Ever been spit on when cutting lanes

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If two vehicles are in one lane they are sharing it. (Two motorcylces side by side for example)

If a vehicle is between two occupied lanes of traffic they are spliiting those lanes.

Nothing to be ashamed of. Call a spade a spade and be done with it.

Leave the PC stuff for the folks in CA. Oh wait minute...

Never mind, carry on! :rolleyes:

When lane sharing goes wrong...
Click. :(
I'm too scared to click on the link. :scare: I'm going through a spooked period right now (which I do several times a year--that is, more paranoid than usual), and the least little thing makes me want to give up motorcycling because you have to be a crazy suicidal sumbitch to get in traffic on one of them death traps. And that would be tough since I don't really have access to a car.

I think what spooked me was that recent video of the car that shoved the bike off the road. Unlike all the glib "I saw it coming a mile away" folks, I had just the opposite reaction: "F**k! That would totally have been me!"

What was so sobering was just how fast that car came over. :eek: So it's caused me to ratchet down my commute passing tolerances. In short, I feel like every car is suddenly going to wrench to the side, which is a good thing (the feeling, not the car wrenching part).

[What's in the video? Judging by Mad's response, it ain't purddy....]


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JB, try the 35 mph lane share rule when going to work. If traffic starts to move over 35 mph don't lane share anymore. I guarantee it will give you a more relaxed ride into work and you will feel better about yourself and less stressed. And you won't be freaked out about riding your bike as you mention. I learned that when I was a professional truck driver if your driving 65 mph vs. 55 mph the time difference at your final destination is only a matter of a few minutes, not many. Just a suggestion. Be safe, PM. <>< :thumbsup:


That 580-238 interstate was my daily commute, from Livermore to Alameda. There were times that I lane "shared" with such glutial force that when I took off my shorts, a pile of cloth washers fell out. :clapping:

In one three month period there were three fatal accidents on the 580; an off duty cop on the 238, a Goldwing near 580-680 and one on 580 on the Altamont pass.

It got so bad that riders were emailing the governor's office about the state of traffic and lack of CHP officers. Anyhow, it's illegal here in Arizona and so it's a moot point for me. If you chose to "lane share" that's a responsibility you take on. Ride safe and as was said, keep your cool and both hands on the bars. It ain't worth your life.


So, speaking of lane sharing (sharing sharing sharing.... We clear here?)--

This afternoon after work I am heading up 2nd street to merge onto the Bay Bridge and head on home for the day. The lane to my left is just a long line of cars backed up to the signal. I'm in the lane to the right of that one, and my lane is largely free of cars because it's about to have to turn right at the light, so I'm not lane sharing but just driving along with the stopped cars to my left as I head to the red light. But there are cars all around, including parked to my right. The cars to my left could jump over into my lane, or a parked car might pull out, or a pedestrian might run through the backed-up traffic and right into my path. So I'm moving along in first gear with two fingers on the front brake and my right toe suspended over my rear brake.

Then I hear behind me some loud revving and getting louder. It's a motorcycle, and it's moving fast! Suddenly, between me and the stopped or crawling cars to my left about two feet away comes flying a dual-purpose bike doing a WHEELIE!

Okay, so I'll be honest here: I've got several problems with this :asshat2: motorcyclist:

  • First, in my book, there is no lower form of motorcyclist than one who jeapardizes another motorcyclists life or safety.
  • Two, it's just plain rude to pass another motorcyclist like that. Where's the brotherhood at work here?
  • Three, it's, you know, not smart city riding technique.
  • Four, even I occasionally admit that some riders' behavior taints all motorcyclists. This was an example.
So here's more proof that, within any population of humans--i.e., including the motorcycling population--there's always going to be a share of :asshat2: 's.
Just my .02 cents....


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So, speaking of lane sharing (sharing sharing sharing.... We clear here?)--
This afternoon after work I am heading up 2nd street to merge onto the Bay Bridge and head on home for the day. The lane to my left is just a long line of cars backed up to the signal. I'm in the lane to the right of that one, and my lane is largely free of cars because it's about to have to turn right at the light, so I'm not lane sharing but just driving along with the stopped cars to my left as I head to the red light. But there are cars all around, including parked to my right. The cars to my left could jump over into my lane, or a parked car might pull out, or a pedestrian might run through the backed-up traffic and right into my path. So I'm moving along in first gear with two fingers on the front brake and my right toe suspended over my rear brake.

Then I hear behind me some loud revving and getting louder. It's a motorcycle, and it's moving fast! Suddenly, between me and the stopped or crawling cars to my left about two feet away comes flying a dual-purpose bike doing a WHEELIE!

Okay, so I'll be honest here: I've got several problems with this :asshat2: motorcyclist:

  • First, in my book, there is no lower form of motorcyclist than one who jeapardizes another motorcyclists life or safety.
  • Two, it's just plain rude to pass another motorcyclist like that. Where's the brotherhood at work here?
  • Three, it's, you know, not smart city riding technique.
  • Four, even I occasionally admit that some riders' behavior taints all motorcyclists. This was an example.
So here's more proof that, within any population of humans--i.e., including the motorcycling population--there's always going to be a share of :asshat2: 's.
Just my .02 cents....

Hey JB, hope you have a sense of humor here..
When I was younger, riding a Yamaha TT500 with high compression piston, hot cam, big carb, shaved down knobby tire on the front and a Metzler on the rear (can you say Street-Fighter), I LOVED to piss of guys like you and me are now, middle aged old phucks who think they rule the world..

I was young, sharp, and could not be stopped. Did I ever put another rider's life in jeopardy? Honestly, not that I know of. But Lord knows I did some pretty stupid ****. That all quit when one group ride went horribly wrong and good riders died. Not of my fault BTW. By then I was older and wiser.. 23? But, for a time, I'm sure I pissed off 'main stream riders' (you and me now) with what was viewed upon by them as 'aggressive, anti-social, threatening behavior'.. and, it never seemed dangerous at the time.

I ask you to look at your own riding style - could not some cage driver be saying the same thing about you as you, in your consideration, safely split lanes on your daily commute? The same way they perceive you, is the way that dual sport rider perceives you.. It's all a continuum..

Hey JB, I've had a few so if this offends, please just let it go, OK? :rolleyes:

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So, speaking of lane sharing (sharing sharing sharing.... We clear here?)--
Then I hear behind me some loud revving and getting louder. It's a motorcycle, and it's moving fast! Suddenly, between me and the stopped or crawling cars to my left about two feet away comes flying a dual-purpose bike doing a WHEELIE!

Just my .02 cents....

This is freaking me out because nearly the same thing happened to me today. This afternoon I'm heading east on the 10 between 2 rows of barely moving traffic. Like you, I'm being careful: I'm approaching the 110 turnoff, which is a left exit, and there's always a lot of spurting between lanes as the cell-phoners and tourists try to figure out which lane they should be in to get where they want to go. I hear an engine rev behind me, and it's a guy on a motorcycle wanting to pass. It's not like I can pull over--which I normally would--because I'm not in a lane. I'm in a three-to-four-foot-wide channel between two lanes, and there's barely room for me. And this guys revving his engine because he thinks he's at Laguna Seca and he wants to get by. And I want to let him by, but I can't pull into a proper lane because the cars are bumper-to-bumper. I could force my way between two cars and stop, but I'm not about to actually do that because, well, f**k this idiot. Then I spot a hundred-foot-opening where some twit hasn't filled every inch of available road space because he's reading the paper and doesn't see the car in front of him pull away. So I move over to let racer-boy by, and as he passes he yells, "Nice bike."

Which convinces me he's actually a pretty good guy after all.

Back in a previous life when I was a police officer, I mentioned in Dispatch one night how nice it would be to be able to slide through some of the downtown Minneapolis traffic once in a while. One of the deputies sitting there snorted at me and said he'd open his truck door and take me out. Why, I asked? "If I have to sit here, you have to sit here."


And here I was naive enough to think everyone wanted better traffic flow. So much for that vaunted illusion called "Minnesota Nice" that the folks up here are so proud of. I'll take L.A. traffic any day over these nitwits. And don't even get me started on the trucker I had to pass on the right shoulder the other day. I guess we'll call that shoulder splitting 'er, sharing.


...and as he passes he yells, "Nice bike."
Which convinces me he's actually a pretty good guy after all.
Great story, Pale: Suspenseful, with a surprise happy ending.

I always try to let bikes by, even if they're just moving marginally faster than I, because I start to grow larger juevos when there's a bike behind me and sometimes :glare: do stupid things.

BTW, do you keep your side bags on when commuting? I only wear them when I have a meeting that requires I swap out of riding gear before entering the building. Otherwise I keep my trunk on for commuting storage.


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Funny that an ******* in read truck swerved in front of me to prevent me from passing him jusat the other day i had to mash on the brakes to avoid hitting him. It was in jesrey so i think its safe to say its not the same guy, maybe a red truck cult idk, either way i was pissed and my wonderful idea was to sew a nail into my right hand glove with the pointy end coming out at my knuckle so that when somebady ever does that again, i can pull along side them and put my fist on their car as i slow down and let the pass me. Then id just activate my license plate cover and speed away faster than they will ever go in a red pickup truck

I've never been spat upon while lane sharing.

I've never been pissed at JB or DC.

I think retaliation is a dangerous thing when you are on a bike and the next level of retaliation might be playing bumper cars with cagers.

I think pick-up truck drivers are more likely to take exception to lane sharing except in the Bay Area. In the Bay Area cargo van drivers seem bent on squeezing the space for sharing.

I think the asshats are rare, and that you have to assume everyone is one until you know they are not.

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