Do you think you can ACE IL motorcycle test???

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So, you got it right that if you are wearing helmet you are all of a sudden safer on the road? Or when road turns bad you would drag your feet on the ground?
I am simply trying to understand? because I do not agree what their answers. I think that you should be more careful first of all. Wearing helmet has not made any one smarter. People still crash. I think that by taking your feet off the pegs off sets motorcycle great deal. I see it all the time during my courses.

So, lets have a friendly debate :) Who knows maybe I will change my mind :)

BTW. Question about passing, I choose to slow down. By this I am hopping to minimize the stress on a driver that is passing me a need to cut me off to get out from the opposite lane. How is me been in the center lane vs other lane choice going to help have no clue.
No need for a debate. I don't like the idiotic test either.

I just happen to know what they are looking for.

Wow some test. You have to answr the question as stated do not read anything into the question.

Il. your test sucks big time and so does the the perso(s) that wrote this test.

And I am not from Il.. thank god or i would be dead from trying to ride by there rules :****:

Il. your test sucks big time and so does the the perso(s) that wrote this test.And I am not from Il.. thank god or i would be dead from trying to ride by there rules :****:
It's not IL's test. It's a generic MC test. I Googled to find AR's

AR test

same thing...

OK, You IL boys owe me one.. ;)

And no, STFU, it's the same for ALL the states...

It's merely a question of knowing what they want for an answer. It helps that last year, I gave an Oklahoma Motorcycle phamphlet to one of the kids, and I browsed through it, beforehand.

I didn't agree with everything in the booklet, and I don't practice all of the DOT's advice, but it's a good publication, intended for beginner riders. Most of what was in it, was good advice, and (like the tests), it's been updated many times. When I was young, I don't remember anyone ever saying you should park at a 90-degree angle to a curb. Now, that's what you're supposed to do. I never park that way, though.

Anyone trying to ride 'by the book', no matter what book it is, is probably not going to be riding for very long. Anyone who can't answer 'by the book' on a driving/riding test, is probably not going to pass their license exam.

If you didn't get 100%, you can console yourself if you recieved a passing grade. It's all that's required, anyway. Passing is the same as 100%... What is a passing score, anyway?

Furthermore, I have an 180 IQ, Riley wants to live my life, I have a twelve-inch penis, I married a Playboy centerfold, and I don't own a car.

It's merely a question of knowing what they want for an answer. It helps that last year, I gave an Oklahoma Motorcycle phamphlet to one of the kids, and I browsed through it, beforehand.
I didn't agree with everything in the booklet, and I don't practice all of the DOT's advice, but it's a good publication, intended for beginner riders. Most of what was in it, was good advice, and (like the tests), it's been updated many times. When I was young, I don't remember anyone ever saying you should park at a 90-degree angle to a curb. Now, that's what you're supposed to do. I never park that way, though.

Anyone trying to ride 'by the book', no matter what book it is, is probably not going to be riding for very long. Anyone who can't answer 'by the book' on a driving/riding test, is probably not going to pass their license exam.

If you didn't get 100%, you can console yourself if you recieved a passing grade. It's all that's required, anyway. Passing is the same as 100%... What is a passing score, anyway?

Furthermore, I have an 180 IQ, Riley wants to live my life, I have a twelve-inch penis, I married a Playboy centerfold, and I don't own a car.
and you would lose at liars dice.

I got 72%
Holy crap, shoot the person who created that test. I disagree with some of the answers, not going to let the cat out of the bag before others can take it.
Agree wholeheartedly. It should be noted only 5 states have a higher motorcycle crash rate......... :glare:



<sarcasm>All these experienced FJR riders and nobody can ACE a simple entry level licensing exam? <sarcasm>

Either alot of FJR riders are not as good riders as they say there are...or the test is fecked. Which is it? ;)

The real question behind this thread...

How does one become qualified to write a MCY exam question...and what if any question review process is there...cuz these questions suck...and therefore do not assist in maintaining public safety for the riders...or those around them.

72% ...Been riding since '73, but I quess I better find a "learners tag" like they have over the pond and display it proudly. :angry2:

Safety-crat had to have wrote the test, not a motrocycle rider or enthuisast.

I quess i can quit looking at 'Busa's now...Anybody got a good deal on a moped? LOL

