FJR Forum Ride to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur.

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Los Real Trece - The Royal Thirteen Forumites are back safe and sound from Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in Mexico. After riding in the rain for the first 3 days we finally got El Sol!

Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Lordy, this'll be an excellent ride report, Beemerdog. Don't let us down.
No repeat of the Copper Canyon ass shots please..
Just for you Bust: Full Frontal!

Los Real Trece - The Royal Thirteen Forumites are back safe and sound from Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in Mexico. After riding in the rain for the first 3 days we finally got El Sol!
Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Lordy, this'll be an excellent ride report, Beemerdog. Don't let us down.
No repeat of the Copper Canyon ass shots please..
Just for you Bust: Full Frontal!
Uhhh To quote Howie..

I may be dumb but I ain't stupid.

No way in HELL i'm clicking that!

Los Real Trece - The Royal Thirteen Forumites are back safe and sound from Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in Mexico. After riding in the rain for the first 3 days we finally got El Sol!
Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Lordy, this'll be an excellent ride report, Beemerdog. Don't let us down.
No repeat of the Copper Canyon ass shots please..
Just for you Bust: Full Frontal!
Uhhh To quote Howie..

I may be dumb but I ain't stupid.

No way in HELL i'm clicking that!
No worries Barry, majicmaker and 'Zilla will be clicking on my Irish Shillelagh for sure! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

Some Mexico Ride Reports to read until we post up our Baja ride!

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Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Oh! And I bet about 300 of those photos will actually be in focus!

Damn. He is back. My pleasant little vacation is over. Sure has been nice around here for the past 11 days.

Waiting for the pictures and ride reports; Don, Fred, Mary Elllllllen?

Dearheart - you know I don't do ride reports. I WILL, however, send you my photos. Do you want all 500+ of them? :blink:
Or the edited version ? :thumbsup:

(I had to delete the 'clothing optional' ones since we did a photo dump onto Brian's 'puter on Sunday :lol: )


Waiting for the pictures and ride reports; Don, Fred, Mary Elllllllen?

Dearheart - you know I don't do ride reports. I WILL, however, send you my photos. Do you want all 500+ of them?

Or the edited version ?

(I had to delete the 'clothing optional' ones since we did a photo dump onto Brian's 'puter on Sunday
Don't worry Dave, I kept a personal copy of those pics just for you! We Olde Fartes have to stick together, nobody else here will look out for we Elderly Perverted Reprobates!

I am waiting to see if in that group of 900 photos there is one of Mary Ellen soaked by the rain with a smile on her face...I'm betting that there isn't one...Those Canadians don't like anything but nice warm weather.

Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Some Mexico Ride Reports to read until we post up our Baja ride!
Thanks for the link to the BMWMOA ON stuff. I forwarded it to my sis & b.i.l. so they could read "Is Mexico Safe?"

They are going with us to Europe and are worried about 'safety', especially in Turkey.

Silly folks who don't understand that we're all gonna die. Get busy living!

Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Some Mexico Ride Reports to read until we post up our Baja ride!
Thanks for the link to the BMWMOA ON stuff. I forwarded it to my sis & b.i.l. so they could read "Is Mexico Safe?"

They are going with us to Europe and are worried about 'safety', especially in Turkey.

Silly folks who don't understand that we're all gonna die. Get busy living!
+1, Gunny; extremely well spoken Bret, I carry a lifetime of great memories of riding motorcycles in Mexico in my heart and my motto is also GET BUSY LIVING!

Haven't made it home yet. Rode yesterday from Ensenada to Green Valley, spent the nite with friends. Picked up Wife and Truck and am now at Mission Bay In San Diego. Gonna go out for Pizza, after 10 days of fabulous seafood and Mexican food not gonna risk spoiling it. 3200 miles on the FJR at FJR nominal speeds, epic ride for sure. Roomed with beemerdon the last nite in Ensenada, He's gonna have to quit looking at that Shillelgeh with his bifocals on. Just Sayin' and Nuff Said.

Looking forward to the post - ride - report...and keep it *G* since we're all such sensitive types...



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Every day was so exciting and really fun with 900 photos taken, Ride Report is out next week!

Some Mexico Ride Reports to read until we post up our Baja ride!
Thanks for the link to the BMWMOA ON stuff. I forwarded it to my sis & b.i.l. so they could read "Is Mexico Safe?"

They are going with us to Europe and are worried about 'safety', especially in Turkey.

Silly folks who don't understand that we're all gonna die. Get busy living!
+1, Gunny; extremely well spoken Bret, I carry a lifetime of great memories of riding motorcycles in Mexico in my heart and my motto is also GET BUSY LIVING!
Tough talk man.. Next time ya get to Mexico bring up Zilla.

Odds are ya ain't gonna return alive.

One too many tequilas in Ensenada, watching the SuperBowl with Don, Mary Ellen and Fred!
I'm thinkin' you might have been a little more messed up than the rest of us

I know those margaritas were huge but did they actually have tequila in them ?
Mi Querida Maria Elena: Since you personally drank all of the Tequila on the Baja Peninsula during your eleven day stay, the Tequila stocks were depleted! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

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