Great Ride in NE Washington until...

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I don't know what will be organized eventually for helping out, but I'll watch for it. In the meantime, I'm going to take up something I haven't done for over 30 years.

Deer hunting. . .

....... WOW.........

Good JUJU in their direction !!!!!!! BR could of drown SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOooooo easily, That sort of impact and then a water landing.

Great work by all.....


+1 to all the positive stuff said, prayers & best wishes, and that it could've been any of us.

A couple of us have hit the f*rs & stayed up, so like BR did, keep riding it till things really stop moving!

I have added the Caring Bridge site link to the first post for those that would like to contact them or follow their recovery.

Wow, just read the CaringBridge thingie -major injuries, much worse than I expected. It will take some time for the healing. Hard hit, hard hit.

Wow, just read the CaringBridge thingie -major injuries, much worse than I expected. It will take some time for the healing. Hard hit, hard hit.
WHOA. Bad day at Blackrock.

If you read post #1, it would have been a much blacker day...if not for the actions of those riding with and responding to help the Beamer Reamers.

Get well both of you...

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Wow. What a scary thing. Big kudos to the PNW riders. Your friends have a great reason to be thankful as it could have come out much worse.

Best wishes to Beemer and Mrs on a full and speedy (as possible) recovery.

Having experienced a very similar deer strike (complete ambush, unseen deer until a second before impact, not much time to react) at about the same road speed, I have to say that their injuries were no doubt due having gone off the road, and down the steep incline. Hitting a deer is bad for the bike, but the rest of what happened is the truly scary stuff that no doubt were responsible for causing their personal injuries.

It will probably be impossible to ever reconstruct exactly what happened. But if there is any one thing that we all can gain from BR and his Mrs.' incredible misfortune it is that, in this kind of a situation you always want to ride it out straight through the deer. Try and keep the bike as upright as possible and going straight ahead before, during and after the impact. Yes, as was said, use all of your brakes, get those ABS pumps going. But don't try and swerve to avoid the impact. Going off road almost always turns out bad.

Hate it when things like this happen, never know what to say. lucky in this case it's been said.

You guys ROCK :clapping:

In the meantime, as we wait to find out how the rest of us can contribute.



I am looking forward to seeing BR and Mrs return to much better days. Here's a reminder. Mend quicky my friends.





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Damn guys... that's some fine quick thinking right there. Good job to FJRAuburn, Niehart, and Panman for stepping in to help. Hopefully BR & Mrs. make a full recovery...


"Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:37 AM, PDT

It's Thursday morning, and so far today is going fairly well. David had physical therapy around 0700. They made him stand up, turn around, and sit down in a chair for a few minutes. Then he had to stand up, turn around, and get back in bed. It's good for him to be up and moving around a little, and there are plans for him to be getting a walker soon. He should be moved from the ICU to Colleen's room later this afternoon.

C​olleen slept fairly well throughout the night. She had breakfast early, followed by some physical therapy. She's resting now, with the surgery still on the plan for tomorrow. Nothing is set in stone as far as times yet.

We have received many calls and e-mails from people looking to help. So far, there isn't much to do. When they will need help is after they get home. With their injuries, even the most mundane of household tasks is complicated. John and Thad should be able to handle most of the chores, meals will be the biggest issue. At some point we will be trying to organize a menu and sending e-mails to those that are interested. If you email the address associated with this blog, I will add you to the list.

On another note, while the thought is greatly appreciated​, please do not send anymore flowers. They are running out of room, and Colleen is mildly allergic, resulting in a minor headache."

Hi everyone, this is BR's oldest son. I am here at the hospital with him and the Mrs, and just wanted to say thanks for all the support. BR should be posting shortly, though he may have to dictate through me. The Caringbridge site that has been linked to previously is the best source for information regarding them.

Thanks again!

David II

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"When they will need help is after they get home. With their injuries, even the most mundane of household tasks is complicated. John and Thad should be able to handle most of the chores, meals will be the biggest issue.
Yup, speaking from experience, help is needed long after the accident and surgeries so everybody keep saving up and hang tight... they're gonna need all of ya! :)

P.S. If there is a Waiters on Wheels or some such organization up that way, I'd be happy to send them dinner one night after they're back home and settled in. :D

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"When they will need help is after they get home. With their injuries, even the most mundane of household tasks is complicated. John and Thad should be able to handle most of the chores, meals will be the biggest issue.
Yup, speaking from experience, help is needed long after the accident and surgeries so everybody keep saving up and hang tight... they're gonna need all of ya! :)

The local crew of about 7 members on the forum are starting to work out the need and logistics. We are in close contact with the Battermans and Kruzhals who have been asked to take the lead for their core support group by Dave and Colleen.

Once we have things identified where and what help is needed we will reach out further into the FJR community for help. This may take a couple of weeks or more before we are ready to seek others out.

Please be patient and keep good thoughts going their way.

"When they will need help is after they get home. With their injuries, even the most mundane of household tasks is complicated. John and Thad should be able to handle most of the chores, meals will be the biggest issue.
Yup, speaking from experience, help is needed long after the accident and surgeries so everybody keep saving up and hang tight... they're gonna need all of ya! :)

P.S. If there is a Waiters on Wheels or some such organization up that way, I'd be happy to send them dinner one night after they're back home and settled in. :D
You bring up a great point Tyler.

For people all over the world, that wish they could help....

What is needed at this time?

I'll give what I can for whatever.

But I'd like for it ta be focused on BR....

How can we help?

Who's keepin track?

"When they will need help is after they get home. With their injuries, even the most mundane of household tasks is complicated. John and Thad should be able to handle most of the chores, meals will be the biggest issue.
Yup, speaking from experience, help is needed long after the accident and surgeries so everybody keep saving up and hang tight... they're gonna need all of ya! :)

P.S. If there is a Waiters on Wheels or some such organization up that way, I'd be happy to send them dinner one night after they're back home and settled in. :D
You bring up a great point Tyler.

For people all over the world, that wish they could help....

What is needed at this time?

I'll give what I can for whatever.

But I'd like for it ta be focused on BR....

How can we help?

Who's keepin track?
Patience, grasshopper. :lol:

The local crew of about 7 members on the forum are starting to work out the need and logistics. We are in close contact with the Battermans and Kruzhals who have been asked to take the lead for their core support group by Dave and Colleen.
Once we have things identified where and what help is needed we will reach out further into the FJR community for help. This may take a couple of weeks or more before we are ready to seek others out.

Please be patient and keep good thoughts going their way.