Correct Skoot - HD aren't the leaders, never claimed to be to my knowledge, and probably won't be a leader anytime soon, and Ski's point is? I'm thinking you don't have to necessarily be the leader in those areas to be the sales (profit) leader, or to sell your bikes. Strange what attracts people to something like a motorcycle. Cook Nielson did a great story on the new Super Glide in a recent issue of Cycle World, (wish I had it here) with a great quote (the quote was on the editorial page). Something along the lines of "they (HD) might not lead in technolocy but they lead in spirit - and that they have in excess" or something along those lines. There is a whole (large) segment of the motorcycle population who don't care about carving corners, draggin pegs, 1,000 mile days, 0-100 in 3.6 secs, or 10,000 rpm redlines, and/or having the latest and greatest in any walk of their lives, including their bike. They just want to get on their bike (in this case an HD) and cruise and enjoy the experience, their ride, their way - not yours. And, I guess there are a whole bunch of people that feel that way, 330,000 or so last year alone. For them, I guess its not about technology or engineering leadership (Marketing - I'm sure some of them) . So, to each their own, different strokes for differrent folks I guess. If we all wanted to run with the leaders, we'd be watching our Fujitsu Plasmas, sipping a good single malt, after a hard day of piloting the Porsche Carrera GT (or S2000, LS460, M6, SLR McLaren, etc.) home from our Yahoo office in Santa Clara.