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i guess i'm in the market for an 09.

Hey M,

I-35 Yamaha in Lancaster has 2 09's on the floor and 3 in crates. The way they were talking yesterday, they may be ready to get rid of one. I am headed up there in a little bit for service. I will grease the ways for ya. ;)

(Ryan is a good one to have as a friend, isn't he? )

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Oh the ribs hurt today! Lemme explain a bit about the job situation. I am freelance graphic artist and I'm currently working at JCPenney's corporate office. I HAVE to come to work or they might get tempted to replace me. This is a great gig that I have had all year and it could go on for years and years. I have rearranged my life around it, rented out my house and moved closer to Plano because my place was just too far away. So I have to keep working here. And sitting a chair all day is not painful at all. Its the moving around I have to do when I get up from the mac that hurts like heck.

Janet: Thanks for scopin out the situation. I have no idea when I'll be ready but it's good to know where to start looking.

Gary: Yeah Ryan and I have already talked about going a different route and passing on the J&M. I loved having the CB and this thing has worked very well for me but I'd like to learn more about my other options. Having an intercom with the passenger is pretty pointless for me to. We'll definitely be talking more about how to do up the next one.

I'm not sure about buying it back. It's not like I'm in a position where I have a garage to put it in and obviously I'm not gonna be strong enough to work on it for awhile. My new apartment won't be ready until November so I won't have a garage stall until then. I haven't even heard from Shelters yet so I guess I have time on that one. Please keep the suggestions and ideas coming, this is all so new to me. I've read about it but never done anything like this before and I'm still trying to wrap my head around my choices here.

Honestly Michelle, I'm not sure it'll be worth it for you to buy it back. I did a quick lookup of all of the parts I assume you would need (ie new rear subframe, front stay, all new plastics, saddlebags, etc) came out $3500 new. Unless you're gonna do all of the work yourself, and you don't have any other issues, its gonna be an expensive repair. You could look on the used market for stuff, but then you're looking at it taking even longer to get it repaired as you look for the parts you need. Now if you had tons of free time, and enjoyed working on your bike, then its an option.

You probably will have plenty of time to think about this though. I would guess that even if her insurance calls you this week, you won't really hear an answer back from them on what they're going to offer you for about a month.

So until then, pop them pain pills and take it easy.

the darvocet doesn't seem to help much
those kinds of drugs don't make the pain stop but, taken in the right dosage, help you not care so much.

get well soon, Mich.

i'd agree with those who advised against buying it back. you can't fix it for a reasonable price unless you can do all the work yourself. some folks on here are willing to do that, some aren't. in the long run it's less frustrating to let it go and get something new. but yank off the russell and anything expensive because the adjusters won't give you jack for them unless you have all your receipts and then they pro-rate a lot of it down to less than you can get by parting them out. (btdt)

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the darvocet doesn't seem to help much
those kinds of drugs don't make the pain stop but, taken in the right dosage, help you not care so much.

get well soon, Mich.

i'd agree with those who advised against buying it back. you can't fix it for a reasonable price unless you can do all the work yourself. some folks on here are willing to do that, some aren't. in the long run it's less frustrating to let it go and get something new. but yank off the russell and anything expensive because the adjusters won't give you jack for them unless you have all your receipts and then they pro-rate a lot of it down to less than you can get by parting them out. (btdt)
Thanks Mark. Unfortunately the drugs don't make me loopy at all, I'd say they are killing somewhere between 35-50% of the pain.

I brought the russell home with me! I sure as hell don't want to give it up but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it. also took my GPS off the mount too. My adjuster already asked about both of them when he got to the bike yesterday. Had to send him pics of the seat for his report.

Try to find a used stock seat on ebay and give them that instead. Unless they are going to give you back the money you spent on the Russel, they shouldn't care.

Just tell him that stuff was on there before the crash, and it's gone now. Maybe he'll go out and comb through that tall grass looking for it, but I doubt it.

Well, whatever you choose to do, don't let the insurance company play games with ya. Keep us posted.


Just remember the cage was cited and at fault. If not for their actions, you would not be in this situation.

Their insurance has the responsibility to make it right. They have two options let you keep your russell or buy you a new one. Put your foot down and be insistant. The tables are turned in your favor when you are wronged. I had a coworker make the insurance rebuild a datsun pickup when they totaled it. She only insisted she could not afford to total the old and buy a new and stuck to her guns.

Good luck and get better.

the darvocet doesn't seem to help much
those kinds of drugs don't make the pain stop but, taken in the right dosage, help you not care so much.

get well soon, Mich.

i'd agree with those who advised against buying it back. you can't fix it for a reasonable price unless you can do all the work yourself. some folks on here are willing to do that, some aren't. in the long run it's less frustrating to let it go and get something new. but yank off the russell and anything expensive because the adjusters won't give you jack for them unless you have all your receipts and then they pro-rate a lot of it down to less than you can get by parting them out. (btdt)
Thanks Mark. Unfortunately the drugs don't make me loopy at all, I'd say they are killing somewhere between 35-50% of the pain.

I brought the russell home with me! I sure as hell don't want to give it up but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it. also took my GPS off the mount too. My adjuster already asked about both of them when he got to the bike yesterday. Had to send him pics of the seat for his report.
I got stock front and rear seat... Just let me know how stuff goes.

Get well quick the bike is a second thought.

ok wow, i let this morning's 6 am pain pill wear off, just to see how bad things really were. um yeah, OW!!!!! now there's some neck and shoulder soreness too. good lord. :dribble:
Hi Michelle, sorry to hear about your off-road adventure! As for the ribs and hip, btdt and didn't much like it. Between that and my triple pelvic fracture at last year's SFO, I got some pretty good drugs and did like you did - about once a week I backed off to sort of see where the pain level was. I think you have to.

If you need anything, please holler. I'm unemployed and looking for a reason to head down that way. Actually moving to San Antonio sometime soon and need to check it out. You're right on the way!

Take care, heal quickly, and start shopping for a new bike. :)

Michelle, Sorry about your misshap and glad to hear your o k. :clapping:

Get feeling better and go ride a go cart on a slick track. :yahoo:

Love my 09, It's all blacked out ninja, stealth lookin. I think you would enjoy building a new one too.

Keep workin hard, the job comes first. The rest will come easy.

Mix a little Jim Beam with your pills. :dribble:

See Ya, Steve
