Ever Touched a Knee Puck Down?

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Jesus. :rolleyes:
Resisting the urge. Sitting on hands.
As am I..... :lol:

Pretty funny stuff... when Skoot's all healthy, perhaps we should line 'em up and see who's got the riding stamina for, say, 24 hours..... :lol:

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Dang. Some of you guys are pretty harsh. Ya know? I too agree that the street is not a place for maximum cornering? Who ever said he was going to do that? All he asked if anyone has touched a knee down on an FJR and if it was even possible.
Not quite. From the original post:

So as you can see in this photo of moi (in the middle), I'm wearing zip-together leathers 'cause it was the weekend and we just ran Redwood Rd. to Skyline to Grizzly Peak to the Wall. <snip>

Now, I like to practice hanging off on roads like that, and I scrape the pegs all the time. But for me, to date, the pucks are really strictly to cover up the big round patch of velcro stuff on the pants. Because I can't ever get 'em too close to the ground, let alone scraping. Maybe I'm not leaning off enough.
I'm not trying to beat anyone up . . but let's be fair about how we interpret what one is saying.

Grievous angel....despite what others might say....if your dragging the knee pucks,your riding without a buffer for emergencies (the unsuspecting shit that just HAPPENS)....rule of thumb is never more than 7/10's on the street....but what the f@#k do I know with 44 years in & still alive & street riding....a BIG +1 on the track bike....if the need for speed, balls to the wall, WFO riding needs to be done....that's where to do it....just my opinion....& I've been told I don't know s@#t....have a good one....
+1 to everything, and I'm glad I'm not alone.

I've had a kid in between having motorcycles (the kid being the reason I thought I'd "given up" on them in the first place), so perhaps my focus has shifted quite a bit.

The notion of a track bike is very appealing--I live near enough to Barber's (home of an AMA race) to make that happen. I personally think I would have a good time out there on an SV650 or an SV1000 or something like that, as the all-out bikes just don't really appeal too much to me.

Dang. Some of you guys are pretty harsh. Ya know? I too agree that the street is not a place for maximum cornering? Who ever said he was going to do that? All he asked if anyone has touched a knee down on an FJR and if it was even possible.
Not quite. From the original post:

So as you can see in this photo of moi (in the middle), I'm wearing zip-together leathers 'cause it was the weekend and we just ran Redwood Rd. to Skyline to Grizzly Peak to the Wall. <snip>

Now, I like to practice hanging off on roads like that, and I scrape the pegs all the time. But for me, to date, the pucks are really strictly to cover up the big round patch of velcro stuff on the pants. Because I can't ever get 'em too close to the ground, let alone scraping. Maybe I'm not leaning off enough.
I'm not trying to beat anyone up . . but let's be fair about how we interpret what one is saying.

I just ran to the fridge and back (unscathed). I also hung off my seat to do figure 8's in a box at the advanced MSF course. One time I even took my hands off the bars. :huh:

I still don't see any recklessness in his post. Doing a run between Point A and Point B doesn't mean track speeds and neither does "practicing" hanging off. Cooking tires and backing in the rear isn't required to "hang off", "drag parts", or even "run" from one place to another. However, I do think this guy is working to improve his riding abilities and was asking a question to further advance his technique and skills.


To brag a litle:


Just to prove, that even joe average can do it.

(on the bike on right/down picture it feels more natural than on FJR :)

If anyone is interested, here is a bit more pictures:


Well skooterg since you asked, I completed an Arizona In State 1000 mile IBA ride Oct 1 using secondary twisty roads mostly, is that recent enough ?

Well skooterg since you asked, I completed an Arizona In State 1000 mile IBA ride Oct 1 using secondary twisty roads mostly, is that recent enough ?
Well, first of all, you missed my "not in the last two weeks" qualifier, :p but as to your question: Sure. That's recent enough. I am on the FTRG website also and read of yours and the other's accomplishments. Way to go!

Seriously, that is something you should be proud of. Wish I could have joined you all.

Now, do several of those in a summer, and throw in a couple BBGs for good measure.


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Great pics, but what's up with the guy on the right in THIS picture??

Is it just the camera's perspective or is he getting ready to mow the lawn?
Well he's a she (girl) :)

Just camera's perspective, but the bike she ride on that picture is ducked up with the tape as it suffered some trauma previos weekend on Panonia ring. No injury to the driver thoe. Just to illustrate why some things are better done on track than on road.



So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?

JB, finally, your question is answered. "YES" you can drag a knee puck on a FJR per Mr. gody. "WHERE" you drag this puck seems to be the real question per the board members, on the street or on the track? Using the common sense God gave us will determine when and where this practice can be done safely. Just have a safe ride and continue to excell in your riding abilities. This is what is appealing to me about this sport is to test our abilities and to learn, having fun doing it but staying alive while doing so. That is the key...PM. <>< B)

If anyone is interested, here is a bit more pictures:

Great pics, but what's up with the guy on the right in THIS picture??


Is it just the camera's perspective or is he getting ready to mow the lawn?
What we're looking at straight on is a 'cut-through'. The track layout they are running heads off to the right (as we look at it) where the other bike is heading - but it does look like it is off to mow the lawn :D Funny perspective is added to by the FJR being quite wide out on the corner.

Nice video and looking smooth!

(I sure hope no one tries that on the street at those breakneck speeds. :rolleyes: )
