Goodness, you are camping and considering NOT taking the top box. You sir must be one heck of a minimalist. My pic above was hoteling all the way.
Left case includes Heated Gear on the outside. IN the bag has clothes for 4 days (Plan on washing one day somewhere), toiletries and a few misc items.
Right Case can be tent, tarps, camping supplies and tools. I am a minimalist camper for sure.
Larger Tank bag has Rain Gear, med kit, gloves, towels, straps, some tools, protective items, extra shield, air pump, pretty much anything needed quickly.
Behind me on the seat/rack is the big dry bag that has the rest of the camping items. Including Grill grate, camp pad, sleeping bag and a few misc sundries for the campfire beverages. I am a simple camper. Fire, food, drink, and I am good.
Granted, it will be tight, but I have see the light and will be taking the box because I want some extra room for gear or comfort items. Plus, if I hit a casino on the way, I will need the room to bring home all the cash I won.
In the past, I have taken way too many clothes and other crap I did not wind up using. Or I tried to pack for 8 days when 2 hours in a laundry mat halves my clothes. 70% of the time, I am in riding clothes.