Digital Cameras buying advice

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After nearly eight years of faithful service, our Sony DSC-P7 bit the dust. The lens won't even open. It just makes a grinding noise. :eek:


I planned on getting a new camera before CFR last year, but couldn't quite part with the funds.

Thank God Mike (Moosehead) was there and shared his photos with me or I would be relying on fading memories. In its last days (year) that camera was really frustrating.

O.k. Easter is Sunday. The family is going to be over and the wife dragged me kicking and screaming into the camera shop for a replacement camera.

Here it is:


It looks like a crappy point and shoot camera, but it does give you quite a bit of manual control. In the end, it came down to the Canon Powershot G11 or this one.

First shot:

That was taken through the bedroom window and the colors are an exact representation of the state my front yard is in.

I think this new camera might work out! Look out Old Michael! If I just learn to stop once in a while, I might be able to give you a run for your money in the best ride reports category. :D

You know, I still haven't bought a new digital camera yet. :blink:

I had decided on the Canon SX10is, and was waiting for prices to drop a bit, which they never did. Then the SX20is came out, and I was waiting for prices to drop on that one and they never did. Now, the competition has released some interesting super-zoom models and they tend to be a bit less expensive.

But the big thing, is at some point not too long ago, I started considering a DSLR. After badcat let me borrow his a few months back, I am now definitely going to get a DSLR. But I am a poor boy, and there are so many options out there!

So not to break the bank, I have decided on a Canon Rebel XSi and have been watching ebay and craigslist for a cheap used one. I missed a couple great deals on craigslist by not being quick enough, but hopefully sooner than later I'll finally have a new digicam!

Don't you need something more like this for rally use?

Pentax OPTIO W80
I have my old camera - Olympus C-765 4.0Mp 10X zoom for rally use. In fact I bought a spare off ebay for $65 a year or so back just to have a back-up during rallys. It ain't perfect, but it works, and I have several extra batteries and cards for these cameras. And it still takes some decent pictures.

Ideally, after I get my DSLR and I can afford it, I'll get a 2nd small quality point and shoot that will fit in a pocket and I can take anywhere.

I was camera shopping two weeks ago, after my wife threw our trusty Sony P4 (or something) into the Bay of Flags (Puerta Vallarta).

I decded DSLR's are best for speed and quality but I couldn't get over the size and price. So I ordered one of these:

14x zoom, plenty of pixels, and digic-4 processor, and that Canon photo quality I missed so much with the Sony. Uses proprietary batteries, but I read someplace that the AA's have less ability to 'burst' energy and that contributes to slower picture-taking-response-times. The SX20-is was a close contender, but the bulk led me back to the SX210.

So I ordered one of these:

14x zoom, plenty of pixels, and digic-4 processor, and that Canon photo quality I missed so much with the Sony. Uses proprietary batteries, but I read someplace that the AA's have less ability to 'burst' energy and that contributes to slower picture-taking-response-times. The SX20-is was a close contender, but the bulk led me back to the SX210.
Looks like a great camera except for one caveat: It doesn't have a 'sports' scene mode. That is pretty much a requirement for me and most of the mid to lower Canon models don't have it. One of the big things I am going to use a camera like that for is taking photos while I am riding the FJR. So to try and eliminate blurred photos from the camera shaking, I need a simple 'scene' mode that adjust to a higher shutter speed.


I, personally, would give this model serious consideration. If course, if you need all the fancy-schmancy digital this and digital that as a substitute for talent, then by all means, get the latest and greatest.

The G10 is a decent little camera. I used one last year on our ride to Bella Coola. Here's a couple of pics:


And the road out of Belle Coola on the way to Williams Lake:


Both of these were taken while I was riding. I recently upgraded to the Panasonic GF-1. I'm hoping it will be even better.

These pics were downsized for the web and kind of look like shit. The high res versions are quite nice.

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You know, I still haven't bought a new digital camera yet. :blink:
I had decided on the Canon SX10is, and was waiting for prices to drop a bit, which they never did. Then the SX20is came out, and I was waiting for prices to drop on that one and they never did. Now, the competition has released some interesting super-zoom models and they tend to be a bit less expensive.

But the big thing, is at some point not too long ago, I started considering a DSLR. After badcat let me borrow his a few months back, I am now definitely going to get a DSLR. But I am a poor boy, and there are so many options out there!

So not to break the bank, I have decided on a Canon Rebel XSi and have been watching ebay and craigslist for a cheap used one. I missed a couple great deals on craigslist by not being quick enough, but hopefully sooner than later I'll finally have a new digicam!

I was going to get a Rebel when my S1IS died (Canon sent me a new S5IS for free!) On Fat Naked Guy's advise I held one and checked the 40D, The 40D fit my hands much better, go to a camera shop and check them out before you buy! The 50D has since replaced the 40D so you might find a deal on a used or reconditioned 40D.

IMHO the FJR Forum of Camera Forums is: . Check it out and good luck.

I bought SX20IS a few months back. Excellent camera if not a little of the big side. The super zooms kick major buttass for versatility. My only complaint with it is their is no RAW mode for storing images. Does it really make a difference to me? No, I'm not a pro.

Hi all and thanks for the interesting thread.

I'm wanting a camera and trying to learn what its all about. Sounds like the Canon SX10 or 20 might be good choices. Costco has a Nikon P100 ($370) that sounds faster than the SX20 but maybe not as good picture quality. Anybody have any comment/experience with one?



Cripes! I started this thread over a year ago and finally just purchased a digital camera. I ended up buying a DSLR. A used Canon Rebel XSi (12.2MP) I got for a smokin deal off craigslist. Looking forward to figuring out how to use it. Big thanks to Badcat for tossing me a free SD card and card reader to get me going.

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OK J-2L, ya got me confused :huh: :huh:
With my sunglasses on, this little sping on the river bank looked really cool. I could see the greens of the moss, the browns off the lime deposits and the subtle little shadows in the structure.

Click on the photo for a larger image.
a polarizing filter might help a lot. 3 things to always have on hand: a UV filter (always on as a scratch protector as well as a UV filter), a polarizing filter, and a +1 or +2 gray filter (sun glasses for your lens).

glad to hear Skoot got his camera. i know several people who jumped over to the DSLR world with the Rebel and really liked it.

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OK J-2L, ya got me confused :huh: :huh:
With my sunglasses on, this little sping on the river bank looked really cool. I could see the greens of the moss, the browns off the lime deposits and the subtle little shadows in the structure.

Click on the photo for a larger image.
a polarizing filter might help a lot. 3 things to always have on hand: a UV filter (always on as a scratch protector as well as a UV filter), a polarizing filter, and a +1 or +2 gray filter (sun glasses for your lens).

glad to hear Skoot got his camera. i know several people who jumped over to the DSLR world with the Rebel and really liked it.
You might try the features the camera has before adding filters and such. The Canons can easily be stepped up or down, so you can bracket the exposure for the cost of a few knob twists and deleting the shots you don't like.

BTW - Some of my work-mates are trying various waterproof cameras, like that Pentax Optio. They are great for the sand/dust and working in the rain, which is really what they are designed for. They are rugged as heck, unlike the 14 Sony cameras and a few others we've killed. (The Sony has been great in the lab, though.)

But a Canon SD1000 point and shoot in a DiCAPac camera bag is less likely to flood and produces better overall results, since you do NOT need the bag most of the time. Zooming into the pix to crop specific items from pix we shot with the Pentax Optio and Oly 1030, we can't zoom in as far and the shots look flat by comparison. Plus, the Canon SD series are easy to use while riding.


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