Do you think you can ACE IL motorcycle test???

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If I remember Pennsylvaina most of the questions were totally unrelated to the booklet. A bunch of questions were based on cartoon pictures. The 'what would you do if' type questions. I was also not all that impressed with the MSF course, although it was free. In our 10 person class we had 1 guy crash and 3 others drop their bikes, and everyone passed. I probably picked up a few practice tips, but it was basically 2 long hot Sunday afternoons in a parking lot.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! B)

88%, looks like 88 is the perfect score, missed two trying to give stupids the answer they where looking for.

88% for me. This is just another place where the state of Illinois has managed to prove how stupid they are. Any bets a fooking lawyer wrote the test, and has never ridden a single mile on a motorcycle in his / her life.

I would love to see a test written only by people who have completed the IBR. At least we would know they have more riding experience than the majority of people on the road.

Sure it is. Or it could be that they are hoping you will help scrub off the inch thick layer of oil that has built up there from all the truck traffic.

Again, written by an ARTARD!

76%. Downright stupid questions. The test here in VA also has some pretty poorly worded questions.

Sure it is. Or it could be that they are hoping you will help scrub off the inch thick layer of oil that has built up there from all the truck traffic.
Again, written by an ARTARD!

Most of the roads I ride on don't have an oil slick in the center, but I know what you mean and avoid the center of any lane showing any signs of oil, especially when it first starts to rain and at stop signs and lights. In practice, on multi-laned roads, I tend to stay in one of the two wheel tracks.

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Sure it is. Or it could be that they are hoping you will help scrub off the inch thick layer of oil that has built up there from all the truck traffic.
Again, written by an ARTARD!

Most of the roads I ride on don't have an oil slick in the center, but I know what you mean and avoid the center of any lane showing any signs of oil, especially when it first starts to rain and at stop signs and lights. In practice, on multi-laned roads, I tend to stay in one of the two wheel tracks.
I actually just read something, can't remember where, that said the safest place to ride is in the left tire track. the theory is that the tire track areas are least likely to have debris in them, and generally are the cleanest. Makes sense I suppose.

Absolutely and you know everyone of those Californicators is going to get that wrong :)
Nope. I got it 'right' according to the IL DMV, even though they are totally wrong. Hell, even the Feds say it's safer to keep MC's moving. And ride with your feet down? Who the hell wrote this bullshit? Jebus, I'm glad I don't have to be licensed in IL! With that, I'll take my 76 and stay in Cali, thank you (and you're welcome).

I just knew that the feet down one had to be... dont ask why, I couldnt imagine when i would do that.

If I remember Pennsylvaina most of the questions were totally unrelated to the booklet. A bunch of questions were based on cartoon pictures. The 'what would you do if' type questions. I was also not all that impressed with the MSF course, although it was free. In our 10 person class we had 1 guy crash and 3 others drop their bikes, and everyone passed. I probably picked up a few practice tips, but it was basically 2 long hot Sunday afternoons in a parking lot.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it! B)
I have taken the written in WA, AZ and WV. in all cases I read the book then took the test and got 100% on all.

88%. I will go ahead and criticize my wrong marks. . . .

If a car is passing me, I will be as far from him as possible. I'll ride right, not where they said. I NEVER ride where they said; I'd like to stay in the part that the cars clear nails out for me.

The angle I park at a curb depends on the type of space. You can't park prependicular to a parallel space without sticking out into traffic. That's safe!

And what does a helmet have to do with being above or below 30? I said be especially careful when starting, but they think I'm stupid.

The Florida written test was similar. 25 questions, and when it reached the point I could not fail, it stopped early, which was cool. 30 minutes in line, 4 minute test, another 25 minutes in line for my picture.


I learned that wearing a helmet will actually prevent accidents under 30mph and that if a driver is passing you, you should move from the right position in your lane to the center of the land towards the passing car.

88%. I will go ahead and criticize my wrong marks. . . .

If a car is passing me, I will be as far from him as possible. I'll ride right, not where they said. I NEVER ride where they said; I'd like to stay in the part that the cars clear nails out for me.

The angle I park at a curb depends on the type of space. You can't park prependicular to a parallel space without sticking out into traffic. That's safe!

And what does a helmet have to do with being above or below 30? I said be especially careful when starting, but they think I'm stupid.
84% and same wrong as wfooshee...and same rationale.

Additionally, I got the one about a slippery road wrong...and the ONLY time I've ever tried the outrigger maneuver was on a monsoon-soaked clayt dirt road literally in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico...where no street bike should really have been. Hell, even 4x4's were getting stuck on it.

To pass an IL test I'd clearly have to memorize what they think are the right answers and promptly forget the rubbish parts. ;)

[SIZE=36pt]100%! :clapping: [/SIZE]

Actually I only got 68%. WTF! Guess I need to go back to class. I guess I took some things to literal.

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