fjrchik goes down in Antler, OK

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Damn!!! Sounds like (IMO, YMMV) you didn't drop enough gears to get by like an FJR should, like I did to a big-rig today that tried the same move. Don't give 'em a chance next time! And expect them to try that shit every time! They won't look for you until they feel you go under their tires.

Be careful around humor. Laughing can really hurt....

I just saw Michelle's Facebook post and got a call from her.
She was passing 2 slow-moving vehicles when the one in the back decided to pass as well. It forced her to the edge of the road and it all went down-hill from there. She has 2 fractured ribs and other possible injuries... they are still checking her out. She's in the hospital in Antler, OK. Sounds like the bike took a tumble and touched on all four corners, but the most important thing is Michelle being ok.

I don't have any more information except that her iPhone is intact, but with a low battery and she doesn't have the charger. Don't fret if you don't hear from her for a while... she needs a recharge... as well as her iPhone.

Let's pe she has a quick recovery!

Oh, and the car in ack that took her out got the ticket... justice is a least on the right track.
does she need a ride home?

I'm in Ft Worth, not very far.


817 400 0920 didn't go as I planned. <_< Thank you everyone for the kind words. I am finally home and unpacked. I have pics and stories to tell but I am too exhausted now. The wreck was at 10 am and I am now just getting home now. Gonna try to sleep, but the pain may work against that. My right hip and ribs are extremely sore but no bruising so far. She royally effed up my near future as I need to move at the end of this month and now I'm not sure how I'm gonna accomplish that. There's just too much crap to think about right now, I just wanna go to bed and forget about this nightmare of a day. Hopefully the next 2-3 days won't suck as bad I'm told they are gonna. I don't know what kind of help I'm gonna need but I appreciate the offers and will call if needed.

Last edited by a moderator: didn't go as I planned. <_< Thank you everyone for the kind words. I am finally home and unpacked. I have pics and stories to tell but I am too exhausted now. The wreck was at 10 am and I am now just getting home now. Gonna try to sleep, but the pain may work against that. My right hip and ribs are extremely sore but no bruising so far. She royally effed up my near future as I need to move at the end of this month and now I'm not sure how I'm gonna accomplish that. There's just too much crap to think about right now, I just wanna go to bed and forget about this nightmare of a day. Hopefully the next 2-3 days won't suck as bad I'm told they are gonna. I don't know what kind of help I'm gonna need but I appreciate the offers and will call if needed.

Don't stress about stuff; friends are always willing to help. :)

Glad you're home. Hope you can relax some (at least at work). Get better before SW-FOG!

Great to see you posting and at the casa, sorry about the go-down.

WoW! fjrchik = ROCKS HARD! :clapping: Take a lickin and still tickin.

Speedy recovery to the soreness; don't be hind-sighting anything about the accident, just TG you are alive and walking.

"ATGATT" - been alot of threading about that lately, so glad you were riding wisely; you just never know.

Get Well Soon!

Chik: You'll be bruising (may take days to get to the skin) and you'll be hurting - but you're alive and ATGATT did its job! Take good care of yourself and let your friends help you - you'd do the same for them wouldn't you?


So sorry to hear the news of your get off. Glad to hear your injuries are relatively minor.

On the bright side, I suspect you'll have plenty of help with the move. Just sit back and practice saying "Hey dipstick, be careful with that box!" :lol:

Take care,


Damn it! :angry2:

If there is anything i can do, Let me know!

This really sucks, Because i had another good friend wipe out today also... At least his was all his fault and not some fucking cager... <_<

glad I read the whole thread before I did what I was going to do.. There was an I phone charger about to be express shipped to the hospital for you.... glad youre home now... get well

Home,,,, Nice.. Why does it take so long huh..

You know I have "some" parts.. Your for the asking.. I sent you a short list on FB, I may have couple more..

Heal,, Let me know if I can help.. I

I do hope someone was bright enough to give you some muscle relaxants? If not, get some as you'll need them for the better part of a week.

The first two to three days after a Get-Off..... are the worst, you got damaged!!... take it easy and call for help.....

