Getting this thing on the center stand is a _)*+(_*()*+)(U*!!!

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This is really funny, This guy up in Canada asked a question about putting his bike on the stand and you guys manage to make it last 4 friggin pages long and he never once comes back and replies..........
Priceless I say fucking Priceless. I can only imagine what fun tim would of had with this last friday.

I can't believe the life of this stupid thread. I guess winter is settling in in many places already.

Though the vid of the guy sitting and putting it up on the C-stand was cool. And for the record, the FJR is easy to get on the C-stand. It's all in the technique.

What dates are you talking about OCfjr?

Sorry to dredge this thread up again. I just found it ironic that after so many years of telling people never to pull up (only step down) that in a panic I did exactly that and strained my back.

You simply rock it forward and ride away...."In thrust we trust!"

awe Mikey, I love it when ya tawk dirty! :p
Yes we know. Saw the video.

I think I'll jes mosey on away now........

I know an internet spanking is coming...but really, how much can an internet spanking hurt.?


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I know an internet spanking is coming...but really, how much can an internet spanking hurt.?
You're among friends here, Wheaties, you can admit it.....

Afterall, lots of guys like a good spanking now and then.

[SIZE=8pt][/SIZE] seems most like to be tied up 1st :p

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What dates are you talking about OCfjr?
First post was August 20th. The thread doesn't have 4 pages of legs, it was brought back from the dead for a second round, in which no one actually needed help getting it up on the center stand. Just a commentary on how we can screw up and hurt ourselves even when we know the correct technique.

And the post that everyone thinks should die, lives on :rolleyes:

Yes, winter seems like it is here already :angry2:

(it helps to take duke out of his bag!)

LOL does he ride like that? How fast will he go with his head stuck out? Do you sell those Im looking for some frame sliders, that double as hand warmers!!!

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I'm decidedly made of fail when it comes to putting my '06 up on the center stand. I can pop my Dad's GL1800 up with ease even when the cases are full, but my failure rate at getting the FJR up is... embarrassing.

One day I will just sit in the driveway and do it until I either herniate a disk, or can get it on the stand every single time. Hell, I don't even try to pull up, but pushing down with all 125 of my pounds doesn't seem to cause the same level of movement in my FJR that it does in Dad's GL.


So I decided to try again, and up she comes no problem. Only thing I changed was actual neutral instead of 1st + clutch. ::shrug::

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