Headlight replacements - How often?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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My last bike bike, I had to change bulbs every month or two. Tail and head light. I tried every bulb you can think of. On my '76, im still running the same headlight it had when I got it years ago. Ive got almost 16 on my FJR. They tend to last a long time on these bikes, on average. ...
Bulbs are very sensitive to the applied voltage. I'd guess your last bike bike (sic ;) ) had the charging voltage too high.

I just had to open my big frickin mouth...

My left headlight bulb lasted 97,150ish miles and quit on me in northern Georgia today. I always check them at stop lights in the reflection of the vehicle in front of me. Got behind a black Ford pickup and thought "hey, that doesn't look right". I'm going to blame ionbeam...it's all his fault.
