FYI-This is Squid, a close friend of GalaxyBlue (Adam)

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This is Roxy (Jennifer), Im one of Adam's roommates. I've been at the hospital everyday since the day he has been brought in. He is doing 100% better than he was. I was one of very few allowed to see him before he had his surgery, the night he was brought to the hospital and he wasnt looking so good and it scared me to death. I myself am a trained EMT. Adam is one of my closest friends and took me under his wing. He opened his eyes for me at the hospital this evening but closed them soon afterwards. He has had 10 tons of support from everyone and its a blessing i promise! Please everyone keep up the support and prayers, he's gonna have a heck of a time but if we help him it might make it easier. thank you all so much!
Thanks for the update Jennifer. :)

Everytime I see a new post with Adams screen name, it kind of scares me to click inside to read the update, but I'm glad to hear that he seems to be showing signs of improvement.


Get well soon my friend!!!!! As everyone has stated... we're keeping you in our prayers.


Hello my name is Steve, wooley to most people. I would like to thank you all for your support and prayers for Adam (Galaxy Blue). Please keep the prayers coming for as soon as he is stabilized enough he will be going in for surgery to by pass the other blockages, providing there is enough healthy tissue to do so.

Oh and he is in St. Johns in Springfield,Mo ICC 4E room 3

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Your friends from the Italian FJR Forum are rooting for you, :clapping: seen as how you're one of our members since Nov 2005 and we want you to start posting soon... :rolleyes:

We hope your forthcoming surgery is successful. We'll be in your corner, bro

You get better now

Stef & Co.

Well if anything good can come out of this maybe those of (me included) who are over weight and don't take care of ourselves could learn from GBs tragedy. I have yet to attend an FJR rally but from the photos there are quite a few of us who don't look after ourselves. When you read the posts from GBs friends it makes you realize you have to be responsible for friends and family as much as for yourself.

I am attending WFO in July. And I currently weigh 263 pounds. I will weigh 220 pounds when I get there! And when GB rolls into town I can thank him on behalf of my friends and family for motivating me. There I have said it out loud...anyone else want to get on board? We could turn it into a fund raiser for the heart & stroke foundation. Get sponsors per pound. What do you think?


I met Adam on one of Smitty's H400 rides-- he's a nice guy.

At 175 pounds I can't do you much good. I'd be glad to be on the cheering squad. Keep us posted of the progress.

Maybe you should start a thread with participants and weights, and keep track of progress.


I got my blood pressure down over the last 2 yrs by losing (& keeping off) 50 pounds. Life changing in all areas. I'll add another 10 to 20 pond loss by WFO. Good idea , gypsy !

Here is what I have posted on our site. I want you to have the same information as our guys. I would like to thank you all for the support and prayers. I opened the thread for his Mother (June) and pather (Terry) to read all the posts. They were deeply grateful that Adam had such great friends.

Well here is the latest. He is improving every day. They are planning on taking the baloon out of his heart tomarrow or friday. It should be tomarrow. That will be a big plus. They are going to keep him on the resporator a few more days. They have been letting him wake up a little during visiting times. He is opening his eyes and seeing everyone there. He is responsive to us but can talk because of the resporator. The times are 0830-0900, 1230-1300, 1700-1800, 2030-2100 if anyone wants to come by. We are going to print this thread off for him when he gets better so he can see all the prayers and support everyone is giving him. I know his family is just floored by it all. Thank you everyone for keeping in in your hearts. He is getting better everyday. Now we just need to figure out how we are going to keep up with him once he is released.

Ok. They are taking to balloon out of his heart in about the next hour. They are stillgoing to leave his sedated and on the ventalator. He is moving around alot more and opening his eyes even though he is still sedated. Gaining a little ground every day. he has severe damage to his heart. Not sure if it will ever get better or not. The next few weeks we are going to have to take day by day. He is still fighting the infection and we really can not go any farther in treating anything else until that is under control. They are not going to operate now for several months. The bypass wurgery will be 3 months away at a minimum. From all the damage that was done so far he will be here a couple weeks. As I get mor information I will pass it along. Thank you everyone for your support and love.

He had the infection before he came to the hospital. It has been there for a little bit. It's nothing too bad. They just don't want to try a big surgery like that with a factor that they could eliminate. They have him on some antibiotics to help fight it. Should be over it in a couple days. Casey got to see the stuff in your lungs if you smoke. THink that might have helped him there. If any of you want to quit come take a look. See what is wetting in your lungs just hanging around.

Ok. Here is the next update. We finally found out exactly what kind of infection it is. He has a staff infection. He also has pnumonia (sp). At least he is in the right place for that. They took the ballon out. His heart is doing good and working on it's own. Like before they are leaving him on the resporator a little longer and waiting to do the surgery for a few months. His pressure is back to a normal level along with his heart rate. He is running a slight fever but that is do to his body trying to heal itself. All in all things are getting better and they could have been alot worse then what they are. I know I say this every time but I truely mean it. I want to thank everyone for thier prayers and thoughts. I know his family is overwelmed with emotion for the concern everyone has for Adam.

I first met Adam at Smitty's in August of 05 along with FJRocket. It just amazes me how many people he has touched in such a short time. This is one guy that needs to get better so that we can all see him again and new people have a chance to meet him too.

He was amazing to watch ride. For his size he did a very admirable job hustling that FJR around the MO and Arky roads. He has a lot to live for and we still need him so Adam, hang in there buddy and join us for more rides.


He is awake and talking. Well, writing. He still has the tubes in his mouth. They are taking him off the meds that were keeping him asleep. He can't believe that it has been that long he has been out. More in a little bit. I want to get more information for everyone.

Even with the good news we are getting today please keep praying, send good vibe what ever you belief Adam is a believer. After hearing what his doctors said yesterday we are not trying to get him out of the woods but the forest so there will be a long lond road ahead,having said that I'm so very gratful to hear that he is awake and asking ?'s and knows as much as he dose. I hear he can't remimber much of that day but maybe with time he will.

He is awake and talking. Well, writing. He still has the tubes in his mouth. They are taking him off the meds that were keeping him asleep. He can't believe that it has been that long he has been out. More in a little bit. I want to get more information for everyone.

Thanks for the update, we continue to pray for Adam and a speedy recovery. I've read through all of the posts and can't find it, what's Adam's last name?



I hope you can read this soon! Still thinking about ya and praying for a strong recovery.


dpratt,Thanks for the update, we continue to pray for Adam and a speedy recovery. I've read through all of the posts and can't find it, what's Adam's last name?

I'm not sure how private Adam keeps his posts. Might not be a good idea to post his last name online.

OK I'm here with his mom and dad and here is what We know so far. He is totally awake and coherant. He is asking questions so his thought process is working great. He has short term memory loss, but we all knew that was going to happen. It will come back with time. There appears to be no neuro damage. His motor skills are there. A little rusty from not using them. He was writing questions for us. The Dr. will be here around noon and we will be able to get some more answers from him at that time. We are going to get his computer up to him today if the Dr. will let us. He will be off the ventalator about noon also so he will be able to actually talk. Like Steve said, he is not out of the woods yet but he is able to see the light through the trees. As soon as I get more info I will let you all know. Keep praying.

Sorry to hear this has happened but glad to hear Adam is doing better.

Adam, take it easy on the long road to recovery. It isn't a race to the finish, it's that you FINISH.

Our prayers are with you.

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I hope you can read this soon! Still thinking about ya and praying for a strong recovery.


dpratt,Thanks for the update, we continue to pray for Adam and a speedy recovery. I've read through all of the posts and can't find it, what's Adam's last name?

I'm not sure how private Adam keeps his posts. Might not be a good idea to post his last name online.
Agreed, I meant for someone who knows his last name to shoot me a PM. I wanted to send something to the hospital and make sure he received it.


