Ever Touched a Knee Puck Down?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?
I'd put this in the NEPRT area where it probably belongs, but I have to admit I can't remember anybody ever bringing it up before. Right up there with somebody starting a thread asking how to lower the headlights further because they keep getting flashed by oncoming traffic when they do power wheelies. I guess it just never, ever occured to me to even ponder if it was possible....let alone why.

Congrats jburleigh. You're the undisputed FJR knee dragging king and you cock is bigger than everybody's combined.

Boy they (the guys that post all day) didn't like that question to much huh. Callin' you a noob too!!! The nerve. Hahaha. Maybe you should get a new job where you can sit in front of a cpu all day and post about dudes cocks to get some credibility? It is a forum...

with that sticky stippled seat (06) I cant even get over enough to get a butt cheek off the seat. Plus I am both inseam and vertcally challanged and probably could not drag a knee without going down a ladder or using repelling gear. All that said: if you or someone you know has a picture dragging a knee on a Feejer I would sure like a pic to frame.

I'd put this in the NEPRT area where it probably belongs, but I have to admit I can't remember anybody ever bringing it up before. Right up there with somebody starting a thread asking how to lower the headlights further because they keep getting flashed by oncoming traffic when they do power wheelies. I guess it just never, ever occured to me to even ponder if it was possible....let alone why.
Congrats jburleigh. You're the undisputed FJR knee dragging king and you cock is bigger than everybody's combined.
Iggy, my man, you've outdone yourself! That one drew a boatload of snot! :lol: Kudos! :good:

with that sticky stippled seat (06) I cant even get over enough to get a butt cheek off the seat. Plus I am both inseam and vertcally challanged and probably could not drag a knee without going down a ladder or using repelling gear. All that said: if you or someone you know has a picture dragging a knee on a Feejer I would sure like a pic to frame.

Check the post currently up on the Images catagory. I don't know if his knee is down, but it's pretty damn close, I'd say.

I want to see more than one frame with the puck down. I would require multiple sequence frames or video to see that the puck made contact and his crazy ass did not!

Besides, like someone said earlier. I am vertically challenged enough and lack the hip rotation of youth, to be able to get that much leg out without "assistance".

And I HAVE to ask... What is "cowbell"???

I want to see more than one frame with the puck down. I would require multiple sequence frames or video to see that the puck made contact and his crazy ass did not!
Besides, like someone said earlier. I am vertically challenged enough and lack the hip rotation of youth, to be able to get that much leg out without "assistance".

And I HAVE to ask... What is "cowbell"???

Follow this link and track back to 172:

These were taken just before he crashed, but they are cool photos!


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Man, I hate to say it... but you guys need to ride more and watch less TV.

I recognized the avatar, but had NO idea that was Will Farrell. Now it all makes sense, in a strange and twisted way!

Thanks for the cowbell education. Somehow I feel closer to everyone now. Oh, wait, that made me very uncomfortable and I can't get this damn ringing to stop!


Hey what ever happened to " cut down the dogpiles and be nice to the new guy?" Not only are you guys kickin his butt, but each others. Man I love this place. You can't get entertainment like this on T.V....More Cowbell please....... :yahoo: PM. <>< :clapping:

Hey what ever happened to " cut down the dogpiles and be nice to the new guy?" Not only are you guys kickin his butt, but each others. Man I love this place. You can't get entertainment like this on T.V....More Cowbell please....... :yahoo: PM. <>< :clapping:
Because this has become the motorcycle forum version of the UFC :assassin:

Welcome to the octagon. And definitely,....................................................MORE COWBELL!!! :lol:
