Does vib at 2500 and 3500 signal a problem on a 2013?

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Interesting. My bike is smooth as silk from 3000 and up to redline.
Oo, that doesn't sound normal

Much appreciate all the feedback, thanks!

I plan to attend the tech meet so we'll check out the TB Sync and engine mount torques there.

Dealer just completed the 4000mile service,

The rear motor mounts were under-torqued and the TB sync was a little out at idle. They addressed both. Result is better and worse.

Better as the heavier vibration at 2500 and 3500rpm is now a lot less pronounced, now more a 'heavy' buzz than a vibration.

Worse as now the 'buzz' is near constant throughout the rev range from just above idle through cruising rpms (buzzing in any gear). Before the service, outside the 2500/3500 issue there was no buzz.

Sounds promising though that a proper TB blade sync may address the issue and get the bike back to what it used to be new, smooth and buzz/vib free.

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The 2500 and 3500rpm vibe is getting worse (at least more noticeable) over time.
Not severe but seems wrong and makes the bike less fun to ride.
At all other rev points the bike is comfortably smooth.

To date:
- dealer retorqued the motor mounts in the 4000mile service (odo is now 5200)
- at Tech Day the TB sync was near identical at 4000rpm and good at idle
- at those rev points the vibe is felt standing or rolling, in gear or in neutral
- no vibration when rolling at street/highway speeds with engine idling so doesn't seem to be a wheel balance problem

I'm concerned long term this vibration will fatigue internal motor parts and reduce motor longevity (if not rider longevity :) ).
Also it's just spoiling rides as I'm focused on the vibe not the ride.

I've heard various opinions on reasons why from the Canyon Cages to out of spec engine balancers which need to be adjusted.

So quick straw poll, guys with a 2013 Gen-III, what is your experience with motor vibration across the rev range?

Is your bike equivalently 'smooth' at all points across the rev range?
Do you have any standout rev points where engine vibration is felt significantly more than any other point?

I'm just trying to understand what's 'normal' for this model before I make a further case at the dealer that my bike has a problem that needs to be tracked down and fixed.

Thanks for any help in advance.



The 2500 and 3500rpm vibe is getting worse (at least more noticeable) over time.
Not severe but seems wrong and makes the bike less fun to ride.
At all other rev points the bike is comfortably smooth.

To date:
- dealer retorqued the motor mounts in the 4000mile service (odo is now 5200)
- at Tech Day the TB sync was near identical at 4000rpm and good at idle
- at those rev points the vibe is felt standing or rolling, in gear or in neutral
- no vibration when rolling at street/highway speeds with engine idling so doesn't seem to be a wheel balance problem

I'm concerned long term this vibration will fatigue internal motor parts and reduce motor longevity (if not rider longevity :) ).
Also it's just spoiling rides as I'm focused on the vibe not the ride.

I've heard various opinions on reasons why from the Canyon Cages to out of spec engine balancers which need to be adjusted.

So quick straw poll, guys with a 2013 Gen-III, what is your experience with motor vibration across the rev range?

Is your bike equivalently 'smooth' at all points across the rev range?
Do you have any standout rev points where engine vibration is felt significantly more than any other point?

I'm just trying to understand what's 'normal' for this model before I make a further case at the dealer that my bike has a problem that needs to be tracked down and fixed.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Stephen,try to find and ride another 2013 if you can,to see if it has the same vibes.I think that is the only way.Then you will know if your bike has a problem or not.Also have a read in this post from the other forum:My 03/abs has vibrations also in this rpm range..

Especially in this text:

''Engine - absolutely no need for a 6th gear. A bit buzzy and can be felt in both the grips and on the foot rest as well. It isn't so bad that I won't get used to it on my feet but may look to do something about the grips. Though it is most noticeable on the highway and the cruise fixes how hard you need to hold on.''

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As Mihalis suggested, try and get a ride on another Gen 3, be it even a dealer test ride.

My Gen 3 is good through out the rev range.

I also did the TB sync, it too was perfect.


I've been looking around for a dealer Gen III but can't find one locally, seems to be all sold out.

So, if there's anyone around the area would let me try theirs would be obliged.

Or, someone could ride mine, see what they think compared to theirs.

Thanks.I've been looking around for a dealer Gen III but can't find one locally, seems to be all sold out.

So, if there's anyone around the area would let me try theirs would be obliged.

Or, someone could ride mine, see what they think compared to theirs.
Where are you located?

My 2014 A model has a buzz in the bars, and I can feel it in the seat to a lesser degree, at about 4200 rpm and up (in 5th gear at speeds of around 75 and up). Based on everything I've been able to glean from the forums, it is fairly normal for FJRs, although some say their bikes are smooth all the way to redline.

I took my 14ES out today and ran it up to various RPM ranges and did not notice any vibration. If the engine is running there will always be a degree of buzz. This is not an electric bike. I do not doubt you may have some vibration that could be abnormal and I hope you get to the root of the problem. Keep us posted on what you find.

As mine is an '08 it may not apply but I also have a buzz from 2400 to about 3100. But only under a bit of a load. If light on the throttle I don't feel it at all. No other vibes at other rpms or loads. I feel it in the bars, pegs and whole bike. More annoying than disturbing or concerning. But everyone's vibe o meter is different I guess. At the 16k service I will have the dealer retorque everything I suppose.

As an after thought, I have not had the RPM's on the new bike above 5K and there was no noticeable vibration. For those who are more mechanically inclined than me, is it a good thing to run the engine up to red line? Is there any benefit to the health of the engine? I do not recall ever doing it on any bike or car I have ever owned. I may have done it on rental cars!!

As an after thought, I have not had the RPM's on the new bike above 5K and there was no noticeable vibration. For those who are more mechanically inclined than me, is it a good thing to run the engine up to red line? Is there any benefit to the health of the engine? I do not recall ever doing it on any bike or car I have ever owned. I may have done it on rental cars!!
During the run-in period, an occasional wind up to the red line is supposed to help oil consumption later in the life of the engine. Don't think it makes any difference, myself, but I did it "just because".

Probably an NEPRT subject.

Vibration, buzziness are all relative terms, as well as the level that is acceptable. Some people say there is no noticable vibration, others say there is.

Every one of these motors is the same and mounted the same, you will feel something, call it what you want, when you near 4000 rpm's. I've owned 2 and ridden two others representing all three generations. Its what people deem as acceptable versus what others deem as unacceptable is the difference. In the end, if we lined up a bunch of bikes of each generation side by side, had someone go from bike to bike, rev them to 4000 rpm, I'm pretty sure they would feel the same thing on pretty much every bike within each generation.

Its all about perception and tolerance.

The other thing I notice about my FJR is the 'howling' sound I get at 40mph and up from somewhere around the front end.

You'll all be thinking "that guy and his vibes and sounds!, get better ear plugs why don't you", but seriously, there is what sounds like a mechanically based, very noticeable 'howling' from the front wheel area at speed.
Everything on the front end checks out as normal and in good shape so there's no mechanical problems I'm aware of.

I heard the same sound on the other two 2013 FJR's I test rode at dealerships before buying my bike.

It't hard to tell if it's airflow based, or I'm hearing some 'derivative' mix of gearbox noise combined with front end airflow.

It doesn't bother me much past thinking "what is making that sound?", and on longer trips "wish I could track this down to understand or eliminate/reduce it".

The only front end, non-stock parts on my bike are:

I suppose it's possible one of these could have an airflow effect that amplified wind noise but given I heard similar on the stock dealer test rides, I'm not sure these are factors.

Anyone else hear something similar on your bike?


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