Help!, New FJR, Throttle Tight, Hard To Twist

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Jefferson, MD
I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?

How do I adjust it?

I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?
How do I adjust it?
if the dealer you bought it from is close, take it back and have them check the cable routing and make adjustments adjustmets. I suggest you get it tended to quickly without riding it until you feel comfortable with controlling the throttle.

It's posts like these that make me want to go into hibernation for a few months until the noobs learn to SEARCH.


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It's posts like these that make me want to go into hibernation for a few months until the noobs learn to SEARCH.
C`mon there Brun., the search feature is a dog and u should know that by now. Let the newbies`s no big deal Everything gets repeated here anyways, so why should you care! :ph34r:

Well, you should certainly know with that whopping post count of yours. Thanks for enlightening me!

In any event, I'll go on record to say that nearly every post that has been made on this forum can be found via the search tool. Plus, google works too if that ain't good enough.


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It's posts like these that make me want to go into hibernation for a few months until the noobs learn to SEARCH.
C`mon there Brun., the search feature is a dog and u should know that by now. Let the newbies`s no big deal Everything gets repeated here anyways, so why should you care! :ph34r:
Mr. 34 posts: I care because we don't want people to become Search Welfare Recipients around here.

Search works just ine if people bother to spend 15 minutes actually learning how to use it. And if they can't be bothered with that they should be able to use the excessily easy Google method that Slapnop detailed.

The folks that bother tossing up links like TWN just did aren't exactly rocket scientists and figured out how to search pretty danged easily. If he can do it....well......just about anybody can.

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If these are the kind of replies I am going to get being a part of this forum then why bother? Enjoy insulting yourselves. I picked the wrong forum.

Mr. 34 posts: I care because we don't want people to become Search Welfare Recipients around here. Search works just ine if people bother to spend 15 minutes actually learning how to use it. And if they can't be bothered with that they should be able to use the excessily easy
Sorry, Ignacio, but I'm with Conwest on this one. I run a GIS and have been doing complex queries in SQL and other databases for years. The search feature here are OK, but nothing to write home about. Definitely not user friendly. Search success always, as you well know, depends totally on how you pick your search string. If you have been looking at almost every post on the site since its birth, like you admins do, putting together a good search string and refining it probably feels real easy. To the casual user, when you do your search and come up a fifty to a hundred hits, most of which aren't even close to what you want, WHAT EXACTLY is the harm in asking again?

Mr. 34 posts: I care because we don't want people to become Search Welfare Recipients around here. Search works just ine if people bother to spend 15 minutes actually learning how to use it. And if they can't be bothered with that they should be able to use the excessily easy
WHAT EXACTLY is the harm in asking again?
some folks just cant help but be a-holes

wipe me out if you want:

Ignacio and all you other FJR GODS, if you spent as much time checking your spelling rather than hammering noobs, the trade might be fair. However, no matter what you think, perception is reality and the "old-timers" are always ready to express their superiority by screwing with noobs. And the post count doesn't mean sh t. A-holes are unwanted unless they are supported by other a-holes.

ummmm, sorry! I'll probably get booted off, but I don't speak unless I've just got to......

This has NOTHING to do with the FJR Forum. It is proper etiquette in any forum.

If you were going to a bar for the first time and you didn't know anybody, would you just kick the front door down yelling, "WHERE'S THE BOOZE AND LOOSE WOMEN AT!!" ??? Noooo, not unless you want to be out on your ass. Or just sober and celibate.

No, you come in slowly, smile a little, quietly ask a few other people what's up in a nice manner, slip the bartender a 10 spot and they help you out. Because let's face it, the regulars know how to get they drink on and they swerve on.

So stop yer cryin', do what you know you should do (search first). Forum life it just like real life. Having a keyboard in front of you gives you no excuse to act like a clown.


You would think It would be great to help someone, that's what this forum is all about. every post is a repeat of some kind... If all we did was search for previous posts there would be NO Forum. It has everything to do with this forum!!!!

Hey "STUPID", make a guy or gal feel welcome here on this forum, don't jump on him. (If the shoe fits wear it)

Steve "Lucky" Wilber

I have yet been able to search anything with any good kind of results...

It's posts like these that make me want to go into hibernation for a few months until the noobs learn to SEARCH.
With posts like this you should go into hibernation permanently!!!!


I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?
How do I adjust it?
cOemgen, don't get too upset, the guys are just giving you a hard time.

The 06 FJR throttle is a little stiff. Also the throttle grip is very hard and too small of a diameter (for me anyway). Getting larger grips or adding grip puppies really helps a lot. If it is still too stiff then what seems to have helped a lot of riders is to take some of the tension off of the throttle spring. There is a bunch of info on the forum about how to do this.

If you are having trouble with the search, as many do, let me know and I will start gathering up some links to help you get started.

The link that TWN posted is a good place to start.

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I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?
How do I adjust it?
Hey, c0emgen, ya be getting a bum rap here. I've erased what I originally wrote because it ain't worth lowering myself to their level.

I apologize for the quick retorts of the FJR illuminati. I too am a new owner and if it were not for first timers purchasers the FJR would not exist and this forum would be a figment of someone's imagination. Thanks to this forum I have learned a great deal about a fabulous motorcycle. It's a shame long timers with no patience and sharp tongues are quick to slam new owners. My advice is to ignore their crass remarks and lurk quitely on the site to learn more about a great bike.

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