Going to the Dark Side

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I wish we had a Dark Side FAQ section with items like CT's used, modifications required, impressions on ride that are universal (not just one riders impressions), etc.
Guess I get to read 800+ items since this seems to be a fetish that is here to stay.

8OO+ ? Geez shiny, ya ain't gonna have time to jerk off for a couple of days now are ya :eek:



I wish we had a Dark Side FAQ section with items like CT's used, modifications required, impressions on ride that are universal (not just one riders impressions), etc.
Guess I get to read 800+ items since this seems to be a fetish that is here to stay.

8OO+ ? Geez shiny, ya ain't gonna have time to jerk off for a couple of days now are ya :eek:


It's 900 messages to wade through now, because of a sheep herder in a joker suit. <_<

Little do you know: There's always time to get out Mary and her five sisters for a joy ride. :yahoo:

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I wish we had a Dark Side FAQ section with items like CT's used, modifications required, impressions on ride that are universal (not just one riders impressions), etc.
Guess I get to read 800+ items since this seems to be a fetish that is here to stay.

8OO+ ? Geez shiny, ya ain't gonna have time to jerk off for a couple of days now are ya :eek:


It's 900 messages to wade through now, because of a sheep herder in a joker suit. <_<

Little do you know: There's always time to get out Mary and her five sisters for a joy ride. :yahoo:
Shiny, I'm with you on this one Brother! I also now have an interest in a rear car tire on my 2003. Partly from getting to talk to Eric-OCfjr in person and physically see his bike with its modifications; and partly because friend RadioHowie is taking the plunge.

Maybe if we give RadioHowie a pretty please with sugar on it request to start a completely brand new thread, it will clarify all the issues.

So how about it Manatee Boy? Would you have an interest in starting a separate how to do it thread? Perhaps starting off with the reason you chose the tire you did? What other modifications you believe you will need to do? Outside vendors you are using?

It would be nice to have a Rear Car Tire Thread that starts off at Point A and ends off at Point M: RadioHowie riding off into the sunset!

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I wish we had a Dark Side FAQ section with items like CT's used, modifications required, impressions on ride that are universal (not just one riders impressions), etc.
Guess I get to read 800+ items since this seems to be a fetish that is here to stay.

8OO+ ? Geez shiny, ya ain't gonna have time to jerk off for a couple of days now are ya :eek:


It's 900 messages to wade through now, because of a sheep herder in a joker suit. <_<

Little do you know: There's always time to get out Mary and her five sisters for a joy ride. :yahoo:
Shiny, I'm with you on this one Brother! I also now have an interest in a rear car tire on my 2003. Partly from getting to talk to Eric-OCfjr in person and physically see his bike with its modifications; and partly because friend RadioHowie is taking the plunge.

Maybe if we give RadioHowie a pretty please with sugar on it request to start a completely brand new thread, it will clarify all the issues.

So how about it Manatee Boy? Would you have an interest in starting a separate how to do it thread? Perhaps starting off with the reason you chose the tire you did? What other modifications you believe you will need to do? Outside vendors you are using?

It would be nice to have a Rear Car Tire Thread that starts off at Point A and ends off at Point M: RadioHowie riding off into the sunset!
Sounds like a plan....

Wasn't able to get the wheel and tire to a changing facility yesterday and today is toast, so I can start the process, including photo-documentation, over the weekend.

Sounds like fun....and get my post count even higher. :blum:

Little do you know: There's always time to get out Mary and her five sisters for a joy ride. :yahoo:
Got an extra digit there, MutantBoy?


Well here's 7th finger for ya!



Found one for the Shepherd, too:


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I wish we had a Dark Side FAQ section with items like CT's used, modifications required, impressions on ride that are universal (not just one riders impressions), etc.
Guess I get to read 800+ items since this seems to be a fetish that is here to stay.

8OO+ ? Geez shiny, ya ain't gonna have time to jerk off for a couple of days now are ya :eek:


It's 900 messages to wade through now, because of a sheep herder in a joker suit. <_<

Little do you know: There's always time to get out Mary and her five sisters for a joy ride. :yahoo:
Shiny, I'm with you on this one Brother! I also now have an interest in a rear car tire on my 2003. Partly from getting to talk to Eric-OCfjr in person and physically see his bike with its modifications; and partly because friend RadioHowie is taking the plunge.

Maybe if we give RadioHowie a pretty please with sugar on it request to start a completely brand new thread, it will clarify all the issues.

So how about it Manatee Boy? Would you have an interest in starting a separate how to do it thread? Perhaps starting off with the reason you chose the tire you did? What other modifications you believe you will need to do? Outside vendors you are using?

It would be nice to have a Rear Car Tire Thread that starts off at Point A and ends off at Point M: RadioHowie riding off into the sunset!
Sounds like a plan....

Wasn't able to get the wheel and tire to a changing facility yesterday and today is toast, so I can start the process, including photo-documentation, over the weekend.

Sounds like fun....and get my post count even higher. :blum:
Thanks for considering this, RadioHowie. I'll now start not giving credibility to remarks that SheepBoy Bustanut makes about you. Serious face, for just a minute: This would be beneficial to the Forum! The thread Eric - OCfjr started has been a fun and informative thread. But it has so MANY options from so MANY contributors, that it does make it hard to make decisions!

Would be a great FJR help seeing separate thread, YOURS: Taking an FJR Rear Car Tire Conversion from start to final finish!

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I used to ride a cruiser, and it's interesting to see this thread here, considering there is also a thread that just started up on the Texas VTX board, where almost all the guys are fessing up and admitting that putting a car tire on their bike was a dumb decision. A couple are still defending it from a cost perspective, but is that really a good tradeoff? Crappy ride to save a few shekels?
The folks that complain about the "crappy" ride, usually didn't do the research before they tried it, or never actually tried it themselves, just briefly rode someone else's bike and never took the time to get used to the different handling characteristics.

If you want real cruiser darkside info from people that actually run the tires, and have for lots of miles, go HERE. The mcdarksiders forum has tons of cruiser info. There is some FJR info there, but it's just my post and a link to the FJR forum thread.

I can usually tell if someone is a good candidate for the darkside by the way they ride and wear out tires. I try very hard to discourage riders that are more on the Sport end from trying the darkside. It's just not what they want, but they sometimes don't understand that for their type of riding, they won't like it. So far, no FJR rider that put the CT on has taken it off and gone back to a moto tire. The only public statement to that effect was a rider selling the bike, which made sense. Although I think it may actually have been sold with the CT still in place. Not sure what the new owner did.

Motorcycle dual compound tires have the harder compound in the center, the softer one on the sides. That's because of how we wear a moto tire out. (FredW is correct) Multi-compound Car Tires, (usually dual compound), have the harder compound on the outsides with the softer compound in the middle. Cars stress the outside tread blocks in hard cornering. Sport driving tends to wear the outsides down long before the middle, thus this arrangement for car tires.

Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, keep in mind that the harder compound of the outside of the CT is still softer than the moto tire. Yes, I know it sounds odd. The car tires are overall softer rubber than moto tires. More surface area is one reason, there are a bunch of others due to construction. This means that even though the 019 Grid is softer than a moto tire, it still lasts far longer. This is part of the reason we get such great traction from a CT on the back of the bike too. More sipes, tread blocks and deeper tread depth are also contributors.

I'm all for a Howie Darkside thread. Good luck keeping it fairly clean and free from the harassing posts.

I may also try a Darkside FAQ thread that gleans the data from this thread, but if I do, it will be with the up front co-operation of the admins and non contributing posts will be deleted. Much the same as the other FJR FAQ threads.

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Hear, hear OCfjr! I think Darkside FAQ would be well worth its space! I am going to Christmas party with Skooty tomorrow night, with our lady friends, and since he's a HUGE fan of car tires on FJR's: I'll ask it be a stand alone informational thread!

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Hear, hear OCfjr! I think Darkside FAQ would be well worth its space! I am going to Christmas party with Skooty tomorrow night, with our lady friends, and since he's a HUGE fan of car tires on FJR's: I'll ask it be a stand alone informational thread!
SkooterG has too many other things bouncing around in his head, no point in bothering him about this. :rolleyes: Besides, once he sees the mistletoe, it's going to be an all night battle to not piss off GSJane.

I've finally seen the first good reasons to go to the Dark Side --
You mean I forgot to tell you it would make hot model chicks want to sit on your bike for photo ops?

FWIW, Boss Hogs all come darkside.

It would be nice to have a Rear Car Tire Thread that starts off at Point A and ends off at Point M: RadioHowie riding off into the sunset!
Sounds like a plan....

Wasn't able to get the wheel and tire to a changing facility yesterday and today is toast, so I can start the process, including photo-documentation, over the weekend.

Sounds like fun....and get my post count even higher. :blum:
A thread documenting the process would be great my manatee masturbater friend!

You sure about that? I'm pretty sure multi compound tires are the opposite of what you wrote; wouldn't make much sense to have the part you ride on most be soft, and the part that needed to have grip be hard.
It appears the harder rubber is on the sides.

Click here: Michelin C3M process
The C3M process is used for both car tires and motorcycle tires, with the motorcycle tires being hard in the middle, softer on the sides:


The mistake in my first message was in thinking that this was a motorcycle message board!


<jk> carry on....

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P.S. Mary is the palm;
Back in my Navy days... (insert Village People reference) :rolleyes:

I always heard it as "Pa(l)mala and her 5 ugly sisters."

That makes sense, but I was raised Irish catholic and the name Mary holds some kinky emotional thrills....

;) :eek:
https://www.usachurch.com/oregon/eugene/chu...hurch_74434.htm BLASPHEMER! This is Father Chuy speaking: You have been spending way too much time hanging out with degenerates like Bustanut joker and RadioHowie. Repent, you sinner!

Called St. Joseph's Catholic Church-Roseburg; Evening Mass is at 8pm. Be there: Light 30 candles and confess all your sins!

Keep this behavior up and next thing we know you'll be mounting a car tire on back of your FJR, riding straight to Hell with Eric!

Keep this behavior up and next thing we know you'll be mounting a car tire on back of your FJR, riding straight to Hell with Eric!
Been there. It's in MI. Not really that exciting a place, and I confess, I didn't ride strait there, but been there and back. (not to Back, TX though) :p
