Getting this thing on the center stand is a _)*+(_*()*+)(U*!!!

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I have to give kudos to all those guys who were brave enough to admit they are having trouble getting it up.

Kudos to you all. :clapping:

I guess I just don't get it...After getting my '08 last year, I was terrified about putting it on the centerstand after reading all the posts about the difficulty of doing it. So I go out to do it for the first time, and go through the routine that I have used since I got my first Honda Super 90 in 1968. Shit, this thing goes up on the centerstand easier than any bike I have ever owned!! It actually slid back on the cement in the garage about 6 inches because I over compensated. And I'm only 5'8" @ 180#!! As Bullwinkle the moose used to say.."Gee, I guess I don't know my own strenth!!"

I guess I just don't get it...After getting my '08 last year, I was terrified about putting it on the centerstand after reading all the posts about the difficulty of doing it. So I go out to do it for the first time, and go through the routine that I have used since I got my first Honda Super 90 in 1968. Shit, this thing goes up on the centerstand easier than any bike I have ever owned!! It actually slid back on the cement in the garage about 6 inches because I over compensated. And I'm only 5'8" @ 180#!! As Bullwinkle the moose used to say.."Gee, I guess I don't know my own strenth!!"
Impotent to have strenth when you dont spell so gud.


Getting it up seems to be all the same , no problem there, What about getting off the stand. In the old days on my 750 Susuki GSE, I was able to rock back onto the rear wheel with a little gas and launch (I was very young and fooling at the time). but now I am leary coming off the stand, feels as if I could lose it what is your technique?? :eek:

I guess I just don't get it...After getting my '08 last year, I was terrified about putting it on the centerstand after reading all the posts about the difficulty of doing it. So I go out to do it for the first time, and go through the routine that I have used since I got my first Honda Super 90 in 1968. Shit, this thing goes up on the centerstand easier than any bike I have ever owned!! It actually slid back on the cement in the garage about 6 inches because I over compensated. And I'm only 5'8" @ 180#!! As Bullwinkle the moose used to say.."Gee, I guess I don't know my own strenth!!"
I'm repeating myself here but .... you have 3.5 inches and 60 pounds on me and I can do it, so it must be in the technique :rolleyes:

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I agree with the initial gripe. The FJR is a brute when it comes to pulling it up on the center stand. I've had a lot heaver bikes that hefted up more easily. Looking at the angle of the center stand when its against the ground, before lifting/raising- it's at quite an angle that has to be overcome.

Pull in to town loaded for travel, fill the gas tank, then park it- I about pull a nut trying to put it on the stand for the night.

I'm repeating myself here but .... you have 3.5 inches and 60 pounds on me and I can do it, so it must be in the technique :rolleyes:'s 3 1/2 " long and it weighs 60 lbs. Now THAT'S impressive. :clapping:
Wheatie - are you PWI? ;)
I thunk et....fer jist a scant moment....butt eye is smart enuff tuh know sayit er type-it.

Baaaad, Wheatie....baaaaddd! Tho et were purdy funnie. :D

Annnnddddd....getting it off the center stand is EASY. You simply rock it forward and ride away...."In thrust we trust!"

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So where is that video of the guy putting his bike on the center stand while sitting on it?

I guess I just don't get it...After getting my '08 last year, I was terrified about putting it on the centerstand after reading all the posts about the difficulty of doing it. So I go out to do it for the first time, and go through the routine that I have used since I got my first Honda Super 90 in 1968. Shit, this thing goes up on the centerstand easier than any bike I have ever owned!! It actually slid back on the cement in the garage about 6 inches because I over compensated. And I'm only 5'8" @ 180#!! As Bullwinkle the moose used to say.."Gee, I guess I don't know my own strenth!!"
Impotent to have strenth when you dont spell so gud.

Sorry, I was using "phonics" to mimic Bullwinkles Boston accent(I think :blink: ). Spelin mistacke intnshinal :rolleyes:

Also, my tekneek to git the bike off the centerstand is to put it in geer, hit the redline, dump the cluch wile rocking forward, and hoping for a cleer shot out the driveway :clapping:

Think I should go to the Vespa Owners Forum...buncha "pussys" on this site :rolleyes: Shite, that almost sounds like Bustanut...I must be drunk :yahoo:

This is really funny, This guy up in Canada asked a question about putting his bike on the stand and you guys manage to make it last 4 friggin pages long and he never once comes back and replies..........

Priceless I say fucking Priceless. I can only imagine what fun tim would of had with this last friday.

Just my 2 cents. or should I say tupence.

