Going to the Dark Side

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Used tire??... that's funny. The only use that tire appears to have on it is all the tread that got rubbed off while you were wrestling it on the rim. I wonder if all that fighting took some life off of that tire. Sounds like it was quite a battle, but I think I know who won. I took the wimpy way out and had it installed at a local dealer in New Port Richey. However they did promise me that it was the first and last car tire they put on a bike.


darksider #44

How do we know that is Aroostook's bike? That could be any FJR...This whole darksider thing is pretty easy to defraud. Yet another frigging datapoint!
Who would claim to be a Darksider that wasn't? :dribble:

Aroostook, you need to ride over to Fred's and help him mount the CT up. He had a battle and chose to do another PR2 until he has a spare wheel or this tire wears out. I really look forward to Fred's input one of these days. He's got a sharp mind and a good ability to put into words what he observes. :)

BTW, the Darkside FAQ has been consolidated and the bad links fixed.

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Used tire??... that's funny. The only use that tire appears to have on it is all the tread that got rubbed off while you were wrestling it on the rim. I wonder if all that fighting took some life off of that tire. Sounds like it was quite a battle, but I think I know who won. I took the wimpy way out and had it installed at a local dealer in New Port Richey. However they did promise me that it was the first and last car tire they put on a bike.


darksider #44
hahaha I better clarify something right now! My only battle was putting the tire back on the bike not on the rim......youre in good company "wimpy" I too had the dealer put it on the rim! :lol: I would love to have the bragging rights but no can do! :rolleyes: I did help the dealer put it on the rim though and it took us about 3 minutes...piece of cake.

There is now a mileage poll on this thread. Please take the time to add your input if you're running a CT on your FJR, regardless of if you are public or not on the forum.

Thanks to Gary #44 for the suggestion.

147,000 miles (minimum) represented in the first 6 votes!!!!

Amazing. I'm soooo looking forward to finding out just how many trouble free miles we've driven collectively. Thanks OC - U da Man!!!!!!


darksider #44

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I wish I could say I have ridden more miles than I have, but other than rallies it hasn't been a great year for me as far as time on the bike.

I have seen the Dark, and I LIKE IT.


Darksider #43

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How do we know that is Aroostook's bike? That could be any FJR...This whole darksider thing is pretty easy to defraud. Yet another frigging datapoint!
You guys are a tough group! Anybody wanna buy a slightly used tire? :lol:
Ha ha!! YOu think you had trouble putting it on, just try taking it off!! I envision sawzall.........

So who is this one post wonder "Myke Ramsey" posting that he has more than 70K miles.

At a minimum, can we get his vote removed from the poll....


Doug, w/ 40K+ darkside miles
Myke came from a VStar, so might have been darksiding on that before his FJR. I've PM'd him asking him to share that experience with us here.

As for one post wonders, have you ever scrolled through the member list here? There are a LOT of lurkers with <5 posts that have been on the forum for years. I'm not willing to discount their input just yet. ;)

As for one post wonders, have you ever scrolled through the member list here? There are a LOT of lurkers with <5 posts that have been on the forum for years. I'm not willing to discount their input just yet. ;)
Eric, can you please at least discount (eradicate) this one!


As for one post wonders, have you ever scrolled through the member list here? There are a LOT of lurkers with <5 posts that have been on the forum for years. I'm not willing to discount their input just yet. ;)
Eric, can you please at least discount (eradicate) this one!

Yes, the poll is intended to be just FJR CT miles.

I can't eliminate votes from the poll. I'll have to ask an admin if they can, and that's not going to happen until next week since I'm out the door in 5 here.

Doh! And no, I can't, and won't eradicate Bust! He adds character!

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So who is this one post wonder "Myke Ramsey" posting that he has more than 70K miles.

At a minimum, can we get his vote removed from the poll....


Doug, w/ 40K+ darkside miles
What leads you to believe that the only people who ride FJRs, or try different things with their bikes are on this forum? I had my bike for 4 months before I came here, and the majority of FJR riders I meet have never heard of this place.

I wouldn't discount anyone's vote until I could prove that it was incorrect.

As for Bust...I agree...Someone should give that ass clown the boot!

As for one post wonders, have you ever scrolled through the member list here? There are a LOT of lurkers with <5 posts that have been on the forum for years. I'm not willing to discount their input just yet. ;)
Eric, can you please at least discount (eradicate) this one!

Yes, the poll is intended to be just FJR CT miles.

I can't eliminate votes from the poll. I'll have to ask an admin if they can, and that's not going to happen until next week since I'm out the door in 5 here.

Doh! And no, I can't, and won't eradicate Bust! He adds character horseshit!

So who is this one post wonder "Myke Ramsey" posting that he has more than 70K miles.

At a minimum, can we get his vote removed from the poll....


Doug, w/ 40K+ darkside miles
What leads you to believe that the only people who ride FJRs, or try different things with their bikes are on this forum? I had my bike for 4 months before I came here, and the majority of FJR riders I meet have never heard of this place.

I wouldn't discount anyone's vote until I could prove that it was incorrect.

I sure hope your reading comprehension is better during your day job.

I had a VFR for 2 years while I was a member of this forum before I got my FJR. I have no problems with other make riders posting their experience.

Eric does not assign a Darkside number until he has a photo of the CT on the FJR.

This guy did not do that, and he has had months on this forum to do so.

Lets see the photo...
