Do NOT assume the 06's have a failure-proof TPS. This afternoon I set out for a scenic ride through the hardwood hills of Nova Scotia on my 06 AE with 5840 kms on it. It had not been driven for just under two weeks, as we had been in Cuba. Immediately upon starting the bike, I noticed what appeared to be a "momentary" period of it running on what sounded like two cylinders, then the normal smoothness kicked in, and I thought nothing further of it. I now recall having "thought" I heard this on the last 5-6 start-ups after the bike had been unused for a few days.
Off we went down the TCH at 120-125kms. At about ten kms into the run, the bike hiccuped, much like a small bit of water in the gas would cause. This time I had a "hummm" moment, but continued on down the road. About two kms later, a major hiccup, about five seconds in duration, and about one km later, another hiccup and the bike seemed to revert to a two cylinder version, MAJOR loss of power. I pulled off the TCH and made it to a garage, where I called my selling dealer and advised him that I was looking at fault # 34, described the symtoms, and was wondering just what # 34 was, as my service manual was at home. He tried to look it up, but for some reason, could not locate the information. He suggested I hang up, and he would call me; fair enough. After not receiving a call from him in over thirty minutes, I called the local Yamaha dealer. The mechanic there was busy, and I said I would call back. I did, and was advised that fault # 34 was a TPS malfunction. I then asked if it would hurt the bike to try and drive it to his shop, and he said no, but that it might get worse or quit at any time. I made it successfully to the shop, where the bike will be looked at tomorrow.
Having put 44,000 kms on my 04ABS without one mechanical hitch, I was NOT a happy camper. I will post here what is/was required to obtain a fix once it is complete. When you consider the "bracket mod", and now this, sure seems like Yamaha did a poor job in desinging/spec'ing some of the bits and pieces that make up the 06 FJR AE.