Ever been spit on when cutting lanes

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Administrator of Transportation
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
Irvine, CA
My wife and I were splitting lanes in heavy traffic last night on the way to our fitness class in Orange when a guy in a red truck spit at me as I was passing him!! Has this ever happened to you? My instinct was to hit the brakes and wait for him but I took a deep breath knowing I had the wife on back and kept riding. Any thoughts on this and has this ever happened to you?

On a side note I met longrifle last night who was outside checking out my bike after the class. We talked for almost an hour after our class. Really cool guy and it was cool to meet fellow FJRforum people while out riding...

Not much I can think of besides giving him a good ol' fashion :****:

Unless you see him again sometime. He doesn't know what you look like off the bike.

Not recommended while two-up, YMMV

My wife and I were splitting lanes in heavy traffic last night on the way to our fitness class in Orange when a guy in a red truck spit at me as I was passing him!! Has this ever happened to you? My instinct was to hit the brakes and wait for him but I took a deep breath knowing I had the wife on back and kept riding. Any thoughts on this and has this ever happened to you?
On a side note I met longrifle last night who was outside checking out my bike after the class. We talked for almost an hour after our class. Really cool guy and it was cool to meet fellow FJRforum people while out riding...
As a recent transplant to CA, I'm still trying to wrap my head around being in a state that specifically passed a law to make lane splitting legal (at low speeds, like you described). For the first 4 months of my time here, I always sat in one of the on-ramp's normal lanes waiting my turn on my commute home, shaking my head when 2-3 bikes would whiz past me every day. Then, on the same day, I saw the news story about lane splitting, where they explained it had been legalized a few years ago, and had someone at work who rides tell me the same thing. It was like suddenly learning that it was legal to swipe candy at the gas station now and then...I ran out and tried it that night.

Still a little touchy if I have the bags on as I feel like a 6'-wide cow, but still doable unless someone else who believed as I used to tries to scoot over and block the gap. I can't say that I've had anyone spit yet, but I'm fairly new. It also might be due to the fact that San Diegans are total wussies about temperature. Anything colder than 67F and hotter than 84F are intolerable and results in seeing most cars with their windows up. I laugh and tell guys at work "pfft, I used to get the mail and/or shovel snow at the Ohio house barefoot because I was too lazy to put shoes on for a 15 minute task."

My wife and I were splitting lanes in heavy traffic last night on the way to our fitness class in Orange when a guy in a red truck spit at me as I was passing him!! Has this ever happened to you? My instinct was to hit the brakes and wait for him but I took a deep breath knowing I had the wife on back and kept riding. Any thoughts on this and has this ever happened to you?
On a side note I met longrifle last night who was outside checking out my bike after the class. We talked for almost an hour after our class. Really cool guy and it was cool to meet fellow FJRforum people while out riding...
I have my own "little" farkle for assholes like that, I have attatched a rare-earth magnet to the bolt on my clutch perch. To this I keep a couple of quarters for toll bridges etc., but is also a nice projectile to make a little ding/scratch on some idiot cager, when thrown. I thought of this last year when some moron in a nice Audi ran up alongside me as two lanes were merging and almost drove me into oncoming traffic. Next time, I'll just back off and give him a 25 cent donation to his asshole fund, just before I turn off to avoid him jamming his brakes or whatever retaliatory stunts he may try. :butcher:

Lane splitting has been legal in Ca. for a long time. I moved here in 1978 and it was legal then. It originally had to do with air cooled bikes sitting in traffic and overheating and burning up. IIRC this is what I was told way back then.

Lane sharing and motorcycle use of carpool lanes makes navigating California's busy freeways almost bearable.

On a ride from L.A. to Tucson a few years back, a passenger in a pick-up threw a beer bottle just in front of my front tire. It was raining, it was late, and I still had 200 miles to go, so I had to let it go. And luckily, there was no damage to the tire.

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Lane sharing and motorcycle use of carpool lanes makes navigating California's busy freeways almost bearable.
On a ride from L.A. to Tucson a few years back, a passenger in a pick-up threw a beer bottle just in front of my front tire. It was raining, it was late, and I still had 200 miles to go, so I had to let it go. And luckily, there was no damage to the tire.
Wait, we can use the carpooling lanes too? Remember, I just moved here, so be gentle, don't laugh too hard. In other states, like Minnesota where I bought the bike last year, Carpool lanes are marked to specifically list that bikes can use them. Seeing the absence of motorcycles in the list of vehicles on California carpool signs, I figured we weren't and that only 2-up+ vehicles were allowed.


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Wait, we can use the carpooling lanes too?
:D :D :lol:

Yes, you can.

As far as lane sharing, I can't remember it ever being illegal here. That's not to say it wasn't at some time in my riding life, but I've been riding on California roads since I had my learners permit in 1967. Never knew for sure, but always thought it had its origins in a concern for air cooled motorcycle engines, too. I can remember being stuck on Pacific Coast Highway in the early '70s on my '69 BSA Thunderbolt as everyone exited the beaches to go home and it seemed that the ONLY way to have a bike engine survive that was to keep it moving between the nearly parked cars.

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To answer the question, I have been commuting daily in the Bay Area for almost 4 years now and have NEVER had anyone spit at me or make any aggressive move toward me while I was lane splitting. At worst people kinda nudge over in bumper-to-bumper traffic in a half-hearted gesture of frustration. A lot of people actually nudge over to the other side (which is why you don't want to split opposite sides of a lane from another rider). Of course in the Bay Area people are accustomed to bikes coming up between them in rush hour. I must admit, it's a cool feeling on the Bay Bridge in the morning when you're one of about 10 bikes flying up through traffic.

The other fun part about lane splitting (sharing for those who seem to think that's a better word) is going to the front of the line at a traffic signal on a 4-lane arterial thick with traffic, and seeing ahead of you across the intersection a half mile of wide-open space.

Like everyone else I've come across pricks (stay away from pick-up trucks!) and have fantasized about getting even. And I've considered carrying some heavy bit of steel that I could chuck, etc., as someone above pointed out with magnets and coins. But here's the thing--I always talk myself out of attaching something heavy and sharp on the bike (when I'm in my garage) and out of actually doing anything when some "incident" occurs. And the reason is simple: Because the consequences are just way too great.

If you piss someone off, yeah, you may easily get away. But guess what, when someone wants to kill you, they will get you. And in the process, your adrenalin goes through the ceiling, so you're making REALLY bad riding decisions, and both of you are now endangering other people, while engaging in a "road rage" incident that the police frown heavily upon. So the consequences range from your making a bad move and crashing, to the other guy catching you and hitting you, to having to confront the person on the side of the road, to an innocent person getting injured, to having to confront a judge in court.

Anyway, as I said, the consequences are WAY too much. So if I encounter a prick, I buck up and move on and feel thankful that I'm still upright and will be home for dinner. In an earlier thread I mentioned my riding Prime Directive--to pull up into my garage, get off the bike, and say, "That was a good ride." Road rage violates my PD.


P.S. I like the comment that the guy might just have been spitting out the window. I know I tend to interpret every move made by drivers around me as about me. As Fang says constantly--"Everything isn't about you!" Deciding that something wasn't intentional is a good way to stay cool.

P.P.S. I have been thinking that the world needs a universal hand signal for "I'm sorry." I think that would save a lot of people a lot of grief. What would that signal be?

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Geeze how many times do I have to say it???

There is no law that specifically allows lane sharing just as there is no law specifically prohibiting it and there never has been. It's simply allowed so long as it's safe to do so. Nothing about low speeds, ect., however lane sharing at high speeds is often considered unsafe and you could get ticketed if a cop decides to make that judgement call. But it wouldn't be a "lane sharing" infraction, it would be simply wreckless driving or some such.

And here's a tidbit sure to cause flames, shock and outrage: Lane sharing is not limited to motorcycles! :eek: They're just the only vehicles able to do so safely. For the most part.

Lane sharing is not limited to motorcycles! :eek: They're just the only vehicles able to do so safely. For the most part.
I've thought about that with Minis. Sometimes when I'm moving down the freeway in and out of traffic (uh, safely, rationally, legally, etc., usual disclaimers, but never ever like a "horse's arse")--where was I? Oh yes, sometimes when I'm--see previous sentence--I will see a car doing the same thing, and I think to myself, "What do you think you are, a motorcycle?" But when I see a Mini doing that I think, "Well duh!" :blink: 'Cause it's about the closest thing on the road there is to a M.C.


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Lane sharing and motorcycle use of carpool lanes makes navigating California's busy freeways almost bearable.
Wait, we can use the carpooling lanes too? Remember, I just moved here, so be gentle, don't laugh too hard.
The Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 [i:1016:a] says motorcycles can use HOV lanes, with a few exceptions. This includes the carpool lanes on on-ramps.

Geeze how many times do I have to say it???
There is no law that specifically allows lane sharing just as there is no law specifically prohibiting it and there never has been. It's simply allowed so long as it's safe to do so. Nothing about low speeds, ect., however lane sharing at high speeds is often considered unsafe and you could get ticketed if a cop decides to make that judgement call. But it wouldn't be a "lane sharing" infraction, it would be simply wreckless driving or some such.

And here's a tidbit sure to cause flames, shock and outrage: Lane sharing is not limited to motorcycles! :eek: They're just the only vehicles able to do so safely. For the most part.
Evil is right... There is no law in California outlawing any vehicle sharing a lane with another vehicle... meaning, if the lane was 24' wide instead of 12' wide you could put two cars in it legally as long as you were not unsafe.

Lane sharing and motorcycle use of carpool lanes makes navigating California's busy freeways almost bearable.
Wait, we can use the carpooling lanes too? Remember, I just moved here, so be gentle, don't laugh too hard.
The Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 [i:1016:a] says motorcycles can use HOV lanes, with a few exceptions. This includes the carpool lanes on on-ramps.
this is one of the reasons I am a member of the AMA. They are involved with educating the different states about the federal laws specific to what they must allow when accepting federal highway funds.

It appears they are helping those who are convicted under these laws and are reporting the victories in their magazine.

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The Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 [i:1016:a] says motorcycles can use HOV lanes, with a few exceptions. This includes the carpool lanes on on-ramps.
I thought California motorcyclist rights groups had to mount a campaign to get M.C.s to be allowed to use HOV lanes.... :unsure:

This is one of the reasons I am a member of the AMA.

IMHO, if you ride, you should be a member. Jb

I'm gonna start slapping you idiots who keep referring to the practice as 'lane splitting'. Jebus H. Crispies! Get this straight and get it straight right fucking now! It's 'lane SHARING'!!!!!!!! There are people in power who would really love to pass legislation against this privalage that we motorcyclists now enjoy - mostly because of support of the CHP - and they'll do it with enough pressure from the public. Let me see if I can get you morons to understand the difference between the two words and how the 'public' views each:

Splitting: "I'm gonna split your fucking head open!" "That mother fucker split right between me and that truck!" "****! I hate those motorcyclists! I hope they split there guts and spill 'em all over the road!"

Sharing: "Would you care to share my cake?" "I share lanes on my commute. It is safer for me, saves time, money, fuel and has less impact on road congestion."

Get it? Splitting = Bad, not nice. Sharing = Good, very friendly.

Sheesh... <_<

And Evil is correct; there is no regulation regarding sharing, but whether or not you get a ticket for doing so is completely at the discretion of the observing LEO. The rules of thumb are: Share when the traffic is stopped or crawling at no more than 20 MPH. Don't exceed 10 mph over the speed of the traffic that you share lanes with. Only share lanes when dotted traffic lines exist - never share where solid lines separate lanes. Always wave a 'thank you' when someone noticably yeilds more than their SHARE of the lane to you. See? Isn't that nice? They shared...

HOV lanes where opened nationally in the early 90's to motorcycles by Federal Law. States must adhere to this unless proof of hazard can be cited and good luck doing that.

Edit to add: Good for you for not reacting to the dumbass who cloofed on you. That's something else not to do when sharing... confronting the assholes who do shit like that.

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Edit to add: Good for you for not reacting to the dumbass who cloofed on you. That's something else not to do when sharing... confronting the assholes who do shit like that.
Good point! I mentally survive the actions of others of his ilk by opining that someone is related to this clown and has to suffer his (or her) foolishness/stupidity on a daily basis as opposed to my one-time experience.

Get it? Splitting = Bad, not nice. Sharing = Good, very friendly.
"I have a splitting headache." vs. "Would you share my ice cream?"

"I'm splitting firewood." vs. "I'm sharing my sandwich.""


Split: to separate lengthwise into parts; to divide into shares; to disunite

Sharing: to distribute in shares; to receive, use, etc., in comon with others

Words can change understanding and perception.

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For the well equiped road warrior I recommend these.

You can rig them to fit on the wrong foot thereby locating the spike on the outside. Also, spend the bucks and get the tree climbers. Though it's hard to tell from the pictures, tree climbers have a much longer spike for penetrating bark, fenders, tires, ect.

For entertainment and novelty use only :ph34r:
