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Great ride today guys, thanks! Excellent routes Jim. :good:

I don't have to wash the bike though cause it's past time for its 600 mile service, so they can do it!! Total miles for me today was 328.

I enjoyed the ride and the company today. Thanks Jim, for leading the way. Let's do it again.

Now if I can just figure out why my Moto lights aren't working.


Great ride today guys, thanks! Excellent routes Jim. :good: I don't have to wash the bike though cause it's past time for its 600 mile service, so they can do it!! Total miles for me today was 328.
Where are you going to take your bike for the 600 mile service? Mine is due and hadn't really thought of where I should take it.

And thanks everyone that made it out. I really hated having to cut out of there, but I couldn't have cut it any closer. Looking forward to a longer ride (for me at least) next time.

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Not going to wash the bike, fjrchik? That's ok....I guess you really won't get "aquainted" with it in real life anyways. lol

Not going to wash the bike, fjrchik? That's ok....I guess you really won't get "aquainted" with it in real life anyways. lol
HA! ya know what, after 328 miles on it the other day, i'm way past aquainted and moving towards intimate! I bonded with my bike on Sunday and that was the most comfortable I've ever felt. Everything went so smoothly and I made no mistakes. It was perfect.

And ya know what else dude, my bike is way dirtier than yours right now! There is mud all over it (and my jeans and runners) from the gravel road we had to go down. Another first for me. I am gonna have to hose it down before I take it in though, cause it's really bad!! They don't deserve that and I don't want a bad rep.

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Lately it seems that if I have the time, I seem to choose to ride the bike rather than wash the bike.

As you probably already know after seeing mine, I ride (the FJR) WAY more than I wash (the FJR). :p

Sorry about the dirt road Sunday (at least it was hard-pack) but that used to be a poorly paved section there, and I wanted to get to that section with the series of sweepers going to Boliver. Fortunatly, it was only about a mile or so. :unsure:

Lately it seems that if I have the time, I seem to choose to ride the bike rather than wash the bike.

As you probably already know after seeing mine, I ride (the FJR) WAY more than I wash (the FJR). :p

Sorry about the dirt road Sunday (at least it was hard-pack) but that used to be a poorly paved section there, and I wanted to get to that section with the series of sweepers going to Boliver. Fortunatly, it was only about a mile or so. :unsure:
Boy I am glad I didn't get my bike dirty!

The F1 race was pretty boring. On second thoughts I would have been better off with you guys riding the FJR dirt bike and getting mudded up!

Dude....I am in town...will be for the rest of the summer. Only prob....don't know what my work schedule is yet....week on, week off....or, four on, four off. I do know one thing....it's night shift. That's all I know.

That's good to hear, it'll be nice to have you around. So should I add your to our group contact sheet?

Just got word that they are phasing out the av46's and replacing them with the vipersport tires. Anyone got a history with viper tires? Any mileage rating on them? Need a tire fast.....just put her up on the stand, spun the wheel and found me some fresh cord.

Well, it's getting done now. Don't need to be riding with metal on concrete.

Picking up my bike tomorrow morning. I will not be working for the next 2.5 weeks. Anybody wanna go out, PM me. If I'm not on the lake, I'll be on the bike. Except when I'm in Vegas. Then I'll be misbehavin.

Did you leave your scoot at the massage parlor? Getting it's nails done? Maybe a trim?

yeah! something like that. :D now he'll be all gorgeous and ready to ride when i pick him up.

now about MY massage and nails....

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