Fork lift oops

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I typically do not comment too much on this type of message mainly because I do not have the back ground or subject matter expertise. Today is a little bit different. As a former Regional Engineer for a major rack manufacturer and as a Senior Systems Engineer for a large material handling integrator, I feel qualified to add my $0.02 worth to this video. A rack failure of this type would have to attributed to a system that was either installed incorrectly (unlikely) or was extremely overloaded (most likely). There is a ton of used racking material floating around this country and more and more small operations are going cheap and buying this material and using it in their operations. The problem here is usually this material is almost never configured in the original design but is used like tinker-toys and just thrown together. For a column to collapse from the impact of that fork truck is a sure sign of excessive loading. There are HUGE safety factors associated with the racking business and I have witness entire frames knock down without the loss of the entire row. I’m sure this video is real, but it is NOT typical of the industry.


I missed it the first few time watching...but the funniest thing in that video is watching the fork lift operatorrunning away like a scalded dog on ice.
I noticed that too :lol: I suspect that he never slowed down as he went out the front door, got in his car and made a one way drive home.

A long time ago a friend of mine (15 years old) got a summer job working at his dad's warehouse that distributed Bell & Howell cameras and movie projectors. He and another hot blooded teen were racing their fork lifts when he lost control and took out a couple full racks of equipment. It sucks when you can't even go home to get away from the infuriated boss...

There is considerable room for me to find common ground with which to concur with your well thought out and reasoned conclusion.
Per contra, would said common ground in point of fact be applicable for concurring well thought out thoughts to reasonably conclude in said considerable room? :D

(Hip waders supplementary.)
Stop it! The lot of you, just stop it! :comando:

There is considerable room for me to find common ground with which to concur with your well thought out and reasoned conclusion.
Per contra, would said common ground in point of fact be applicable for concurring well thought out thoughts to reasonably conclude in said considerable room? :D

(Hip waders supplementary.)
Stop it! The lot of you, just stop it! :comando:
Words too big? ;)

I like it! Can I put animated GIFs in my sig block?
Only if you want me to look like this.


Otherwise, save it for about 34 days from now. ;)

There is considerable room for me to find common ground with which to concur with your well thought out and reasoned conclusion.
Per contra, would said common ground in point of fact be applicable for concurring well thought out thoughts to reasonably conclude in said considerable room? :D

(Hip waders supplementary.)
Stop it! The lot of you, just stop it! :comando:
Words too big? ;)
Yep. And funny-soundin'.
