Gen 1 Windshield Recommendation

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deer slayer

Active member
Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Hi Gang,

I am new to the board and have done a some searches but I didn't find a lot of concensus about what windshield work best for a tall rider on a Gen1 FJR. I have a 2005 model with the std. windshield. The protection is ok but the wind noise is terrible. I am thinking maybe the Yamaha touring shield or the +3 or +4 Cee Bailey will put the wind above my helmet and make it quieter. Anyone have any recommendations on which shield might work out the best for me. I am in Dallas, Texas and it looks like the shield loaner program would be too far away.

Thanks in advance


You should wait and repost this on Friday. Don't ask, trust me, just do it.


What's best depends on the shape of your head. Mine's pointy and flat on top, with a low brow and deep-set eye sockets. Oh yeah, inseam counts for a lot too.

I'll offer you this tidbit. On Gen-I bikes, tall windscreens work, but they result in significant back pressure and can induce some wicked buffeting, especially at what some folks refer to as brisk speeds. You'll need tuning blocks/spacers or some type of cutout vent in a big screen to create a clean and quiet zone on a Gen-I.

Now don't forget about Friday.

Hi Gang,
I am new to the board and have done a some searches but I didn't find a lot of concensus about what windshield work best for a tall rider on a Gen1 FJR. I have a 2005 model with the std. windshield. The protection is ok but the wind noise is terrible. I am thinking maybe the Yamaha touring shield or the +3 or +4 Cee Bailey will put the wind above my helmet and make it quieter. Anyone have any recommendations on which shield might work out the best for me. I am in Dallas, Texas and it looks like the shield loaner program would be too far away.

Thanks in advance

Check this out.;hl=windscreen BTW, I don't have any blocks and mine seems to work just fine with the Cal Sci vents, even at extra cirricular speeds. YMMV.

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Hi Gang,
I am new to the board and have done a some searches but I didn't find a lot of concensus about what windshield work best for a tall rider on a Gen1 FJR. I have a 2005 model with the std. windshield. The protection is ok but the wind noise is terrible. I am thinking maybe the Yamaha touring shield or the +3 or +4 Cee Bailey will put the wind above my helmet and make it quieter. Anyone have any recommendations on which shield might work out the best for me. I am in Dallas, Texas and it looks like the shield loaner program would be too far away.

Thanks in advance

Hey Bill. I'm a 1st Gen guy too ('05) and I'm 6'2" 220lbs, w/ a 32" inseam (tall in body). I have the Heli Bar risers for lower back comfort, and that puts me fairly vertical.

Yes, the stock shield is no damn good when raised much more than ~ 1/2 way. But in the summer months, that is what I use, just keep it lowered all the time and head up in clean air.

For cold weather riding I have tried a number of shields and combinations.

I tried a V-stream both with and without home made spacers and that shield is so big it moved around when on the highway. In all fairness, the movement may have been partly due to the spacers, but it moved a lot even when there were no spacers. It also covered too much in the down position and still buffeted my head badly in the all the way up position. If I adjusted it so the blast from the top of the shield hit me in the neck and top of the shoulders it was OK, but a little noisy. I sold that one to finance my continued search.

Next I bought a Rifle Sport (with tuning block). That one is very sweet and about the quietest midsized shield. No real buffeting, but the shield isn't tall enough for me to get behind without scrunching down. It's a really good compromise shield, but having said that, it doesn't give enough coverage in the cold nor cooling airflow in the hot. I still have this one.

Tried a CalSci XtraTall (one with two triangular holes at the base) and that was mighty tall and rather narrow, but widens out nicely to cover the hands. I never tried it without the spacers, and probably should but set that one aside, still have this one too.

Lastly I bought a Rifle Touring with tuning block. This guy is one jumbo piece of lexan. It is very wide and very tall. I can get behind it and ride in near silence, the only noise is a riffling of wind across the top of my helmet. This is what is mounted on my bike right now. But in the down position you would get no relief from the heat in summer, so it means having to change shields depending on temperature.

I may actually cut down the stock shield for a really "out there in the wind" setup. That's what you really want in the summer heat anyway, and it can't be raised all the way now without getting all buffety as previously mentioned.

The following measurements were taken from the center screw hole to the upper edge of the shield. This seems the best indicator of how high the shield will be in both the up and down position. You should look at pictures of the shields to see how much added width and what their shapes are as they vary widely.

Stock - 16"

Rifle Sport - 18 3/4"

CalSci XL - 20 3/4"

Rifle Touring - 22 1/4"

V-stream - ???

I never measured the V stream when I had it, maybe somebody that has one will chime in.

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V-Stream with skyway spacers is perfect for me -- 6'1" w/ 34" inseam. Never experienced anything like the movement Fred described.

Which I think, after 7 posts, gives us an endorsement for just about anything except for the stock screen. Typical of windshield threads.

Anyway, search on each brand name to get more complete comments. They all have their advocates. You'll have to bite the bullet and give one a shot.

Oh, and I'll try to remember to get a measurement on the V-Stream when I get home tonight to finish off Fred's table.

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Has anyone tried the stock shield with the Cal Sci cutouts? If that would kill some of the noise in the full up position that would do it. Maybe a laminar lip too. Does anyone have a template of the cutouts on the Cal Sci medium shield?

Thanks for the responses BTW.

JeffAshe, what is happening on Friday?



Friday is the official dogpile day. Never make the mistake of asking "what's the best" ANYTHING on dogpile Friday.


Personal opinion only: CeeBailey's +1 wide, +2 tall with flip and custom venting. :clapping:

That is what will replace my recently destroyed windshield.

Get the headlight covers as part of the package, they are worth their weight in gold. The replacement cost os a new headlight is rediculous! :blink:

You could just come up with your own venting scheme or try to reproduce the CalSCi one.

When I was home brewing shields for my Old Concours I designed some NACA style vents. They were pretty effective for their size and very very quiet. Not the best looking things in the world though...


got any info on the custom venting? templates? I like the look of the Cee Bailey.
PM LuvToRide. She will trace the cutouts and send it to you. I made some slight, but IMO significant changes to my original cutout pattern after test runs. Heidi/LuvToRide is the new owner of the finished product. I know she recently commented that she's been getting a lot of requests for the cutout traces. Maybe she has extra copies just lying around by now. I don't own a Gen-I anymore and I ain't going back.






You could just come up with your own venting scheme or try to reproduce the CalSCi one.
+1 I had one of those rare moments of "creativity" and made a nice geometric design that worked great. Main thing: Make holes and let some air in! :assassin:

By the way, if you get the flip top, you reduce the need for a taller windshield. Maybe that was obvious, but I am a master at stating the obvious! :blink:

By the way, if you get the flip top, you reduce the need for a taller windshield. Maybe that was obvious, but I am a master at stating the obvious! :blink:
Perhaps, but it has been suggested that the flip at the top also increases the tubulence of the air coming off the top of the lip. This certainly seemed to hold true on the fixed position Concours windshields, but I've never had a flipped edge shield on the FJR so cannot say it holds true universally.

c/ bailey 1 by 2 did the job for me. 5 foot 8 in. tall . The cut out screen will not feel too nice in the rain .

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If I may chime in....

I have a Gen 1, I'm 5-11, have stock bars, and a Corbin saddle, I have a dark tinted Cee Bailey's +4 +3 (came with the bike) and it doesn't keep the buffeting off me that well. It's better in the lowered position or slightly raised, any higher and that gets you into dirtier air. It's far better than stock but not what I was hoping for.

I too have been looking on this site and others regarding FJR windscreens, I've never seen so many different opinions on this without any clear cut, one size fits all. I just gave up and pulled the trigger on a purchase.

I recently purchased and have not tested it yet, a V-Stream. It's ~20 inches tall and is much wider at the top than the Cee Bailey's. I'll repost my comments after I take it on the road in the next day or so. I may have to do the custom cut out etc too. Nothing like farkling.

For summer I like the stock shield, the airflow keeps me cool and flows through the vents of my jacket. My stocker is actually 17 inches which I believe is a OEM tall. I would like a 12-14 inch shield for summer for more air.

Last summer on a long Sierra trip, I made the mistake of heading out with the Cee Bailey's, windscreen, man I ROASTED!! I only got air at my head, my cooling vest etc got no air to it. That won't happen again.

Deer Slayer, good luck let us know how you faired in this never ending saga of the perfect windshield.

c/ bailey 1 by 2 did the job for me. 5 foot 8 in. tall . The cut out screen will not feel too nice in the rain .
The rain actually doesn't come close to touching you.

For those folks that have PM'd me... I did a tracing of the custom cutouts on my shield this past weekend. I only traced the bottom of the shield & the tracing will need to be placed on the front of the shield so that it can be taped down smoothly. It was done on a bag that was cut to open flat. I have a machine here at work that I can run full sized large prints on. I will do so when I remember to bring the tracing into work with me.


c/ bailey 1 by 2 did the job for me. 5 foot 8 in. tall . The cut out screen will not feel too nice in the rain .
The rain actually doesn't come close to touching you.

For those folks that have PM'd me... I did a tracing of the custom cutouts on my shield this past weekend. I only traced the bottom of the shield & the tracing will need to be placed on the front of the shield so that it can be taped down smoothly. It was done on a bag that was cut to open flat. I have a machine here at work that I can run full sized large prints on. I will do so when I remember to bring the tracing into work with me.



If there was some way to scan the template somehow and hosted it somewhere it would be nice to have.

Maybe draw a scale on it and break it into two 8.5x11" landscape pages?

If you need help with getting something like that done let us know and maybe someone on here can do it for you.
