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Ari Rankum

NAFO Karting Champion, 2012
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Folks!

I'm home safe and sound. I had a blast!! The ride up 219 to 50 was 5 hours of recess, WHAT FUN!!! Thanks, Heidi and Dirk, for suggesting it.

Too, thanks to the EOM staff: JWilly, Scab, Extrememarine, Fencer, HaulinAshe, the Meadows, and everyone else I'm forgetting. That was a great location and a very successful event.

What I learned at EOM is that the Eastern Owners are all about family. What a great group of people you all yall are. See you all yall next year.

JWilly - I nearly chipped my teeth on the pavement I was laughing so hard - you have a hella knack for telling a story.

PS- Thank you to whomever gave me the pat on the top of the helmet signal (LEO warning) on 60 as we passed each other on Saturday. I owe you the beverage of your choice.

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Got back home this afternoon.

Jeanne and I had a great time.

Met some old friends, and made some new ones.

Can't wait till next year.

Thanks to all who made it possible.


Home safe in Ohio, I rode 219 to 50 also. :yahoo:

Sorry I could only ride in for dinner on Saturday, but it was worth it!

Thanks to the entire EOM staff for putting on a great event.


Made it home Sunday ~5pm. Had an excellent time this weekend....great weather, routes and it was fun meeting new people.

A special thanks to FJRinthe Ville for showing us a better way home and for the lunch in the VA State Park and to the many organizers and sponsors who made this event happen as well.

Anita and I (Bob ,Cap, whatever) took off from Lewisburg at 1100, made our way to home to Parkersburg, WV by way of US 219 North to Elkins, WV by way of the following WV State Parks; Beartown, Droop Mountain and Watoga. From Elkins we took the four-lane US 33 West to Weston, WV and dined at the world famous Kentucky Fried Chicken (mmmm-baby, finger lickin' good!).

Continuing our westerly route we switched over to WV Rt. 47 West which took us all the way home (in only eight hours!) to Parkersburg and a jumpy-licky-squirmy reunion with our little dachsund, Penny. She is very glad that her mommy and daddy are home!

Thanks to all of those who did the hard work to make the event such a success, we enjoyed it very much. What a nice group of people to make friends with and enjoy the company of. Anita and I are both looking forward to the next get-together where-ever. See ya'll soon now!

Made it home by 7:00PM. Anyone coming north to New England stay away from 78 in NJ. The road sucks and the traffic was killer. Stay on 84 and go through PA and NY to get to CT and places north. I spent 2 hours in traffic on 287 they had 5 lanes shut down and 35 min going around the traffic to go over the Tappan Zee Bridge Traffic. Thanks to all to make it a great weekend sorry I had to leave early.

Boy!!! 219 got a workout this morning. I too, ran 219 to 50 then 220 home. What a great ride. Thanks to all.


Lorie and I got home around 5 today too.

Thanks to all who put this on. Well organized and a great time!

Home in short order also. Down 219, short hop on 460, 61 west to Tazewell, down 16 in Va, hop across 42 to 80 and south into Shady Valley (yep, the so called snake -weekend and LEO's means best behavior), and then back toward TN up 421.

Total miles and distance, less than the Sphincter (sp) route with the New York and PA contingent ridden yesterday. (Thanks for inviting me along guys.) Hope all of you have as pleasant a return.

EOM 08 was great. A sincere thanks to all parties who stepped up to make it a resounding success.

Until we meet again, best to all of you. CCook

I started my morning off with the 2up group, Then decided to head west!

I am in Mount Vernon now IL now... I will be home tomorrow.


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So good to hear from my brothers and sisters from regions I don't frequent...

Very good to hear you had a great time, and returned home safe and sound.

Hope to crash your party next year...

you need some 'Western Influence' LOL.

I made it home too. Longest trip in one day so far, a little over 700 miles. Boy did it get cold when the sun went down....Brrrrr.

Thanks to all involved for the great event. I am going to have to go back there again to improve my riding skills, so I can keep up with ya'll. :D

Pictures and a video as soon as I can get to it.

Thanks again.


Just got back about 11 pm CST.

Had a great time.

Many thanks to the 4 old farts from NC for letting me ride with them.

Also Thank You to all the folks that helped put this years EOM together.

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I made it home in 15 hours straight :dribble: .I left Louisburg at 9AM and got home at 11:55 pm 1100kms. I rode with Scott and Donna up 219 to 51 to 20 to dirt road to hole in the wall Restaraunt. Hutte (great food). Then up 119 to Morgantown. We parted way on 79N at Pittsburg. The closer I got to home the colder it got. 77f during the day and 40f when I walked through the door.

Thanks for all the hard work put into this event we really really do appreciate it.

Had a great ride home yesterday! Thanks to all of you who made the effort to put this event together :clapping:

Home again, home again, tweedle-dee-dee.

Had a close encounter w/ a group of 4-5 forest rats heading south on 219 but no harm, no foul.

Thanx again to extrememarine and his staff of EOM organizers.

Hope to see y'all again next year.

EDIT: Forgot to add...What a wonderful thing everyone did for Axeman...it was a very emotional moment but one, I'm sure, he will appreciate forever. :yahoo:

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Well, I made it home in one piece thankfully! After the wife & I's ride on Sunday I had a nice bare strip running down the middle of my rear tire. Was a little nervous coming home, but she held up fine.

I was glad to be able to put a face to some of the names here. I didn't get to meet as many of you as I would like to have, but hey, there's always next year right?!

I would also like to thank Wayne (extrememarine & the Mrs.) for getting this years meet together, Scabbo for his emceeing at the dinner, luvtoride for the AWESOME menu selection, Ari for the very moving speech, jwilly for the "technical" aspects of things, fencer for remembering the REAL prize of the weekend, and especially Jim Meadows for being the "Local" for the meet and being able to help out with things related to that aspect.

Also, to EVERYONE who attended. YOU are the reason these meets are put together. I found out this weekend that we are not just a bunch of people who ride the same bike. We are truly a family. And I am thankful to be a part of that!


Came back Sunday OK which was 385 miles of Blue Ridge Parkway and slab. My longest day biking yet which is no comparison to most of the forum members.

I put on a total of 1000 miles for EOM and only had one really close call: Exactly ONE mile from home, a car from the left pulls out right in front of me and, instead of going in the left lane, he comes right across into the right lane where I was. Even though I was tired and anxious to get home, I was able to hit the brakes quickly and swerve to miss his bumper. He did pull up at the next light and apologized. He obviously did not see me at all which is why I try to ride as if I am invisible. I guess I let my guard down and assumed he saw me and would pull into the open lane.

Thanks to all who organized EOM.
