Ever been spit on when cutting lanes

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Edit to add: Good for you for not reacting to the ******* who cloofed on you. That's something else not to do when sharing... confronting the ******** who do **** like that.
Good point! I mentally survive the actions of others of his ilk by opining that someone is related to this clown and has to suffer his (or her) foolishness/stupidity on a daily basis as opposed to my one-time experience.

Get it? Splitting = Bad, not nice. Sharing = Good, very friendly.
"I have a splitting headache." vs. "Would you share my ice cream?"

"I'm splitting firewood." vs. "I'm sharing my snadwich.""


Split: to separate lengthwise into parts; to divide into shares; to disunite

Sharing: to distribute in shares; to receive, use, etc., in comon with others

Words can change understanding and perception.
You meant to say "snadwich" - right? :lol:

Ok, ok --- I know --------

For the well equiped road warrior I recommend these.
You can rig them to fit on the wrong foot thereby locating the spike on the outside. Also, spend the bucks and get the tree climbers. Though it's hard to tell from the pictures, tree climbers have a much longer spike for penetrating bark, fenders, tires, ect.

For entertainment and novelty use only :ph34r:
Oh Jeez !! I know those only too well :rolleyes: "Bashlins" -- best climbers on the market.

Sorry -- back on topic.

Lane splitting is legal in the UK. Car drivers treat you differently however. Some move out of your way, some move to block you.

If the ******* who spit did do it deliberately, his time will come. He will do it to an ******* on a bike and get a twatting....hopefully. For myself, I would have been as pissed off as you, but have decided to put these things down to experience and breathe deep and move on, in the knowledge that I am better off than him in many ways.

My wife and I were splitting lanes in heavy traffic last night on the way to our fitness class in Orange when a guy in a red truck spit at me as I was passing him!!
despite twn's obsessive need to make his causes the focus of your thread... :rofl: love ya, bro!!!!

you can best take the offender down with the law.

they spit at you... you have a witness... spit is a biohazard...

kalifornia must have some health and safety laws about biohazards....

A Mother of 2 was convicted of Felony Assualt with 2 years hard time for throwing a 'missle' into another car which turned out to be a soda cup with ice. She thought they were delibertly cut off twice. Get sucked into Road Rage with retailiation & consequences will be paid. TJ

From the California DMV handbook (https://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/hdbk/pgs55thru57.htm):

"it is not illegal to share lanes with motorcycles, it is unsafe"

Doesn't this mean that DMV "spefically allows lane sharing"? If not, I don't know what is.

Geeze how many times do I have to say it???
There is no law that specifically allows lane sharing just as there is no law specifically prohibiting it and there never has been. It's simply allowed so long as it's safe to do so. Nothing about low speeds, ect., however lane sharing at high speeds is often considered unsafe and you could get ticketed if a cop decides to make that judgement call. But it wouldn't be a "lane sharing" infraction, it would be simply wreckless driving or some such.

And here's a tidbit sure to cause flames, shock and outrage: Lane sharing is not limited to motorcycles! :eek: They're just the only vehicles able to do so safely. For the most part.
From the California DMV handbook (https://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/hdbk/pgs55thru57.htm):
"it is not illegal to share lanes with motorcycles, it is unsafe"

Doesn't this mean that DMV "spefically allows lane sharing"? If not, I don't know what is.

Geeze how many times do I have to say it???
There is no law that specifically allows lane sharing just as there is no law specifically prohibiting it and there never has been. It's simply allowed so long as it's safe to do so. Nothing about low speeds, ect., however lane sharing at high speeds is often considered unsafe and you could get ticketed if a cop decides to make that judgement call. But it wouldn't be a "lane sharing" infraction, it would be simply wreckless driving or some such.

And here's a tidbit sure to cause flames, shock and outrage: Lane sharing is not limited to motorcycles! :eek: They're just the only vehicles able to do so safely. For the most part.
Ok troublemaker I'll say it again. There is no law that specifically allows lane sharing.

A line from the DMV handbook does not constitute a law but it states what I already said. It's allowed.

Can we move on now? Sheesh! :glare:


Lane splitting has been legal in Ca. for a long time. I moved here in 1978 and it was legal then. It originally had to do with air cooled bikes sitting in traffic and overheating and burning up. IIRC this is what I was told way back then.
I was told lane-splitting wasn't illegal in California because the many motorcycle cops here, including the California Highway Patrol, want to be able to split lanes as they cruise the freeways searching for do do-badders.

Wait, we can use the carpooling lanes too?
you can use the carpool lanes anywhere in the country. it's a federal requirement for any state that used federal funds in the building of the road.

as for paying back some knucklehead who spits or squeezes you while your sharing. not wise. he has a steel cage to protect him while he runs your ass over. much better to bend with the wind and remain unbroken by its passage.

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If someone walked up to you and spit on you, it would be an assault. If you have a witness and a license number call the Police and file a complaint.

Now, can someone give TWN his meds please. :)

What, WMD's? Women of Mass Debauchery? So, what you're saying is that I'll finally realize a profit from my mad pimpin' skills if I can get the MiB's to score? Kewl!
