Heesss baaacckk

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Hell yeah, Hoppers would be just fine! Good luck getting a table on a Sat night, though. Let's give it a shot. Joe's will be a great backup-plan (or dessert!)

Gr8eyz, you come from some pretty mean BBQ country. Maybe WE should all ride out THERE this summer and let YOU pick the rest'ront! I used to live out in Lawton/Ft Sill in the late 70s... haven't been back since.


OK Hoppers. We go early enough and a table should not be a problem.....

Lemme git some info on it. I will be right back

HA!!!!! Better food and Better beer too.https://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl...15788564522706&ei=IV6jR7-yDoaijgHV2anVDA&cd=1


Bohemian Brewery & Grill << Clicky for map

94 E 7200 S, Midvale, UT(801) 566-5474

I vote this place at 5 PM on Saturday

For you East of the hill folks goes like this

Come outta yer canyon (Parleys) and take I-215 south

Hit I-15 and go south again (take the 270 deg roundy turn, the one I crashed on)

STAY TO THE LEFT and get off at once on 7200 S

Turn Left (you will be going east now) and this place is on the left (south side) just after state street (about 7 blocks)

I ate there a few weeks ago................. YUMMMMMMMYYYY Another microbrewery too

5pm, Saturday the 9th

What say you all ??


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I love cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........... We git enough and I will call for a special table for ummm special kids and such hehe

We git enough and I will call for a special table for ummm special kids and such hehe
Well, with Robin being present, that's the only kid you need to qualify :yahoo: ....Except, since he's bringing his wife and his girlfriend....that's TWO moms...IIRC, about what it takes! :eek: :lol:

We git enough and I will call for a special table for ummm special kids and such hehe
Well, with Robin being present, that's the only kid you need to qualify :yahoo: ....Except, since he's bringing his wife and his girlfriend....that's TWO moms...IIRC, about what it takes! :eek: :lol:
Mike,,,, Why you gonna go and pick on the "Special" Kid for. I tell Kenra and she will beat you up!!! Better watch it

Damn, how'd I miss this post? I won't be able to go. Have to go to my MSF update that day. Maybe, I can catch you guys next time

Damn, how'd I miss this post? I won't be able to go. Have to go to my MSF update that day. Maybe, I can catch you guys next time

Of course.......... Mebbe see you some time other than that too.

I am taking ST ART/April, and probebly the ERC as a refresher prior.

But then there is always riding too......... Melt us some snow and lets git to it eh??

PM TO you w/ Phone and stuff

..... Melt us some snow and lets git to it eh??
Had mine out for a few minutes this afternoon. Had to shovel a path through the drifts to get past the slick stuff though.

But alas, not interested in melting snow yet. Too much powder skiing left to do.

Do you ski? I have comp passes to Snowbird.

I am takin mine out today... I gotta load my Muzzy map and giver a look over.... Why doncha come on down and hangout with us.... Today 5pm Address and such above

I no longer ski But I am sure there are some locals feeger boys that do..

Come on down... Dang. we got a heard of feeger boys in the Uwwwtaaahhh area... COOL!!

.... I know where West Point is. It is less than one FJR gallon of gas away. lol
OK Cdog, I'm in Ogden and know the way from SLC to West Point. Let's see (I have to think of the trip from here to Salt Lake and play it back in reverse), here goes ...

You take I80 to US 40 into Kamas then over the pass by Mirror Lake and down into Evanston. From there you continue on to Woodruff then take 39 past Monte Christo and down into Huntsville. Over Trapper's Loop (using the old Snowbasin road of course) into Mountain Green then 84 into Ogden and on to West Point.

And you say you can make it on 1 gallon of gas?? I'm not sure I believe it! Or do you take a shortcut over East Canyon through Morgan? Are there any other routes between Ogden and SLC? Can't think of any except for the scenic route by way of Bear Lake.

Well, that was a nice evening. Those of you who didn't make it there but are in close proximity I sure hope you can make it to our next get'ageth'r. Turned out to be Cdog, his pretty wife, me, my pretty wife, and LakePowell. The food was teriffic and the company/conversation even better. Thanks guys, for the laughs and new friendships. Seems you both have some great FJR knowledge that I believe will help me build my bike up this summer.

Rode to work today, as it feels Spring!!


Count me out of the skiing stuff. Got a bad right knee. That's what's keeping me off the radical sport bikes. And besides, skiing is dangerous...
