So...Anyone else see a problem with this scenario? The most dangerous thing listed in it is not the car tire...It is the RIDER. To date car tires on motorcycles have not been listed as the main contributing factor in any fatal crashes. However, fatigued drivers are at the top of the list; especially on rural freeways.Another scenario: now let's say you are on Day 9 of the Iron Butt Rally, and you've been running so hard the past nine days, at this point you barely know your own name. Let's say it's 2am and you are descending down from the bonus at the summit of Pike's Peak, because you have to get north of Denver for a 4AM bonus window. You start down the mountain, initially on dirt/gravel, so the sliding sensations you detect as you begin your descent, you think it's due to dirt or gravel, but it's not... it's because your cracked rim has finally deflated your CT. Mind you, you don't have the same sharp wits Doug still had as he started down Hwy 38 from Big Bear, and neither do you have a riding partner to point out your flat.... you just think it's cause you're on dirt/gravel. You glance at the clock and realize you had better be moving right on down the road to make that Denver bonus window, so you pick up the pace even further.
Then you hit the paved portion of the road.... and realize something is indeed amiss with the rear of the bike. Can you get stopped in time before Something Way Bad happens? :huh:
You said it yourself. The problem is not the car tire going flat and the bike acting differently. The problem is the rider being so fatigued that he doesn't notice that the tire is flat and ends up in trouble. Just like the rider may be so fatigued he doesn't notice the decreasing radius turn he's entering. Or the stop light, or the family in the minivan, or the herd of dear, or...Well, you get the picture right?
So a group of guys who champion for the right to ride 10,000+ miles in a 10 day period are now going to preach motorcycle safety to the rest of us? These same guys who jump on their bikes for an excessive number of hours with minimal sleep just to prove they can do it? These same guys that admit they ride above the speed limit in fatigued states on the edge of consciousness? I think it was WC that stated back at the beginning of this cracked rim saga that if this was the FAA, they would shut the CT program down. Well, I've got news...If the FCC or the DOT was in charge of the IBR, they would shut it down too.
As far as civil liability goes, proving someone was so tired they should not have been operating a motorcycle is not that hard. When someone not involved in the IBR gets hurt, the victim or the victim's family is going to sue the **** out of the rider and entire project and they're gonna win. The same may be true for CT users, but so far, car tires on bikes are responsible for zero deaths, and driver fatigue and innatention caused by fatigue are number one or two on the list.
So...Bash against car tires all you want. There's no proof that they caused a rim to split, and certainly no proof that they are going to cause motorcycles to careen down the road and kill people. At this point, all we have is your opinion, and until I see you petitioning to end the IBR due to rider's and other drivers' safety, you opinion holds no water.
Edit: Added a couple smileys so that others know I am just bantering and picking on WC because he is older than me and bald. I am NOT going to go to his house and attempt to kick him in the balls. :assassin:
Is that better??
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