Help!, New FJR, Throttle Tight, Hard To Twist

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This has NOTHING to do with the FJR Forum. It is proper etiquette in any forum.
Where do I find this "any forum" that Emily Post runs? I'm on four Triumph forums, the STN forum, was on the COG, forum and have visited may forums over the years. I have never been a list where so much time was spent on what goes where, and using the search features that I have on this one. Noob versus veteran is BS too. A guy may be a noob to this list or a veteran "of this list" but there is absolutely no, none, nada, zilch connection to bike experience for either one. Kinda boils down to do ya wanna talk FJR or web forum etiquette.

He used ST.N as a data element supporting his position. :rofl:

If you were going to a bar for the first time and you didn't know anybody, would you just kick the front door down yelling, "WHERE'S THE BOOZE AND LOOSE WOMEN AT!!" ???
this forum is a bar with booze and loose women? i need to go back and study that search tutorial again!

Wow we made it all the way to March this year! Well done, spring is around the corner.

Wow we made it all the way to March this year! Well done, spring is around the corner.

Nice seat V

I had a hard time with the throttle too in the beginning. For me it was simply I was not used tot he tension. I would have it checked out though for sure.!

Im also a newbie & although i feel like I'm sticking my neck's what I did.

Went to a good bicycle shop, bought bar tape (as in handlebar tape), they make it in a vinyl type & a cork type

coke is thicker & spongier. Wraped my grips with it, much better, but I also picked up a throttle rocker, done.

If these are the kind of replies I am going to get being a part of this forum then why bother? Enjoy insulting yourselves. I picked the wrong forum.

Ehhhh.... Don't feel too bad: I got similarly shat on by the same people for the same reason when I first joined.

It seems to be a Rite of Passage here.....

Iggy, you ain't moved this stinky ol' crack-whore of a thread yet? :)

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Iggy, you ain't moved this stinky ol' crack-whore of a thread yet? :)
Awe come on, every once in awhile the forum needs a good dogpile for no good reason. Just let it run its course so its out of our system for a few months.

He used ST.N as a data element supporting his position. :rofl:
And your point is???? Is this one of those esoteric, inside remarks that abound on this list? If it is a shot at the ST.N then this is another case of it being useless to inform a moron that they are indeed a moron.

Im also a newbie & although i feel like I'm sticking my neck's what I did.Went to a good bicycle shop, bought bar tape (as in handlebar tape), they make it in a vinyl type & a cork type

coke is thicker & spongier. Wraped my grips with it, much better, but I also picked up a throttle rocker, done.
Shoulda got grip puppies for $7 and you don't have to worry about sticky tape. Learn to search man :p

Just don't search grip puppies on google or you will get TWNs gay porn site :D

He used ST.N as a data element supporting his position. :rofl:
And your point is???? Is this one of those esoteric, inside remarks that abound on this list? If it is a shot at the ST.N then this is another case of it being useless to inform a moron that they are indeed a moron.
His point was that ST.n moves so many posts that even the likes of JSchmidt was prompted to post a threat complaining of this. As far as them dumping on noobs... man, you haven't been reading very well. I'm a tough, old sumabitch and even I won't venture a post there anymore. :blink:

'Shat' is the correct past tense of the verb 'shit'--it can't be used as a noun.

Main Entry: shit

Pronunciation: \'shit\

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): shit or shat \'shat\; shit·ting

Etymology: alteration of earlier shite, from Middle English shiten, from Old English -scītan; akin to Old High German scīzan to defecate and probably to Old English scēadan to separate — more at shed

Date: 14th century

intransitive verb

usually vulgar : defecate

transitive verb

1usually vulgar : to defecate in

2usually vulgar : to attempt to deceive : bullshit

Now copy:

"Now I shit, in the past I shat."

100 times on the board.

His point was that ST.n moves so many posts that even the likes of JSchmidt was prompted to post a threat complaining of this.

JSchmAdt was prompted!

Don't you guys learn anything?

Dang, I just read this entire thread, I want that 10 minutes of my life back.... :blink:

Hey Scythian,

You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.

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