fjrchik goes down in Antler, OK

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
I just saw Michelle's Facebook post and got a call from her.

She was passing 2 slow-moving vehicles when the one in the back decided to pass as well. It forced her to the edge of the road and it all went down-hill from there. She has 2 fractured ribs and other possible injuries... they are still checking her out. She's in the hospital in Antler, OK. Sounds like the bike took a tumble and touched on all four corners, but the most important thing is Michelle being ok.

I don't have any more information except that her iPhone is intact, but with a low battery and she doesn't have the charger. Don't fret if you don't hear from her for a while... she needs a recharge... as well as her iPhone.

Let's pe she has a quick recovery!

Oh, and the car in ack that took her out got the ticket... justice is a least on the right track.

Speedy recovery to Michelle.

As if the Cager didn't see her??? Another one, not paying attention to who and what is going on around them. Good for justice being on the right side of this one.


Antlers, Oklahoma

Duff, do you if this is where they've got her?

Thankful she's gonna be okay.
Not 100% sure, her Facebook post said he was in Antler, OK and I just talked to her briefly. She was getting more checks and had to go.

Damn it! I don't like to see posts like this. Hope the ribs are the only injuries.

Prayers for a quick recovery.


i noticed this on FB too; posted, if she can get to it, to let me or someone know if she needs transport home (her and the bike).

Just posted on FB:

"Am waiting on CT results of my abdomen, they found blood in my urine so they wanna make sure nothing is wrong with my kidneys. Yes she was ticketed, she pushed me off the left side of the road as I was trying to pass. The embankment was kunda steep, bike ended up in a culvert after low-siding. I went down on my right side and landed near the road. 8.5 years of accident-free riding shot to hell but ATTGATT saved my skin and hip!!"

Glad to hear she is relatively OK - scary stuff having a cage share your lane. Have to keep the forum jokers away from her while those ribs heal up!


"Can't do anything with the bike today. A local went and got his trailer and brought it into town to the police station. Tomorrow a tow truck will take it to nearest dealer for inspection, we are thinking Paris, Tx. From there I want it taken to Stadium for repairs if it's not totalled. Am praying so hard that it's not!!"

Best wishes for speedy recovery from Florida. I grew up in Oklahoma, but I had to look up Antlers, never heard of it. SE Oklahoma is . . . . . not like other parts.

Damn ,, tooo many of these posts ,,,,,, FJRchik ,, Take care and Get Well Soon,,,

Heck when I saw the title "FJRChik goes down" ,,, I thought it was going to be something I wanted to read,, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Get Well Soon...................

wishes for fjrchick a speedy recovery, hopefully the insurance of the cager will have to cough up enough dough for a comparable ride

but first things first, heal quickly...


Only met her once at the TWN day......... too much of this type of bad news lately....

Good MOJO / JUJU sent in that direction !!!!!!!


This is her last update on FB:

2 fractured ribs, very sore and bruised right hip. I don't think the bike is totalled. Leaking coolant on right side, rest seems cosmetic. Am in Antlers, OK at hospital waiting for cat scan of kidneys. Where's my drugs???!!!

Get better quick Michelle! Hope the tests come back normal.

