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Ok. forgive my ignorance please....but where would you carry a gun? If you have it in your gear wouldn't it take to long to get to? And if you have it on your person, wouldn't it be a hazard if you had an accident? Also isn't it illegal in most states to conceal a weapon? Not trying to be a smart ass or anything but I would just like to know.

Ok. forgive my ignorance please....but where would you carry a gun? If you have it in your gear wouldn't it take to long to get to? And if you have it on your person, wouldn't it be a hazard if you had an accident? Also isn't it illegal in most states to conceal a weapon? Not trying to be a smart ass or anything but I would just like to know.
Trying to get this record breaking thread closed down are we? ;)

I just purchased a Taurus 94ss4 for my wife. It is similar to her Taurus 357 mag. and she prefers a wheel gun over a semi-auto.

It holds 9 shells and is just plain fun for her to shoot. A little small for my hands.

Shooting is such a great family sport.



I don't wish to hijack the thread or get too far off topic here, but if you're going to carry there are a couple of important factors to consider. 1) You've learned to use a weapon to protect yourself, now you need to learn to use yourself to protect your weapon! Remember, if your assailant is close enough to put his hands on you he's close enough to disarm you. This is something that is all too often overlooked.

2) If you carry a gun then carry a knife as well. At hand to hand range a knife is far more efficient and harder to take away without injury.

I would say as a general rule that if your assailant is close enough to grab you pull the knife, and at greater range go for the gun but MAINTAIN YOU DISTANCE.

Wow, that came off really preachy, didn't it? I'd just hate to see anybody here get shot with their own weapon.

Be safe.
One of the many criticisms of the US response to recent events in the form of transportation security came from someone who prolly knows about as much about it as someone who studies kenpo would - a US special forces dude. He criticized the focus on metal detectors and such. His upshot comment was (paraphrasing), "Feh. Give me a 4" ceramic blade on a plane, and I'll kill everybody much faster than I could do it with a pistol." I believed him.

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Ok. forgive my ignorance please....but where would you carry a gun? If you have it in your gear wouldn't it take to long to get to? And if you have it on your person, wouldn't it be a hazard if you had an accident? Also isn't it illegal in most states to conceal a weapon? Not trying to be a smart ass or anything but I would just like to know.
Trying to get this record breaking thread closed down are we? ;)
...if u ask me ( I know, i know...nobody did), this thread (on a supposedly FJR motorcycle site) only goes to show what a MORONIC state America is in! :ph34r:

Ok. forgive my ignorance please....but where would you carry a gun? If you have it in your gear wouldn't it take to long to get to? And if you have it on your person, wouldn't it be a hazard if you had an accident? Also isn't it illegal in most states to conceal a weapon? Not trying to be a smart ass or anything but I would just like to know.
Trying to get this record breaking thread closed down are we? ;)
...if u ask me ( I know, i know...nobody did), this thread (on a supposedly FJR motorcycle site) only goes to show what a MORONIC state America is in! :ph34r:
Even with help from canada you're not going to sucker us into your transparent attempt at baiting us.....

So who's the MORONIC one now???? Huh? Huh? :p :lol:

Neener neener neener, you ain't got a......

We can talk about oil, clothing, tires, camping, lodging, radar detectors, drinking, and Not personal protection?

I still haven't shot at a target from a moving FJR like some on this forum did. Looks like fun.

This is the first small bore I have bought and it seems to have more fire cutting going on than any of the big bores we carry.

We have only put about 600 rounds through it, and the cutting is very pronounced. I use only jacketed bullets in all the guns.

Is this normal for the 22?


Ok. forgive my ignorance please....but where would you carry a gun? If you have it in your gear wouldn't it take to long to get to? And if you have it on your person, wouldn't it be a hazard if you had an accident? Also isn't it illegal in most states to conceal a weapon? Not trying to be a smart ass or anything but I would just like to know.

Good questions, and I'm sure there may be differing laws and/or opinions here that vary from state to state, but here is how the concealed law was explained to me; There are essentially 2 kinds of concealment. Personal carry and personal transport. Personal carry requires either that you are a Law Enforcement Officer or have a Permit. Personal transport requires that the weapon be legally cased and unloaded, with ammunition a safe distance away from the weapon.

Yes, in ALL states it is illegal to carry concealed w/o a permit or being a LEO.

Yes, I believe it would be a hazzard to be carrying with a shoulder holster, for example, and get into a bike wreck. Just MHO.

On cross-country trips I'll keep an unloaded pistol legally cased in my tank bag with a loaded magazine in one of my side bags. This arrangement has been described to me to be legal. I don't know and cannot predict what circumstances may arise to need the weapon or whether or not it will be a helpful tool. I do know that sometime on the trip I'll make the time to shoot at targets on a range or on private property. It's fun and keeps me in practice. It is legal to do so in the USA and I will enjoy that freedom. For some reason a goodly portion of the world does not agree with that freedom? Oh well.

Artistic rider-if you have any other questions or want specifics on the state you live in I suggest calling your local Police Dept. or Sheriff's office for exact specifics on local ordinances or Permit allowances.

Good questions, and I'm sure there may be differing laws and/or opinions here that vary from state to state, but here is how the concealed law was explained to me; There are essentially 2 kinds of concealment. Personal carry and personal transport. Personal carry requires either that you are a Law Enforcement Officer or have a Permit. Personal transport requires that the weapon be legally cased and unloaded, with ammunition a safe distance away from the weapon.
Yes, in ALL states it is illegal to carry concealed w/o a permit or being a LEO.

On cross-country trips I'll keep an unloaded pistol legally cased in my tank bag with a loaded magazine in one of my side bags. This arrangement has been described to me to be legal. I don't know and cannot predict what circumstances may arise to need the weapon or whether or not it will be a helpful tool. I do know that sometime on the trip I'll make the time to shoot at targets on a range or on private property. It's fun and keeps me in practice. It is legal to do so in the USA and I will enjoy that freedom. For some reason a goodly portion of the world does not agree with that freedom? Oh well.
Do you put a lock on the gun while it is in the tank bag? Do you know if you are limited as to the amount of ammo you can carry in your side cases? When you are on your trip, do you stop at some random shooting range or is it planned and about how much do the ranges normally charge for the target practice?

Do you put a lock on the gun while it is in the tank bag? Do you know if you are limited as to the amount of ammo you can carry in your side cases? When you are on your trip, do you stop at some random shooting range or is it planned and about how much do the ranges normally charge for the target practice?
Howdy FJRStar, no I don't put a lock on the gun, but if I am walking away from the bike the tankbag comes with me. A trigger lock would be a great idea for folks who are just trying this for the first time and have less than 5 years handgun experience. When I get somewhere that I know I'll be for a while, asking a LEO about which range is the best has been the best practice. This accomplishes several things at once; a. It lets the officer know I have a gun. b. Cops know where the best ranges are that are the cheapest or free. c. They have excellent knowledge of great diners too. :D d. Range cost has almost always been less than $20. Sometimes all they charge are the cost of targets with a donation jar on the counter. As to ammo limits, I am not sure. I AM sure that the ammo has to be away from the weapon while in transport-how that is interpreted as far as distance is an unknown to me.

Again, contact local LEO for any clarification so there's little confusion. In some cities out west guns are worn on the hip everywhere and that is openly accepted. In other cities it is frowned on and will land you a "disorderly conduct" citation on the spot.

Howdy FJRStar, no I don't put a lock on the gun, but if I am walking away from the bike the tankbag comes with me. A trigger lock would be a great idea for folks who are just trying this for the first time and have less than 5 years handgun experience. When I get somewhere that I know I'll be for a while, asking a LEO about which range is the best has been the best practice. This accomplishes several things at once; a. It lets the officer know I have a gun. b. Cops know where the best ranges are that are the cheapest or free. c. They have excellent knowledge of great diners too. :D d. Range cost has almost always been less than $20. Sometimes all they charge are the cost of targets with a donation jar on the counter. As to ammo limits, I am not sure. I AM sure that the ammo has to be away from the weapon while in transport-how that is interpreted as far as distance is an unknown to me.
Again, contact local LEO for any clarification so there's little confusion. In some cities out west guns are worn on the hip everywhere and that is openly accepted. In other cities it is frowned on and will land you a "disorderly conduct" citation on the spot.
Thanks for the info.

Thanks for your info Burnergold2B. The reason I asked was because of an incident that happened a couple months ago that could have turned out bad. Then I sort of wondered what if I was stranded somewhere and needed protection. Thats why I renewed my FOID card after 12 years. And its back to the range for a little pratice and still see if I can shoot expert like so long ago (not sure if the Marine Corps count). Your answers helped tremendously. Most of the replies in this thread have been helpful and will help me decide on what weapon I wish to purchase and I thank you all.

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Yes, in ALL states it is illegal to carry concealed w/o a permit or being a LEO.
That is not a true statement.

There are a couple of states where a permit is not required to carry a loaded concealed weapon.

Alaska, Vermont, and New Hampshire. No permit required.


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...if u ask me ( I know, i know...nobody did), this thread (on a supposedly FJR motorcycle site) only goes to show what a MORONIC state America is in! :ph34r:

Are you saying that Americans are Morons?..well come down here and say that you steenkin Canadian and we will busta cap in your ass............


...if u ask me ( I know, i know...nobody did), this thread (on a supposedly FJR motorcycle site) only goes to show what a MORONIC state America is in! :ph34r:

Are you saying that Americans are Morons?..well come down here and say that you steenkin Canadian and we will busta cap in your ass............

:blink: ...very funny there knifemaker...I am sure there are a few exceptions to the "Moron" rule.

Nope we are all NUTS.

On the forms we fill out it asks us, are you crazy, if yes you get a gun. No move to the Great White North. Unarmed and kiss a polar bear.


Yes, in ALL states it is illegal to carry concealed w/o a permit or being a LEO.
That is not a true statement.

There are a couple of states where a permit is not required to carry a loaded concealed weapon.

Alaska, Vermont, and New Hampshire. No permit required.

OK, thanks for the clarification. What I made was a "safe" statement.

The penalties for carrying a concealed and loaded pistol w/o a permit, in the 47 states that DON'T allow it, would end your vacation on the spot; lose your weapon, lots of money, and go to jail. As I repeated several times check with the local LEO..
