FJR Mileage Milestones

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I passed the 100K mark on my way out to SW-FOG on my '05. Almost 105K now that I'm home.

Congrats! Hitting 100k is quite the accomplishment.

I hit 75,000 this weekend on #2. Only 125k to go before I can join myself in the 200k room! :p

Updated the list today. Still no Gen II FJRs with 150k?

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Half way on being one of the cool kids. :yahoo:

Canadian FJR

Updated the list today. Still no Gen II FJRs with 150k?
Skooter, I'm pretty darn sure I'm past 150k on KrZy8. I had a moment of stupidity and lost all my Excel files which documented mileage across 3 instrument clusters. Until I can prove it to myself I'm not claiming it. I have pretty much every oil filter since new, each with date and mileage on it - am hoping to get an accurate number based upon them.
Small sampling..


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Half way on being one of the cool kids. :yahoo:
Congrats Canadian FJR! Except according to my calculations you still need 581.4 miles or 934.4 kilometers to hit 100,000 miles. ;)

I have pretty much every oil filter since new, each with date and mileage on it - am hoping to get an accurate number based upon them.
Dude! And I thought I was anal-retentive!

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I have pretty much every oil filter since new, each with date and mileage on it - am hoping to get an accurate number based upon them.
Oh how COOL!!! I've saved every toenail I've ever cut off! We can be sick, psycho, hoarding buddies together!!

I have pretty much every oil filter since new, each with date and mileage on it - am hoping to get an accurate number based upon them.
Dude! And I thought I was anal-retentive!
You ARE! I've been concerned aboot the YES warranty and decided early on to keep all 'evidence' and send it to Yamaha in a leaky bag if they ever challenged.. :****: :rofl:, I think I can piece together my actual mileage based upon I still have one plastic shard that indicated mileage post the instrument recall and should see a sudden drop in mileage on the oil filters after the deer strike.. ;)

Call me KrZy, but my methods work!

I have pretty much every oil filter since new, each with date and mileage on it - am hoping to get an accurate number based upon them.
Oh how COOL!!! I've saved every toenail I've ever cut off! We can be sick, psycho, hoarding buddies together!!
Stop it or I'll show you my used tire collection... or better yet ship them to you collect!
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He coulda used a motor a while back . . . . . You got one o' them saved somewhere???

So ya saved all them filters. How ya gonna prove they was actually on this bike? And where's all the oil? Huh? Huh? Now whatcha gonna do?

And why are you so hard on clusters? It took more than one to fix the MPG readout?

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So ya saved all them filters. How ya gonna prove they was actually on this bike? And where's all the oil? Huh? Huh? Now whatcha gonna do?

And why are you so hard on clusters? It took more than one to fix the MPG readout?
Would you believe I've actually saved a sample of every oil change too? With documentation of date and mileage?
Oh, instrument clusters? #1 original, with 17 mpg problem, replaced. #2 replaced by Bambi..


#3 still in place, thankfully.

I hope to have my mileage determined by this weekend. I just want it to be accurate.

SkooterG, do you think Yamaha would have/share info e.g. dates/mileage of recall work I could access?

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Half way on being one of the cool kids. :yahoo:

Canadian FJR

Yeah, but this is only half of the story. You have to actually SEE Scott's bike up close in person. You could never tell that it has 160k klicks on it.

It looks just like it rolled off the showroom floor.

Seeing how well preserved his '03 is has made me realize that, yeah maybe it is OK to wash your bike now and then.

Of course for Scott it's usually more now than then. :p

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He coulda used a motor a while back . . . . . You got one o' them saved somewhere???

So ya saved all them filters. How ya gonna prove they was actually on this bike? And where's all the oil? Huh? Huh? Now whatcha gonna do?

And why are you so hard on clusters? It took more than one to fix the MPG readout?
REJECTED -> Mr. Carver, there's no evidence of any crush washers present


Ben Dover

Yamaha Warranty Representive

Half way on being one of the cool kids. :yahoo:
Congrats Canadian FJR! Except according to my calculations you still need 581.4 miles or 934.4 kilometers to hit 100,000 miles. ;)
Shouldn't he show up on the 75,000 list until he goes for another day ride? Jus' sayin'!

I guess I gotta join the CBA as I only have 50,000 on my bike... km :(

of maybe I could buy a bike with 199000mi on it so I could ride it over the top!

2005 FJR owned since new, no issues to date other than fork seals. FJR's werent meant to do wheelies. ;) Only Amsoil in the motor.


Come on you 06 wankers - surely someone must be past top dog dcarver for 06 bragging rights. Doug? MartyO? Whose got the most miles on an 06?

150k list is growing. But for crying out loud, it's been over a year since I crashed my beloved DOW and stopped accumulating miles. Doesn't anybody want to join me in the cool kids club? :p
I am being conservative in my estimates to be fair.

On 3/8/2010 I posted 104,939 miles

sometime between, I had a HDD failure that crashed my log info - so, yes, I am recreating -

but I do have pretty good evidence -

On 3/20/2010 I have an oil filter scribed as 45,409

As of 9/20/11, the 3rd odo shows 77,043

Adding the delta miles, 31,634 (77,043-45,409) I think I end up with total miles of 136,573.

I'll look at hard records later (1st odo recall, 2nd odo deer strike) but I honestly think this is a low, if not fair number.

..not bad for a CBA guy, huh?


Hugs n' Kisses

(Tim would be proud)

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Put me at the bottom level, flipped 60,000 on the return from CFO. The bike will be sitting for

a month (Be riding the Dakar) while I get her ready for another ride. 60,000 miles sounds bad, I

know, but considering last May I flipped 20,000- she's headed in the right direction. ;)
Hit 70,000 on the return from the Great Lakes

Hit 80,000 somewhere east of Needles, CA

BUTT- unlike most of you "Odometer Photograghers"...

I took the bike to SkooterG himself for confirmation! :lol:

AND I see it paid off- He already updated it.

(Great meeting you Greg)

Put me at the bottom level, flipped 60,000 on the return from CFO. The bike will be sitting for

a month (Be riding the Dakar) while I get her ready for another ride. 60,000 miles sounds bad, I

know, but considering last May I flipped 20,000- she's headed in the right direction. ;)
Hit 70,000 on the return from the Great Lakes

Hit 80,000 somewhere east of Needles, CA

BUTT- unlike most of you "Odometer Photograghers"...

I took the bike to SkooterG himself for confirmation! :lol:

AND I see it paid off- He already updated it.

(Great meeting you Greg)

Hit 90,000 today... Within 60 miles of home. I think that is the first time

I have flipped a 10,000 mile mark so close to home. Now I must pay for all

my journeys, so the bike will see little action until July 2012. That stinks :angry2:

Come on you 06 wankers - surely someone must be past top dog dcarver for 06 bragging rights. Doug? MartyO? Whose got the most miles on an 06?

150k list is growing. But for crying out loud, it's been over a year since I crashed my beloved DOW and stopped accumulating miles. Doesn't anybody want to join me in the cool kids club? :p
I am being conservative in my estimates to be fair.

On 3/8/2010 I posted 104,939 miles

sometime between, I had a HDD failure that crashed my log info - so, yes, I am recreating -

but I do have pretty good evidence -

On 3/20/2010 I have an oil filter scribed as 45,409

As of 9/20/11, the 3rd odo shows 77,043

Adding the delta miles, 31,634 (77,043-45,409) I think I end up with total miles of 136,573.

I'll look at hard records later (1st odo recall, 2nd odo deer strike) but I honestly think this is a low, if not fair number.

..not bad for a CBA guy, huh?


Hugs n' Kisses

(Tim would be proud)
Come on you 06 wankers - surely someone must be past top dog dcarver for 06 bragging rights. Doug? MartyO? Whose got the most miles on an 06?150k list is growing. But for crying out loud, it's been over a year since I crashed my beloved DOW and stopped accumulating miles. Doesn't anybody want to join me in the cool kids club? :p
I am being conservative in my estimates to be fair. On 3/8/2010 I posted 104,939 milessometime between, I had a HDD failure that crashed my log info - so, yes, I am recreating -but I do have pretty good evidence -On 3/20/2010 I have an oil filter scribed as 45,409As of 9/20/11, the 3rd odo shows 77,043Adding the delta miles, 31,634 (77,043-45,409) I think I end up with total miles of 136,573. I'll look at hard records later (1st odo recall, 2nd odo deer strike) but I honestly think this is a low, if not fair number...not bad for a CBA guy, huh? :****:Hugs n' Kisses(Tim would be proud)
UPDATE - Doing the math, I need 90,470 on this odo for 150k.
