EOM 2008 Planning & Information

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Heidi's buying.
Wha... is there going to be someone else named Heidi coming to EOM?

I gotta tell ya, I'm thinkin' Fred is on to something here! Except we go to the Irish pub downtown - fabulous beer selection. And say, Heidi could even be the designated shuttle driver. I like it! All those in favor, please signify by saying "Aye"!!!! :clapping: :yahoo: :D

Heidi's buying.
Wha... is there going to be someone else named Heidi coming to EOM?

I gotta tell ya, I'm thinkin' Fred is on to something here! Except we go to the Irish pub downtown - fabulous beer selection. And say, Heidi could even be the designated shuttle driver. I like it! All those in favor, please signify by saying "Aye"!!!! :clapping: :yahoo: :D
Mmmmmmm, draft Guinness. I just can't resist. I'll even walk it if it's within a couple miles, especially since Heidi's buying. :yahoo:

You know it's not every day you get to sit down at an Irish pub and have a couple pints with some good friends, especially when you know who is buying. AYE!

Heidi's buying.
Wha... is there going to be someone else named Heidi coming to EOM?

I gotta tell ya, I'm thinkin' Fred is on to something here! Except we go to the Irish pub downtown - fabulous beer selection. And say, Heidi could even be the designated shuttle driver. I like it! All those in favor, please signify by saying "Aye"!!!! :clapping: :yahoo: :D
Now that's such a great idea I'm trying to figure out how I can bifurcate myself and be in Lewisburg and Seattle at the same time?


ZOOOMM has reserved us (me and him) a room so we are expecting to come along for the ride! YIPPEEEEEE......

ZOOOMM has reserved us (me and him) a room so we are expecting to come along for the ride! YIPPEEEEEE......
WoooHooooo! Iris and Jim are coming to play!

Now all we have to do is get Grumpy to ditch that whopin megacruise thingy and we can have an EOM-06 reunion ride.

Hey Iris, try to stay on the main road this time, will ya?


Sweet, motogp in IN. then EOM 08.

Think I'll just take the whole week off and do some serious milage!

I'll be there, as long as I don't blow my back out again the week before!!!!

To my S.O.: There will be no planting of trees prior to EOM this year!

Well, I have been really keeping a low profile on the forum and actually never attended any of the EOMs, or other FJR gatherings (except a gathering in Waynesboro many moons ago) for that matter. I did, however, follow all the gatherings online and read how much fun you guys had.

Since the EOM 2008 is practically only spitting distance away (90 miles) for me, it looks like I might be around for that one.

Howdy Ingo, not long ago I was wondering if you were still around & part of the FJR gang. How's it going?

EOM is a huge amount of fun. Do come and join us,


Wow, still not much discussion about this topic? Jeez, it's so close... only a little over 5 months off. Wayne, you must be doing something right.

I must say that there IS more discussion on this board as opposed to the other two boards that I posted this topic on. Both have 0 replies... so, I guess that you people here are discussing this off the charts!

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What time is dinner on Saturday?

Will the name tags be ready if I show up on Tuesday?

Will someone please delete the routes from last year, all those curves scared me. :blink:

Can someone load the maps into my gps when I get there, I have a Mac and it's not compatible with Garmin.

Will there be any special door prizes for FJRFencer this year?

What time is the burnout competition in the parking lot?

Can we please impose a speed limit on Haulin Ashe in the parking lot?

Make sure to shine up your bike and bring out all of your bling for the posers competition on Friday night.

And lastly! Can we please have Scab as the MC again this year!!

Is that better Luvtoride?

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Wow Jason, you took my breath away. I'm soooo proud! :sadsmiley02: snif snif (sometimes... & unfortunately I am easily amused)

So, like... how about that jazzy registration site. (FYI, I don't actually KNOW that it's supposed to be jazzy... just a wild guess)

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Can we please impose a speed limit on Haulin Ashe in the parking lot?
I promise to keep all parking lot activity below triple digits this year. (Unless I'm riding someone else's bike.)


Is there a prize for best neons???
