fjrchik goes down in Antler, OK

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Michelle, get healthy quickly. I remember having that drink at NAFO in the bar with ya still. Nice lady like you deserves better treatment than the cager gave you. Hate hearing news like this -- I've broken ribs falling off a bike and it isn't comfortable. Don't read Bustanut's posts -- he'll hurt your ribs. Write soon.


Robert just let us know about your get-off. Kyndall and I are hoping for your speedy recovery and that the damage to the bike isn't too serious. Take care of yourself and get well soon.


Damn! That sucks!

Minnesotan, living in Texas, crashing in OK.

If anything is needed, just let me know and I'll haul it down there; lutefisk, wild rice, a Wild jersey...

Hey Chick-A-Dee,

Dang it gurl, God gave you estrogen-endowed-humanoids one less rib and *still* you want to go and crack a bunch of them?l

I'm so very happy you're only banged up and not worse. Take your time, heal up, enjoy the good drugs then come back with a vengeance!

Her last FB update, from about an hour ago:

Cat scan was negative, am checked out. Waiting at Sheriff's office to get my stuff. Bike looks bad, pics tonight.

Rest up, girl, you are going to be sore as hell in the am. Let me know if you need anything from a fellow ex-'sotan in Texas.

Jeeze what a bummer..... Busted ribs are no bueno, hurt like hell (I've had 'em too)

Bambi and I are thinking of you! Rest up and get better Michelle!

Get well, Michelle.

I remember Michelle from WFO-6............ lots of cleavage..........lots....... :dribble:

Sorry to hear about the wreck, Glad your OK, (relatively speaking)

Bikes can be repaired.

Just let us know if there's anything we can do Michelle.

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Very sorry to hear this news; glad it wasn't any worse than it was. Good thoughts to Michelle for a speedy recovery...with plenty of good drugs, as needed.

Sorry to hear of your endo! Hope your recovery is quick. Best wishes.

I'm still looking forward to meeting you at SW-FOG.

If your scoot is totaled, maybe a new ride is in your future.

Heal quick as you can 6 weeks for the ribs

Hate to read about these accidents And a big thanks for the forum members that help out another rider not in their own area near home when something like this happens..
