Help!, New FJR, Throttle Tight, Hard To Twist

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I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?
How do I adjust it?

Congrats on the new bike, like the rest of us, you have great taste in motorcycles! Dont go rushing out of here yet, this is a very good site with lots of top flight info on the FJR, it appears that the long winter is having a negative affect on a few of the more sensitive among us...... :blink: You really should try the search, try using these key words/phases........throttle tube G2, spring release, grip puppies, cramp should find discussions that address your concern. Welcome aboard.

.No, you come in slowly, smile a little, quietly ask a few other people what's up in a nice manner, slip the bartender a 10 spot and they help you out. Because let's face it, the regulars know how to get they drink on and they swerve on.

So stop yer cryin', do what you know you should do (search first). Forum life it just like real life. Having a keyboard in front of you gives you no excuse to act like a clown.

A new member joins the forum excited to anounce his new bike and voicing a concern.........let me get this right.....he should approach slowly, smile a little, quietly ask a few others in a nice manner whats up and then pay for the privalege? Forum life is just like real life? Acting like a clown.......

:lol: :eek: :huh: :p :( :blink: :dribble: Get yerself a check up from the neck up Brunpuppy!!

Anyone wanna make book how quick this thread gets nepurted?

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If you were going to a bar for the first time and you didn't know anybody, would you just kick the front door down yelling, "WHERE'S THE BOOZE AND LOOSE WOMEN AT!!" ???
FuckinA yeah. Then the fun starts.

No, you come in slowly, smile a little, quietly ask a few other people what's up in a nice manner, slip the bartender a 10 spot and they help you out.
If yer'n a sissy.

The search [mis]function sucks. It If it was convenient and produced good, easy to use results it would be used.


Did Iggy just call me a 'tard? :dntknw: Well then, it's good to know that I'll have some company on the short bus. Hey, let's steal skoot's Lost In Space lunch box! Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Then, we can go to the zoo and watch the monkeys throw poop!


Relax guys, it's almost Friday. Sleep tight! ;)

I told Smitty it was too tight when he was installing my cruise control unit this last weekend and with a few turns of the screw it was fixed. I hope everyone gets to meet Smitty and have some installs done.

I'm new too... maybe I should be banned from using anything but the search button... :ph34r: :dribble: :ph34r:

On the other hand, I rarely go to the pub to search... I actually like the company!

If you dont like people asking questions on this forum then dont answer them... :rolleyes:

Maybe those of us with a low post count have better things to do than bitch and moan about people who dont want to use the search function.

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:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Chill out dudes!!! this is a great website and forum. I have learned alot and can tell you that these guys (and ladies too) are the best. Can't tell you how much I appreciate the wisdom, BS and simply great entertainment I have gotten from here. This forum is the reason I have a beautiful "blue baby" an 06 by the way, and why I have enjoyed riding her so much. As the John said, " we get by with a little help from our friends" , no reason why we shouldn't expect a bit of shit from anyone on the forum. Remember, TWN was put here for your "own personal entertainment", pure and simple. I, for one, wouldn't expect any less! Take care you guys!!! :blink: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Way back in April of '06 FNG posted pics of the throttle springs in the "Throttle spring, lightnin up some" discussion. The pics are no longer posted. Does anybody have photos of the throttle body and spring in question? A picture is worth a thousand words. When I unhooked the spring I thought I was supposed to, it didn't snap around... just unwound a bit then remained unhooked and in the way. Throttle wouldn't return either. I have the '07 A.

Is this the spring???


This is from a Fred H. post.

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Is this the spring???
Yes sir, right there with the little half loop wrapped around the little tang thingy....I think the picture shows a spring that has been released, see the little gap tween the spring n tang?

If you don't want to read a repetative post, don't

If you don't want to respond to one don't

But you sure as heck should feel free to ask what you want with the thought process that others are here to help.


Well, you should certainly know with that whopping post count of yours. Thanks for enlightening me!
In any event, I'll go on record to say that nearly every post that has been made on this forum can be found via the search tool. Plus, google works too if that ain't good enough.


That's it BrunDog, slap down those damn NB's. I wonder if I went back and "searched" all your posts in the time you've been on the board, if you ever asked a question that had been answered before and could have searched it out for yourself instead of "bothering" all those old timers. Oh, nice move, researching some one's "seniority" and turning it into an insult. Good Job! Great way to up your post count. :p


This has NOTHING to do with the FJR Forum. It is proper etiquette in any forum.
If you were going to a bar for the first time and you didn't know anybody, would you just kick the front door down yelling, "WHERE'S THE BOOZE AND LOOSE WOMEN AT!!" ??? Noooo, not unless you want to be out on your ass. Or just sober and celibate.

No, you come in slowly, smile a little, quietly ask a few other people what's up in a nice manner, slip the bartender a 10 spot and they help you out. Because let's face it, the regulars know how to get they drink on and they swerve on.


Geeze, no wonder I get thrown outta so many gin joints: been going about it all wrong all these years :rolleyes: Ignacio, where should I send the ten spot?

[SIZE=24pt]Come one - COME ALL! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]SEE THE -----[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24pt]"Fiasco In the Forum"[/SIZE]

You think the Thriller in Manilla was a fight? Come see the


[SIZE=14pt]Post count is critical and proper Forum Etiquette will be followed at all times![/SIZE]

The snow is melting and the early rain is going to wash away the sand and salt. Pretty soon we'll be riding again.....

This has NOTHING to do with the FJR Forum. It is proper etiquette in any forum.
Where do I find this "any forum" that Emily Post runs? I'm on four Triumph forums, the STN forum, was on the COG, forum and have visited may forums over the years. I have never been a list where so much time was spent on what goes where, and using the search features that I have on this one. Noob versus veteran is BS too. A guy may be a noob to this list or a veteran "of this list" but there is absolutely no, none, nada, zilch connection to bike experience for either one. Kinda boils down to do ya wanna talk FJR or web forum etiquette.

If these are the kind of replies I am going to get being a part of this forum then why bother? Enjoy insulting yourselves. I picked the wrong forum.
I run two boards and visit this one because I like the people and the bike.

I am embarrased this guy was treated like this. I had alot of help, the search feature is only easy if you know it even exsists, then know how to use it, then pick the right search terms. I know how to do all of this BUT

We just got told by a guy we dont know we are not worth his time to get to know. Embarrasing, Oh, if anyone wants to know I have about 35,000 posts on various boards, just incase someone with a higher post count than me wants to get superior about it. :assassin: Having said that, I dont mind a little shit from people, but not until they have earned the right to do it just like I have to earn creds here too. Like walking into a bar and you know some peeps. stranger starts in on you how ya gonna take it?? Your buddy starts in on you you take it way different. Oldtimers need noobs to be old timers or it becomes a closed society and starts inbreeding and becoming malformed soon

The throttle spring mod helps a TON, so does the G2 Mod. and TWNis funny

It's posts like these that make me want to go into hibernation for a few months until the noobs learn to SEARCH.
C`mon there Brun., the search feature is a dog and u should know that by now. Let the newbies`s no big deal Everything gets repeated here anyways, so why should you care! :ph34r:
Mr. 34 posts: I care because we don't want people to become Search Welfare Recipients around here.

Search works just ine if people bother to spend 15 minutes actually learning how to use it. And if they can't be bothered with that they should be able to use the excessily easy Google method that Slapnop detailed.

The folks that bother tossing up links like TWN just did aren't exactly rocket scientists and figured out how to search pretty danged easily. If he can do it....well......just about anybody can.
...u gotta be kidding: "search welfare recipients" ?...u work for the gov`t or something? What a load of crap! It`s post whores like u and your ilk, that constantly pontificate around here proving that arrogance is king. Post count...that`s significant? Give me a break...all I was trying to do was defend a new guy and look at the shit you and bdog left on the sidewalk. :angry2:

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Your description of a tight throttle sounds more than just the spring tension. Have your dealer make sure, the cables are routed correctly.

+100, what conwest said. <_<

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