Ever Touched a Knee Puck Down?

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Maybe you should take the FJR to a race track and try scrapping the knee .The road is not where you want to be fully extending you cornering ability funny things happen like a patch of oil, damp wet leaves on a road early morning , pot hole in the road on your line , loose gravel , animal runs out , car crosses over the centre line ,etc.

Riding is a risk ,you choose how much of your life you risk . Just remember funerals are no fun for your family .

I also had on my back protector and, if you look carefully, knee pucks. Now, I like to practice hanging off on roads like that, and I scrape the pegs all the time. But for me, to date, the pucks are really strictly to cover up the big round patch of velcro stuff on the pants. Because I can't ever get 'em too close to the ground, let alone scraping. Maybe I'm not leaning off enough.
So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?

Yeah, maybe you should lean off more. And maybe you should do other stuff ending with .... off too :yahoo:

Of course we all have our own guidelines. Me, I won't ride on the street with anyone who thinks touching a knee down on the street is cool. Maybe the best use for your knee pucks is to hold one between your teeth, that will stop you talking bullshit. :lol:

Yeah, maybe you should lean off more. And maybe you should do other stuff ending with .... off too :yahoo:
Of course we all have our own guidelines. Me, I won't ride on the street with anyone who thinks touching a knee down on the street is cool. Maybe the best use for your knee pucks is to hold one between your teeth, that will stop you talking bullshit. :lol:
Jeez...Lighten up! :thumbsdownsmileyanim:

I also had on my back protector and, if you look carefully, knee pucks. Now, I like to practice hanging off on roads like that, and I scrape the pegs all the time. But for me, to date, the pucks are really strictly to cover up the big round patch of velcro stuff on the pants. Because I can't ever get 'em too close to the ground, let alone scraping. Maybe I'm not leaning off enough.

So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?

Yeah, maybe you should lean off more. And maybe you should do other stuff ending with .... off too :yahoo:

Of course we all have our own guidelines. Me, I won't ride on the street with anyone who thinks touching a knee down on the street is cool. Maybe the best use for your knee pucks is to hold one between your teeth, that will stop you talking bullshit. :lol:

Dude who the F*ck are you?? The guy wants to ask a question about a knee puck...whats it to you? Knee puck between your teeth??? Its not even funny...maybe if it was funny...but its not...not even clever. Chill.

Dude who the F*ck are you?? The guy wants to ask a question about a knee puck...whats it to you? Knee puck between your teeth??? Its not even funny...maybe if it was funny...but its not...not even clever. Chill.
He's not the first to call him on the knee puck, even harshly. Heck, even the admins piled on. I personally have tried to be fairly nice and respectful about it.

However, there are a lot of people crashing (no, I don't want to be known as the "why are we crashing" guy, but it's a hard subject to avoid around these parts), and I think it is worth noting that behavior like this (knee puck dragging), on a bike like this (a sport tourer), in a place like this (the street) is why most of it happens.

We like to think it's mostly that guy in the cage who takes us out, when in fact more often it is self inflicted--even when it isn't "our fault."

I find the topic rather squidly myself.

Is it a "to each his own" type thing? I dunno, I think it is reflected in my insurance rates and the common perception of motorcyclists.

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Hey Grevious, how's your BP? Feeling any better?
Thanks for asking, dude. It never got as bad as it has in the past, so that's good. Taping my eye shut at night still, I'm kind of in a holding pattern as far as movement goes. I expect it to improve slowly over the next couple of weeks, and hopefully, I'll have enough motor control in my right eye to afford riding with the guys coming down to Barber's in a couple of weeks. I've ridden it a couple of times after dark where the squinting isn't critical--just to get it up to temps and run it a little.

Hope you read this before Ingacio removes it for "hijaacking."

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Jeez...Lighten up! :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
Dude who the F*ck are you?? The guy wants to ask a question about a knee puck...whats it to you? Knee puck between your teeth??? Its not even funny...maybe if it was funny...but its not...not even clever. Chill.

Um, guys? Please note the use of smilies in TestPilot's comments. Though they may express his real feelings, he has added some tongue and cheek busting in there and balanced that with the smilies. I got his point, toot sweet and even chortled a bit. Too, he hails from Oz and as such, is saddled with that wacky Aussie humorous elbowous that we sometimes find hard to understand.

-Brother Gandhi

=======> :grin: <========

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OK...lets define street. If you are talking about city streets w/ high traffic volume; I'm in agreement. If you are including rural/mountain riding, w/ significantly lower traffic volume, I stand my ground. I make long day trips to get to locations like Deal's so that I can push my bike to its limits. On that front i say; to each his own.

Um, guys? Please note the use of smilies in TestPilot's comments. Though they may express his real feelings, he has added some tongue and cheek busting in there and balanced that with the smilies. I got his point, toot sweet and even chortled a bit. Too, he hails from Oz and as such, is saddled with that wacky Aussie humorous elbowous that we sometimes find hard to understand.
-Brother Gandhi

=======> :grin: <========
TWN - you got it in one :D Yes, it expresses my real feelings, yes, I tried to lighten it up, and I wanted a response - IT WORKED :yahoo:

And to MotorSWATcop - mate, a street is a street - an environment where other users have a right to be riding/driving, where people are not all going the same direction, and where roadside 'furniture' is very unforgiving. There are some things I don't want to associated with on the street, and trying to touch down a knee puck just happens to be one of them :)

After wading through all the gays comments I did see a few valid yes answers to the question. Apparently the gay faction doesn't ride enough to give valid answers. Sounds like a few with balls have put a puck to the pavement on the FJR.. :assassin:

After wading through all the gays comments I did see a few valid yes answers to the question. Apparently the gay faction doesn't ride enough to give valid answers. Sounds like a few with balls have put a puck to the pavement on the FJR.. :assassin:
The guy who crashes and dies while overheating a turn, or entering a turn at the limit of traction, only to find he needed some in reserve because of a little patch of sand, also "had balls."

I'm not in it for guts, glory, and chicken strips. In fact, I thought I was done with riding because of the risks involved, but I obviously have since decided that I can get my risk level down to a manageable level.

Maybe it's a good idea to get a track bike and some track time (a used 600 series CBR would be a blast on the track, and probably fairly easy to find fairly cheap) if you just gotta explore the limits. That's not "balls," that's just smart.

Grievous angel....despite what others might say....if your dragging the knee pucks,your riding without a buffer for emergencies (the unsuspecting shit that just HAPPENS)....rule of thumb is never more than 7/10's on the street....but what the f@#k do I know with 44 years in & still alive & street riding....a BIG +1 on the track bike....if the need for speed, balls to the wall, WFO riding needs to be done....that's where to do it....just my opinion....& I've been told I don't know s@#t....have a good one....

I was not referring to draggin' anything on the street, just the ability to do it on an FJR. And yes, a track bike is in order if you're the draggin', balls out kind...

Skoot.....putting your knee down while crashing does't count.....but with your last answer....shouldn't you up....your meds?.... :blink: .....

With my 40 + years of riding, I don't think you want to compare...I was riding before you were born...

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Dang. Some of you guys are pretty harsh. Ya know? I too agree that the street is not a place for maximum cornering? Who ever said he was going to do that? All he asked if anyone has touched a knee down on an FJR and if it was even possible. I think thats fair enough. I can put a knee down at 25 mph and I hardly consider that maximum cornering.

With that said...

As has been posted, it's completely possible to get a knee down on an FJR. However, I think it also depends a little on your inseam. I am a shorter than average guy at 5'7" and I REALLY have to get it over to touch down. Much taller friends of mine can touch a knee down at 10 mph slower and keep the same line I do.

Your bike's limit include of course dragging hard parts but look closely at the front tire. Be mindful of how close you are getting to the edge. If you've got a 1/2" of new and unused rubber on the edges, your bike can lean quite a bit further (unless you're dragging hard things). The rear tire can actually be ridden on the edge and slightly over. Unfortunately, the front tire does not share the same luxuries. If you go past the edge, you're most likely going down. (BTW, I think this has something to do with the rise in FJR crashes, but thats a different thread)

Good luck on getting that knee down. I remember the first time mine touched down. Scared the crap out of me. :rolleyes: As the others said, just be safe and use your head. Practice being smooth, get a little faster, no pressure on the bars, lead with your shoulder, AND KISS THE MIRROR. It will happen. :D

Have fun and be safe!
