Playboy Mansion grotto. It is comprised and concocted thus:

Into a short glass of approximately 8 ounces capacity, pour 1/4 ounce of Rose's Sweet Lime juice. Add 3 ounces tequilla, 1 1/2 ounces Triple Sec. Carefully instill down the side of the glass 1 ounce of Blue Curacao with the intent of preventing mixing. Lay several ice cubes carefully on top without mixing in any way. The brown color of the Rose's overlays the Blue Curacao imparting a "Grotto" like ceiling to the blue/green bottom. Imbibe freely. Lovely.

Wow, twilkin....that's quite the avante drink you got going there....I usually just twist the top off the bottle and drink.

Dark matter that comprises most of the universe is composed of the horsepower that would result from all of the Harleys that have ever been manufactured were they to have the same HP/volumetric displacement as other, more efficient bikes. It all has to go somewhere........(This provides the obligatory motorcycle content that is necessary in all posts to this forum. Let the thread continue.....)
You know, you might have something there.

By the way, I've consumed several mixed drinks of my own invention this evening while reading this thread, as I assumed was the reason for this high level thought. I have christened this drink the "Grotto" in homage to the Playboy Mansion grotto. It is comprised and concocted thus:Into a short glass of approximately 8 ounces capacity, pour 1/4 ounce of Rose's Sweet Lime juice. Add 3 ounces tequilla, 1 1/2 ounces Triple Sec. Carefully instill down the side of the glass 1 ounce of Blue Curacao with the intent of preventing mixing. Lay several ice cubes carefully on top without mixing in any way. The brown color of the Rose's overlays the Blue Curacao imparting a "Grotto" like ceiling to the blue/green bottom. Imbibe freely. Lovely.
Umm... Or you could just drink the tequilla.

Actually, here's one of my favorites, called a "Lightning Bolt" (I think)

Fill up a shot glass with tequilla until there's about 1/4" or so left.

Add a bit of Rose's Lime Juice to (almost) fill up the glass.

Take a jalapeno pepper, bite the end off, and squeze the insides into the shot glass.

Down the shot.

Yum. They're even better than they sound. B)

There's a good chance these will be poured during WFO5. :ph34r: :yahoo:

Dark matter that comprises most of the universe is composed of the horsepower that would result from all of the Harleys that have ever been manufactured were they to have the same HP/volumetric displacement as other, more efficient bikes. It all has to go somewhere........

(This provides the obligatory motorcycle content that is necessary in all posts to this forum. Let the thread continue.....)
You know, you might have something there.

By the way, I've consumed several mixed drinks of my own invention this evening while reading this thread, as I assumed was the reason for this high level thought. I have christened this drink the "Grotto" in homage to the Playboy Mansion grotto. It is comprised and concocted thus:Into a short glass of approximately 8 ounces capacity, pour 1/4 ounce of Rose's Sweet Lime juice. Add 3 ounces tequilla, 1 1/2 ounces Triple Sec. Carefully instill down the side of the glass 1 ounce of Blue Curacao with the intent of preventing mixing. Lay several ice cubes carefully on top without mixing in any way. The brown color of the Rose's overlays the Blue Curacao imparting a "Grotto" like ceiling to the blue/green bottom. Imbibe freely. Lovely.
Umm... Or you could just drink the tequilla.

Actually, here's one of my favorites, called a "Lightning Bolt" (I think)

Fill up a shot glass with tequilla until there's about 1/4" or so left.

Add a bit of Rose's Lime Juice to (almost) fill up the glass.

Take a jalapeno pepper, bite the end off, and squeze the insides into the shot glass.

Down the shot.

Yum. They're even better than they sound. B)

There's a good chance these will be poured during WFO5. :ph34r: :yahoo:
I'll take one!

I may even have to teach a bartender how to make my favorite ~ an undercurrent.
