Four or five solid whacks and it came right apart. I was pretty pleased till I noticed the seal still in the lower and me with the upper in my hand and no lower bushing.*edit*Deleted stuff 'cause I'm not sure WTF you did....
It sounds like your Hong Kong specials didn't turn out to be that special.Four or five solid whacks and it came right apart. I was pretty pleased till I noticed the seal still in the lower and me with the upper in my hand and no lower bushing.
Words of wisdon here,I would box everything up and ship them to a company that deals with forks. May cost some $$$, but in the end it will probably cost less than if you continue to try and fix this by yourself.
The lip on the bottom has to be considerably less than the thickness of the bushing so the lower bushing can whack it from behind. I was not aware of any lip on the top. If there is a lip on the top that is just plain stupid. No wonder everyone would have so much problem getting that bushing out.The middle bushing is seated in a machined area with a lip on the bottom and a small lip on the top. It's going to take something special to generate enough force to remove it. I am not envious of this situation......... and don't know how the lower came off........ I wouldn't blame you for feeling a little helpless right now.
The only way I can see this happening is if the bottom of the fork tube is damaged. If they are the original upper forks the edge may have been rolled over and shaved down. Don't ask me how but I can't see any other way.I agree your middle bushing did not wedge into the upper, nigh on impossible, and the upper should have come out with it... unless the seal was really stuck, but you can pry seals out. It is more likely the lower is jammed inside the middle bushing, and when you pounded it back down, the middle one missed expanding into it's seating area, now it's all jammed into the bottom. I still think it will all come out with the right method.
The lip where the middle bushing seats is not big, just enough to capture the bushing. The lip on the top side isn't very big either, maybe smaller than the lower I don't know, but it's there to keep the middle bushing from moving up and down inside the tube. Normally when you bring the lower up to hit it, the middle bushing should unseat with the slide hammer action, with a little bit of force, maybe a couple of tries.
Seems none of us can understand how the lower bushing came off the new tube.......