DFW area group

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Hope you guys have a great time. We're working on baby sitting for next Saturday morning to at least get us freed up for a couple of hours so keep us posted on what takes shape for next Saturday.

400 miles today Thanks for you patiience today Jim miscalculated by 45 mins. Lake Murray on dirt bike tomorrow. It's hell being a geezer!

400 miles today Thanks for you patiience today Jim miscalculated by 45 mins. Lake Murray on dirt bike tomorrow. It's hell being a geezer!
About 170 more miles than me. No problem on the time miscalc Tango, like I said, stuff happens. I enjoyed the ride, hope it was worth your extra time coming across the MetroPlex. Tango had already covered 170+ miles before meeting up with me in Jacksboro. I had maybe 45 by then. I think he got more than 400 before he got home.

We rode the best parts of Hwy 4 and jumped over to Possom Kingdom lake for some sight seeing. I'm getting the last miles out of my Metz's before replacing them. They still look good, but I noticed that they were jumping around on the tar snakes pretty good today. Of course that might also have been because I was riding with another FJR instead of the H-Ds that I ususally ride with. :p

Great day for a ride. :D

We needed Bounce to take some photos for the board. I will bring my camera next time so the rest of the guys can see what great roads we have in TX

We needed Bounce to take some photos for the board. I will bring my camera next time so the rest of the guys can see what great roads we have in TX
Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. I barely made Sat morning's gathering and Sunday was spent installing different light fixtures and sundy.

We needed Bounce to take some photos for the board.  I will bring my camera next time so the rest of the guys can see what great roads we have in TX
Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. I barely made Sat morning's gathering and Sunday was spent installing different light fixtures and sundy.
We missed ya, Bounce, but rode on anyway :D

I ususally have a camera in the bags but left it in the car Sunday. Not that I am much of photographer, especially while riding.

Just an update on the get-together Saturday.

Nosecone and I, accompanied by my daughter Alex, were first on the scene. Tripletango and TejasFJR came along pretty quickly afterwards to get things really going. Ladybug showed up a little later to balance things a bit. Then Marcos asked who rode the 05 out front? None of those present claimed it so I went and found Odot on the porch still in his raingear, wondering where the heck everyone was hiding. We were in the back corner of the back room so I dragged him in with the rest of us. Bounce showed up a bit after that to round out the attendees.

Much sharing of route info and thoughts for future rides were tossed around and I think we are forming the base of many future get togethers and events for the DFW FJR riders. Of course in person discussions of common forum topics were also very evident. Bounce is very helpful with historical information for those of us who have only been around the FJR community for a short while.

We missed those of you who couldn't make it, and we will be looking for you next time.

That said, what would y'all think about making it a regular thing, perhaps 4th saturday of the month? Meet regardless, meet then ride weather and such permitting? Not to limit other rides and events as anyone sees fit? Informal meetings similar to this last saturday? What do ya think guys, gals? Heck we might even get our own tee-shirt someday.

I think you have a good idea Jim, it's kind of what I was thinking about.

Glad to hear you guys and girls got together.

I was planning on being there but with the rain and the fact that I had to be in South Texas, (Altair) by 6pm Saturday to get checked in for the Gator Bait Enduro, I thought it would be better to head on down to the Enduro.

Sunday morning, I was completing registration and struck up a conversation with the guy next to me in line only to find out that he bought an 05 FJR last August. What a small world. Needless to say our conversation switched from Off-road to FJR Farkles.

I didn't get a chance to exchange address, but hopefully he will read this post and reply.

I do recall that he said he was from the Houston Area.

Well, back to the original post, I think a regular meeting time and place would be the next step for the DFW Group, since you fellows have already got the ball rollin.


Not to Hijack this post, but TripleT, how was Lake Murray.

I love riding at that place.

That is as long as you can stay out of the way of the quads.

It also usually absorbes the rain pretty well.

Great place to camp out and ride multiple days.

My parents have been living at the Shores in Rockwall for 20+ years.

Between the FJR and your off-road riding, seems like we have several things in common.

I look forward to meeting and sharing stories.


Not to Hijack this post, but TripleT, how was Lake Murray.
I love riding at that place.

That is as long as you can stay out of the way of the quads.

It also usually absorbes the rain pretty well.

Great place to camp out and ride multiple days.

My parents have been living at the Shores in Rockwall for 20+ years.

Between the FJR and your off-road riding, seems like we have several things in common.

I look forward to meeting and sharing stories.

I know the shores well. Moved to Chandlers in 78 and been there off and on since. lake Murray ATV area was really nice. Just wet enough to be non dusty and challenge you with a few mud puddles. The trails through the woods are great and there are lots of them. The rocky ridge area is more technical but Lake Murray suits me!

Monday is the day to go. There was no one there!

I'd like to vote for a move to Sunday mornings instead of Saturdays. I already have a commitment on saturday morning til noon, but when my bike does get here, I really, really want to go with. Plus there's less traffic too.

just my 2 cents.

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I don't think two cents is going to cut it. Costs a dollar and an oatmeal cookie to change the minds around here.....at least that what I think the going rate is.


I'd like to vote for a move to Sunday mornings instead of Saturdays. I already have a commitment on saturday morning til noon, but when my bike does get here, I really, really want to go with. Plus there's less traffic too.
just my 2 cents.
I will meet or ride on either/or or both!!!!

5 bucks please. Two cold beers would be better.

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Hey Richard,

Rick in OKC here, Hows the leg? Leasa and I might shoot down one weekend and ride around with you longhorns. We can only do Saturdays or weekend deals, Sunday only gets us back too late.

Have you got any long trips planned? I haven't heard anything about the SWFOG this year. We should take a spin to Mena this spring (or sooner)!

Hello Everybody,

SMC checking in from Decatur.

Will keep my eyes on this thread as would like to meet and ride with other group members sometime in the near future.

Schedule is kind of squirrely due to job requirements, so if I'm in town and can get together with you all, I will.

One of the discussions was a weekend ride up into western AR. That would probably be something you could meet everyone at and then ride around before setting sail for home on Sunday.

One of the discussions was a weekend ride up into western AR. That would probably be something you could meet everyone at and then ride around before setting sail for home on Sunday.
Let's do it. When?

Hello Everybody,
SMC checking in from Decatur.

Will keep my eyes on this thread as would like to meet and ride with other group members sometime in the near future.

Schedule is kind of squirrely due to job requirements, so if I'm in town and can get together with you all, I will.
Ain't that a hoot. I'm spending the day working in Decatur.

Haven't seen any Feejers here but then I haven't been lookin'.

Glad to have ya aboard SMC.

Being as I live in slummy ole Springtown we might have to get togather and ride some. If ya don't mind being seen with, ya know, someone from the rural getto. :haha:

