Going to the Dark Side

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..... email a clarification letter on this to Pope Benedict, May the Good Lord have mercy on your heathen souls!
Now, Don... what does Forum Guidelines have to say about spewing religious horsecock on the forum? :p

On the other hand....

If there were ever a group in need of some religious horsecock spewing, I suppose the Cheapsiders would be one of them... carry on, then.... :popesmiley:

with the rest of you cat blood drinking and wife swapping Car Tire Cultists
"Cat-blood drinking"?! :haha: BWAW!! :rofl: :laughingsmiley:

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I'm pretty sure doctorj the darksider ST-owners are also going to burn for eternal damnation in Hades with the rest of you cat blood drinking and wife swapping Car Tire Cultists, I will have to check in with the Vatican to confirm this. Filthy Heretics!

I'm going to Mass this morning in Phoenix at 8am, I'll say twenty Hail Mary's for you and light five candles; I'll also ask Padre Sanchez to email a clarification letter on this to Pope Benedict, May the Good Lord have mercy on your heathen souls!
While you are there, can you please pray for my rim while you are at it..... :rolleyes:

While you are there, can you please pray for my rim while you are at it..... :rolleyes:

<ba-dum dum> He'll be here all week, folks... try the meatloaf, and don't forget to tip your waitstaff.... :lol:
Mi Hermano Diego, for you my good friend and your rim, twenty Hail Mary's and five candles; I'll even say two Hail Mary's and light one candle for Warchild, and genuflect my rosary beads thrice with a benediction each time!

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I am pretty sure that is a car tire on the bike, and yes i would like to inspect her rim for splits!!


Yes the Hankook Ventus 110 is 1/2 narrower than the listed specs, we tried a Exalto on the Honda ST1300 and it would't fit in the swing arm but a same size 205/5017 ventus does with 1/4" to spare on each side . There are at least 4 of us with over 50k total running the Hankook and it does work great within its limits !
Be careful man. According to all the hard data the CT is gonna cause your rims to fracture and you and all your buddies are gonna die a fiery death.

Or not.

HRZ, if you're gonna say it, say it right.....

"....you and all your buddies are gonna die a fiery PLASTIC AND ALUMINUM death.

There are at least 2 guys with over 12k each and a few more with only a few K's, the greif about dying aflaming plastic death is discussed up not nearly as much as there was here in the begining . I guess since others are doing it without crashing and burning the nay sayers are giving up trying to straight us out .

After 2K now I'm a believer once the psi, dampening and preload get sorted out.

Hmmmm...36k is a lot of miles for damage to manifest itself into a crack but who knows. This is all just one big excercise in speculation anyways. And that bend doesn't look all THAT bad in that photo. I have seen worse.

Can't believe Douggy is actually going to a m/c tire for the IBR!!

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Aha Dr. Watson, it appears that Sherlock Holmes of 221B Baker Street in London has once again solved another case through the use of logical deduction.

Naturally Sherlock Holmes has an alias as Richard Fairlaner! Bloody good show, Sherlock! Kindly file this case finally closed with Scotland Yard, forthwith!

Might i suggest that this was caused buy the same pothole that severly dented Doug's front wheel......

After Land of Enchantment rally Oct 2009...36K before cracked rear rim:

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Hmmmm...36k is a lot of miles for damage to manifest itself into a crack but who knows. This is all just one big excercise in speculation anyways. And that bend doesn't look all THAT bad in that photo. I have seen worse.
I've seen much worse, with no subsequent "cracking", either.

Yes, this is all an exercise in speculation. Right, then. Let us speculate about this theory proposed here: that the dent is the cause of the crack. Let's see if it makes good sense.....

First off, I am curious of the location of crack in relation to the location of the dent(s). If there was truly a cause-and-effect happening here, if one of the *dents* was the cause the crack, there might be some reasonable expectation that the crack developed relatively near/adjacent to the dent. Is it? I dunno. Doug can tell us...

Secondly, just considering the obvious here: there are TONS of bikes that have dented wheels; why don't *they* develop "cracks", too?

What is the difference between all those dented rims with *no* cracks, and Doug's dented rim *with* a subsequent crack? ;)

Yes, I realize the Cheapsiders aren't going to acknowledge the obvious. But hopefully these speculations will give a new forum member pause about this CT silliness.

Wow.... all this risk and chassis performance loss just for more treadlife....
