Hi Chuck, Robin Patrick here, Claim number 2117737, on my 30 day old claim

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Bad Boy
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
Herriman, UT
American Modern Select Insurance Company

I have been contemplating our conversation yesterday and have made some decisions..

I will agree to the balance due on the bike. You do not have Valid comps if they are not from this area. Comparing my bike to an 06 FJRAE in Florida for example does not work and you would not accept that if the shoe were on the other foot. Then 50% added on for aftermarket gear is an arbitrary number made by the insurance company for its own benefit.

The job of an insurance company is to make me whole again. That is not what you are attempting to do. However, I am being damaged by this. Dragging the feet is effecting my credit. There is a payment past due on the bike now held in your yard as hostage for negotiating, feels much like giving a used car salesman keys to my trade in while we negotiate the deal. Not good

You want to pay “part” of the loan off, keep the bike, part it out, keep the money for the parts, and subrogate to the state to get your money back. Don’t try to convince me it is to get my 500 dollar deductible back, I am not stupid and did not appreciate that answer as the reason for subrogation, it was insulting at best.

If you think I am being unreasonable in the numbers department, then REPLACE THE BIKE for the less money you claim you can validate and I will have the VIN changed at my credit union. I have a long relationship with them. Then I will accept a check for 50% of the value of my aftermarket parts in addition to that, as you have proposed.. If your numbers are real, this solution should afford you the best outcome. It is actually the outcome I would prefer if you care about my preferences

You are a nice guy Chuck.. but I will not take it in the shorts again because you have a magic formula and I am supposed to accept it. You took the bike.. and are now attempting to shove this down my throat and hold me hostage

Put your money where your corporate mouth is! Yes, my intention is to make it “Cheaper” to make me happy than to yank my chain some more.. I have the time and I am smart enough to make it stick. Please recall I told you I owned a commercial insurance agency for some time. I am a bit more industry savvy than some.

Either above option is fine.. Anything else will cause me to involve an Attorney (I have a friends that will do this pro-bono, we riders stick together)

I am posting this letter on my riding board verbatim (we will start with one right now) and your response, be it written or electronic will also be posted. Your handling of this matter is being watched by thousands. Many I am sure hold a policy with you

Your customers are watching, I have time

What is your pleasure Chuck?



Chuck is a nice guy

But if you want to assure him others are watching you can drop him an email and ask him how come they are treating me like this?

Yes, I am trying to be a pain in the ass.. on purpose, feel free, or I mean, please do

Chuck Moore

7000 Midland Blvd

Amelia, OH 45102

[email protected]



If you have a loan, it seems to me that continuing regular payments is your responsibility until the insurance claim is finalized. It stinks to pay on a bike you don't have but why should the lender suffer for something they had nothing to do with? Then again, I have no experience with this (thankfully).

Hope this situation works out for you and you end up getting what you need.

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If you have a loan, it seems to me that continuing regular payments is your responsibility until the insurance claim is finalized. It stinks to pay on a bike you don't have but why should the lender suffer for something they had nothing to do with? Then again, I have no experience with this (thankfully).
Hope this situation works out for you and you end up getting what you need.
Yes, that is true.. But why should I continue to make payments when the goal is to have them pay it off. I doubt I am going to get that back.. and I am paying down what is now their balance yes? And interest is accruing yes? Why, if they say the bike is theirs and it is locked in their yard for almost a month, should I have to make up the interest amount for their delay?

I "was" perfectly happy to be reasonable, until they yanked my chain and a month went by.. Now it is a matter of principal. If more people stood up to them then this type of haranging would be less common..

Under paying a claim by a measly 1500 Dollars is small right? Not life changing right.. I agree..

But for them.. it is saving 15% on their claims if they can bulldog all their customers into that..

I refuse that treatment in theory and principal. I will not lay down for it.. True 1500 dollars is not much and i could probably get my Credit union to forgive it and not have to pay it at all.. seriously, and probably with less effort than this will take.

As I said. I intend to win, and stand up for everyone on principal.. I have the time.. the 1500 bucks is not that big a deal..

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I worked in P&C for 6 years for one of the major players. What they are trying to do is not good business. I think you are correct about trying to go by another regions average cost to replace, it is not valid. Some companies do drag their feet , a note or call to your states Insurance Commissioner can help, as well as escalating it inside the company. Just go to the guys boss, don't let them jerk you around. Keep the payments current on the bike, find all the sales records if possible for farkles, where you bought them may have copies. Look on places like E-Bay too, for fair market value. Ask them for an expected date to resolve it. I know it makes them work harder if they feel a date driven heat.

Email sent.......


Chuck...... Do the right thing!

American Modern Select Insurance Company

I have been contemplating our conversation yesterday and have made some decisions..

I will agree to the balance due on the bike. You do not have Valid comps if they are not from this area. Comparing my bike to an 06 FJRAE in Florida for example does not work and you would not accept that if the shoe were on the other foot. Then 50% added on for aftermarket gear is an arbitrary number made by the insurance company for its own benefit.

The job of an insurance company is to make me whole again. That is not what you are attempting to do. However, I am being damaged by this. Dragging the feet is effecting my credit. There is a payment past due on the bike now held in your yard as hostage for negotiating, feels much like giving a used car salesman keys to my trade in while we negotiate the deal. Not good

You want to pay “part” of the loan off, keep the bike, part it out, keep the money for the parts, and subrogate to the state to get your money back. Don’t try to convince me it is to get my 500 dollar deductible back, I am not stupid and did not appreciate that answer as the reason for subrogation, it was insulting at best.

If you think I am being unreasonable in the numbers department, then REPLACE THE BIKE for the less money you claim you can validate and I will have the VIN changed at my credit union. I have a long relationship with them. Then I will accept a check for 50% of the value of my aftermarket parts in addition to that, as you have proposed.. If your numbers are real, this solution should afford you the best outcome. It is actually the outcome I would prefer if you care about my preferences

You are a nice guy Chuck.. but I will not take it in the shorts again because you have a magic formula and I am supposed to accept it. You took the bike.. and are now attempting to shove this down my throat and hold me hostage

Put your money where your corporate mouth is! Yes, my intention is to make it “Cheaper” to make me happy than to yank my chain some more.. I have the time and I am smart enough to make it stick. Please recall I told you I owned a commercial insurance agency for some time. I am a bit more industry savvy than some.

Either above option is fine.. Anything else will cause me to involve an Attorney (I have a friends that will do this pro-bono, we riders stick together)

I am posting this letter on my riding board verbatim (we will start with one right now) and your response, be it written or electronic will also be posted. Your handling of this matter is being watched by thousands. Many I am sure hold a policy with you

Your customers are watching, I have time


Brian Bott


The loan agreement you signed is still your responsibility. That will affect your credit and, while it might be simple to resolve later, it won't be resolved quickly. It will have obvious consequences later.

It sucks, but I think you have to make the payments, keep records of it and go after the insurance company for those "damages".

Ruining your credit while trying to get an insurance company isn't helpful :(

all IMHO

That said...go get the bastards!

Kidnap his children. Mail him a bloody prosthetic ear or mannequin finger. Works on TV every time.

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I had a similar incident with a truck. In my case the adjuster was actually using the wrong truck to estimate the value of my vehicle (a stripped down full size versus a loaded Dakota), and the difference was substantial. I was trying to be nice about it, which was a mistake. After getting jerked around for 6 weeks a second adjuster came to my house to settle the personal injury stuff, which they delt with separately from the vehicle.

I had been prepared to sign the documents he brought saying that everyone was fine from the accident, but I had a long conversation with the second adjuster and explained the situation with the truck to him. He agreed that something was amiss, I concluded that conversation with "I am not convinced that my son is OK from the accident, I'm hiring a lawyer". The truck issue resolved itself very quickly after that, and actually in my favor. To be honest that kind of pissed me off too because then I felt like I had blackmailed my way into a favorable settlement when all I wanted was a reasonable one.

It was a scary situation for me, during the process I realized how corporate America has you buy the balls if they really want to be bastards. Sure you can take them to court, but financially you can lose a case you win.

Find yourself some legal leverage.

Find yourself some legal leverage.
+1, Some years back, I actually had an adjuster tell me to my face that they were only going to give us 80% of the repairs to our company vehicle, because it would cost us more than that to collect the other 20%. :glare:

The loan agreement you signed is still your responsibility. That will affect your credit and, while it might be simple to resolve later, it won't be resolved quickly. It will have obvious consequences later.
It sucks, but I think you have to make the payments, keep records of it and go after the insurance company for those "damages".

Ruining your credit while trying to get an insurance company isn't helpful :(

all IMHO

That said...go get the bastards!

I agree, what's another 1 or two payments? Keep track of it and make sure you add it to the settlement amount from the date they took ownership/possession. I would also push for a replacement if you're happy with that. Given the economy and compressed markets, the value of bikes as a whole is down. Replacing the bike with one in equal condition and mileage would make you whole.

My last few vehicle claims have worked out favorably for me. State Farm has treated me well through 2 stolen vehicles in 10 years and my son's recent total loss. In all cases their settlement amount was more than fair.

I have never had a motorcycle related claim though. When I went down, my jacket was OK and already 4 years old. I replaced my helmet on my own cause it was less than my deductible. I'll also deal with my side bag out of pocket this winter.

(My son's recent total loss factors into this decision, if we hadn't had a recent claim that we felt was dealt with more than fair, I'd would have probably submitted a claim).

Your agent has a lot to do with this. My father is currently not happy with his SF agent.


They gave in

They are paying the bike off less my 500 dollar deductible. They think i am an unreasonable pain in the ass but it is cheaper to make me happy i the long run.. I agree partially.. It is cheaper to make ma happy. Now to stop the Viral Campaign that started a couple of hours ago

To those who have sent letters to them on my behalf.. and there were a few

It worked..


They gave in
They are paying the bike off less my 500 dollar deductible. They think i am an unreasonable pain in the ass but it is cheaper to make me happy i the long run.. I agree partially.. It is cheaper to make ma happy. Now to stop the Viral Campaign that started a couple of hours ago

To those who have sent letters to them on my behalf.. and there were a few

It worked..

Nice, now go and call a State Farm agent :)

AIG has low premiums, but are cheapskate claim payers

State Farm is the opposite but lots more overhead

AIG is my vehicle insurance company (State Farm homeowners/flood)

Had two claims - fire under the hood from broken fuel line on my old old 90 Lexus ES250

It was totaled, but had to negotiate for weeks the fair market value and the salvage amount as I kept it and fixed it with used parts...they started at $1500 with $500 salvage

I did my own research using Edmunds, NADA, and Kelly Blue Book and settled on $2500 value with $200 salvage

ate the $500 deductible

Same when a tree fell on my '99 Honda Odyssey from Hurricane Gustav...all it did was crack the windshield and scratch up the paint. I was sure it would be fixed, but they totaled it. Started at $5000 value and didn't want to let me keep it. Said it was too unsafe to drive and uninsurable. I cried Baloney as nothing changed...the windshield would even pass a state inspection as the crack was on the passenger side. I guess they received so many claims from the hurricane, that they catagorized the van as being crushed by the tree. I fought like hell for weeks again with internet pricing research and lotsa emails and faxes. I hard balled big time as I knew I was switching insurance to Hartford through AARP next renewal time. Settled on $7500 value with $1500 salvage less $500 deductible.

So it goes. State Farm claims from Tropical Storm flood of '95, Hurricane Katrina, and Hurricane Gustav were all IMHO highly inflated and I made money on what they paid out all three times. Allstate was, by far, not at all as reported from relatives. It was like pulling teeth dealing with Allstate, they said.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

They gave in
They are paying the bike off less my 500 dollar deductible. They think i am an unreasonable pain in the ass but it is cheaper to make me happy i the long run.. I agree partially.. It is cheaper to make ma happy. Now to stop the Viral Campaign that started a couple of hours ago

To those who have sent letters to them on my behalf.. and there were a few

It worked..

Nice, now go and call a State Farm agent :)
Why, I dont got a bike and my cars are with Geico Gecco,, Whatever

Kick em in the nards Mike!!
