FJR Mileage Milestones

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Hasn't been a great year for riding with the new job and the move to Ohio but I did put her away today with 75,911 on the clock. I'm happy to say that Ohio is turning out to be better than I imagined in terms of roads (coming from from Salt Lake).

Happy Holidays everyone.
Back at ya, FjrVfr.


My guess, based on years of putting 30-40k miles a year on my cars, is that the folks that rack up the miles the fastest are the ones with (lengthy) commutes to work. A daily commute racks up a butt load of miles, but not so many smiles.
No offense my good friend Fred but I am getting pretty damn sick of this type of judgmental bullshit. Who the **** are you to tell me how I am supposed to enjoy riding my motorcycle? I'll ride it however I damned well want to and enjoy it however I want to. And I'll give you the same courtesy. Not all riders have the exact same approach to motorcycling so quit trying to judge my experience based on *your* ideal of riding.

Sorry, didn't mean to dump all on you but I have seen more of this sentiment lately from several peeps and I guess you can say it doesn't sit well with me.

So, what exactly did I say that was offensive?

That you can rack up a lot of miles by commuting and doing long distance riding?

Holy crap. You two guys need to chill out.

So, what exactly did I say that was offensive?

That you can rack up a lot of miles by commuting and doing long distance riding?

Holy crap. You two guys need to chill out.
Easy Fred, I'm not offended, nor slamming you. Just trying to correct a misguided belief you have. The wife put on 35k this last 12 months. True, she did ride in the IBR and that was 9k there along with another 1200 to get to the start and back from the finish, but the rest is just us riding for fun. Zero commuting.

Sure, some guys like Hans do commute a ton and rack up the miles, but the majority of the high mileage riders simply ride a lot. Trips and day rides and a steady diet of them. Your implication that what others do can't be fun miles is misguided. It may not be fun for you, but you haven't seen or experienced what I have, and vise versa. Your riding is no less fun than mine, and no more. Even Hans has fun commuting. How, I don't know, but he finds enjoyment in it, that is clear.

Greg's just being pissy. Sometimes it gets old hearing others that don't ride LD say how they think it can't be fun or must be boring. These are usually riders that rarely leave their home state and never cover more than a few hundred miles in a day. There is nothing wrong with what they do, they just don't have a perspective to grasp what the LD riders do and why we find it fun.

Greg's just being pissy.
Yeah, maybe. But just a little bit....... :p

So, what exactly did I say that was offensive?
Your words:

A daily commute racks up a butt load of miles, but not so many smiles.
Sorry Fred, but you are telling me how I ride my bike is no fun. Not only do I find that offensive, but 100% incorrect! YOU may not like to ride in certain ways, but don't include everyone else in YOUR definition of what is fun riding and not fun riding. I can figure that out on my own.

Other than that, you know I :wub: you in a hetersexual kind of way.

Listen Up Eric, Fred and Greg: You three do not want me to pull this car over and spank your asses! Now behave in that back seat damn it, you kids are giving your Papa a nasty ass headache!

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You must have skipped right over my last sentence.

I guess a lot depends on your definition of "fun"...
Perhaps, but when I read your whole post in it's entirety, I get: "I ride only fun miles but you guys that ride a lot of miles in a year ride a lot of crappy miles". It seems you went to great lengths to say that.

Reading through this thread makes me wonder just what kind of miles is it that these high mile machines are racking up?

My guess, based on years of putting 30-40k miles a year on my cars, is that the folks that rack up the miles the fastest are the ones with (lengthy) commutes to work. A daily commute racks up a butt load of miles, but not so many smiles.

Probably the second best way to accumulate odometer clicks, and do it in a hurry, is those Iron Butt guys that will go out and go 1000 miles a day for several days in a row. :huh: A week long "vacation" could be ~10k miles.

I guess a lot depends on your definition of "fun"...
I guess I am guilty of the second method. Round trip to and from work is a whopping 13 miles.

If you cycle in Florida, sometimes you NEED to go long distances for a change of sceenery. So I

plan "Adventure rides". I love doing the 10/10ths. I may not "Enjoy" every mile, but I wouldn't

trade a "Bad" moment on the road for a "Good" moment doing something else. Some of the best

memories I have are the challenges I face on the road. Its also nice to not be limited by distance.

The long distance community is a great bunch. I will never forget a post by Cal24master (IIRC)

that explained the "Why" of LD riding. I say "To each- his own"

59,207 miles on my 2006. Sorry to interrupt this interesting discussion and get back to the point of the the original thread. :rolleyes:

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Who would have thought that one of the level headed mods has gotten dragged into this discussion where there is end in sight!

Maybe that is why I don't posted up my mileage... oh what is mileage anyway? :lol:

I ride because I enjoy riding...I do get more enjoyment out of riding twisties...but riding through a national park on my daily commute sure beats driving in the car ;)

The '07 is now at 121,000 miles as of today. Had to slow down to about 200 miles a week because temps are starting to drop into the 20s here in Ohio with some ice warnings. Had to cage it to work today because the battery decided to conk out on me this morning.
I'm still looking for a solution for the dinky battery problem, either by battery relocation or trying to put a dry-cell in there.

The '07 is now at 121,000 miles as of today. Had to slow down to about 200 miles a week because temps are starting to drop into the 20s here in Ohio with some ice warnings. Had to cage it to work today because the battery decided to conk out on me this morning.
I'm still looking for a solution for the dinky battery problem, either by battery relocation or trying to put a dry-cell in there.
You GO girl! Congrats on the miles, 100k achievement, and being a *REAL* rider!!!

My commute to work and back is the best part of my day. I love evading the Leo's. :ph34r: I travel through a nice set of twisties between the lakes watching the sun rise and set. Cota has to try this route for the rock some time. But then again my secrets would get out on the best roads around. ;) I am hoping to join the 50K club this spring.



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