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No worries. Got a ride home and rigged up a spare battery in my tank bag then went back for the recovery as the sun was going down. Good thing too! 2" of wet snow on the ground this AM! :(
I'm jealous as hell. Total mileage for 2009 = 0. It was -30 AGAIN this morning. Dammit, I expect this kind of weather in Jan and Feb, but March usually warms up and I can look forward to getting the scoot on the road for April. No sign of <twitch> spring anywhere.

I'm this > < close to recreating parts of the Shining.

Thanks Bungie...just got my updated copy.


BTW, gonna ride this Saturday...40s F and rainy. :clapping: :clapping:

:yahoo: :yahoo:

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Many of you have a received a request to help me match up Email's with forum handles. So far, the response has been great with well over half replying. Not all Assistance list participants will receive the request - just the vast majority :D Basically, if you've signed up, or, made contact with me since I took it over the list - I have your email address and you were left out of the request.

That being said, if the request hasn't showed up in your inbox, please check your Spam folder.

Much thanks in advance!

Just wanted to point out how helpful this list can be. I blew out a tire on I-40 on the return leg of a NY-TX-NY trip on Tuesday, and was stuck on the side of the highway with the 18-wheelers passing by way too close for comfort at 75 MPH.

I couldn't find a local dealer, and started dialing the North Carolina list members for help. The first guy I called, JeffAshe, wasn't anywhere near me, but immediately started trying to locate a nearby dealer with the right size tire in stock. Thanks Jeff!

In the end, a couple of guys on Harleys stopped to help out and try to plug the tire so I could get to the dealer (the dealer eventually sent out a couple of guys in a pickup to pick up the bike - kudos to Larry and Scott at Great Western Cycles in Statesville, NC). However, it was very reassuring to know that I had a number of people that I could call for help, especially since my technical skills are somewhat less than up to snuff.

Y'all done a great job!

I couldn't find a local dealer, and started dialing the North Carolina list members for help. The first guy I called, JeffAshe, wasn't anywhere near me, but immediately started trying to locate a nearby dealer with the right size tire in stock. Thanks Jeff!
Man, you couldn't pick a better guy to deal with tire problems than Jeff (aka: Michelin Man). LOL!

Glad to hear it, and he, came through for ya.

At long and weary last we're in our new place so I just e-mailed a new set of contact data to Bungie.

I will be heading over to Nakusp on the 17th to be sure that all is ready for CFR (and I'm leaving in an hour to go ride to Nakusp and Kaslo today with some new pals and to see where DOT is digging or paving!)

The sacrifices I make for y'all! :rolleyes:

updated my info.

sent request to get a copy of the list before CFR if possible.


Fairlaner, Auburn.. Mem. Everybody was sent the list in the last 24 hrs. Please check your inboxes!
