full or open

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Pat C

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Thomaston, CT
I'm in the market for a new helmet, I currently own KBC's ffr modular. Which style do you prefer a full face or 3/4 open face w/shield? Your comments appreciated.

Full... Ya look dorky on one'a these with a 3/4 or half.

Kinda like the dorks on cruisers with full face. Jus don't look right :dribble:


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Already polled fairly extensively here including style and brands.
Two and a half year old thread, but I'd guess the percentages are still pretty darn close to the same, except there may be a few less "Full Face" votes and a few more "Flip up" votes.

I'm a full-face guy (Shoei X-11). In one of David Hough's books, he sites a 1991 German study by Dietmar Otte and Gunter Felton that showed more than 50% of helmet impacts occur in the facial area during a crash, areas not protected by a three-quarter or half helmets. The way I see it, if I'm going to protect my head, I might as well protect ALL of it!

Of course, there's also the dork factor that Bustanut Joker referenced...

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Two and a half year old thread, but I'd guess the percentages are still pretty darn close to the same, except there may be a few less "Full Face" votes and a few more "Flip up" votes.
I'm a full-face guy (Shoei X-11).
If I'd a known it was an option in the poll, I'da said Flip-up :p It's still full face tho B)

Full. Top end Shoei. I'm too vain to wear anything else (I've worn out the shield and chin on several)

I have both, a Skorp 3/4 and a IS-16 HJC that's a fairly recent purchase. The first full face (other than flips-had a Nolan X-1002 I hated) that I can get glasses on while wearing. And it's still a bitch. Still like my open face best of all, but cold or damp makes the HJC a nice option. Also found that the Skorp likes to start tipping forward at speeds over 140mph. Thrilling, to say the least.

after extensive testing on your behalf, i say full face.
And he's not kidding! PICS

Motorcycle riding is about managing your risks. We already know it's a risk filled activity. (much of life is) ***** your risks and riding style and consider how difficult it will be to eat with a jaw wired shut to heal. Then go buy a full face or flip, and ride with it down, and the visor closed. Good gear only works if you use it correctly. And like SkooterG says, "Stupid hurts".

Both, if much above 80 degrees F I'm in the 3/4, otherwise full for increased protection.

The panoramic view through a 3/4's visor is missed when looking though the porthole of a full.

In full I have Arai, Shark, and Sparx, in 3/4 I have Nitro, Arai, and Bell.

Since I wear glasses I don't want to put on goggles too, so all my helmets must have a visor as I really do want to continue seeing.

The 3/4's offer a much beter view of everything though, almost worth the potential loss of face, and I do find them far more comfortable.

High of 77 today I'm in the Shark, only worn fulls one other time in the last month.

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Full face, even up to 120F in Virginia humidity. I'm not getting more handsome as I age, and I cringe every time I see after-crash photos of full face helmets with abrasions all over the jaw and visor. I have a few acquaintances who wear "skid lids" or 3/4 helmets and they would have suffered some jaw and face damage had they been in the same incident.

Also, in trying on a 3/4 helmet the only thing I see better is my zipper / pants. Peripheral vision was not affected.

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Two and a half year old thread, but I'd guess the percentages are still pretty darn close to the same, except there may be a few less "Full Face" votes and a few more "Flip up" votes.
I'm a full-face guy (Shoei X-11).
If I'd a known it was an option in the poll, I'da said Flip-up :p It's still full face tho B)

Full flip up.

Full. Not even anything to think about.

I can still speak clearly and chew my own food because I had a full face helmet on when I took the road on my chin.

A flip-up might be an option for convenience, but personally I don't trust the latches. And I haven't seen one that Snell approved of. That's just me. I certainly understand the convenience of taking a swig or a snack without having to dismount and undress, though.

I always wear a full face no flips. I am too pretty and don't my face looking like hamburger.
You mean it doesn't already? :dribble:

Don't let this happen to you with a 3/4 helmet.


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