It wasn't that light a hit, either. 5500-pound forklift carrying 2 or 3 thousand pounds on the tines, and pushing through the gap, trying to force the issue. That leg pulled away, which pulled the adjacent leg, which pulled. . . [Yul Brynner] et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Of course, as the pieces fell, they pulled adjacent zones out, and again, et cetera.
And there are places, like where I live, that actually don't have earthquakes. Start up Google Earth, turn on the Earthquake layer under Gallery, and hit Florida. Not a single red dot. Hell, even Alabama has some!
Oh, yeah. Go to Youtube, search "forklift accident." The first hit (and several more in the first group of hits) is a longer video of this event, including the people going in to it in the aftermath.