Home Safe and Sound Thread

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Happy to say we are home safe.

On late Sunday F Jr. lost a cylinder. Today we made the 10 hour limp home.

I kept it below 85, the whole trip.

If that is what an 80 HP, off balance engine, is like, the cruisers can keep it.

Glad to say, it was uneventful and all is good on the people side.

Now, the F Jr. is tucked in, next to a big tool box. It does not seem any worse from the trip home. It will get better soon.

Special thanks to Drew; for looking out for us for most of the whole event. (getting some mad skills dude)

Special thanks the Jager; for stepping up and leading a ride. Everyone that has done it, knows it takes something extra.

It should also be noted Saturday dinner was pretty darn good. I was impressed.

I made it home just fine except for wafer thin tread patterns remaining on the front RoadSmart. Some hard running in the twisties rewarded me with 3,747 miles on the rear that was changed too early at Freedom Motorsports. I could have gotten 300 more miles if I changed it out at home. My front yielded only 3,388 miles. I guess I should use a bit less trail braking into the corners. Grip was superb right to the end of the tire's lives.

My total GPS trip mileage was 1,931 miles. West Virginia is simply a fantastic riding area for sport touring. Let's definitely go back and soon!

Kudos and hat's off to all the planners and implementers for the 2008 EOM rally. Altogether, it was a superb event. Thanks to all.

I am back home, ran a guantlet of Po Po but survived

But like a DA I left my cell phone at a gas station in Bristol VA, It just didn't make it all the way into the tank bag before I pulled out :angry:

I got home safe and sound, but I am a changed man. I used to ride the FJR to Grandma's house. I didn't realize that you could awaken the beast with just a few clicks of the button (I got the AE).

I am forever thankful for Steve (VAFJR I think from Warrenton) for leading the second group of 2 up riders (the "safe" group I thought) on Saturday on EOM-7 on Saturday morning. It was an eye opener for me. It was all I could do to keep up. It was the first time I went over 100 a number of times. Near the end of the day, I got the gears right and I thought I was doing good. I have never ridden the FJR so fast or even close to that fast. And I wasn't taking any chances and I felt really safe. I can't remember the names of all in our group because I was riding my ass off.

On the 2nd stop. I was fully prepared to see women hitting their men on the back of their heads in anger while crying and screaming "ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME? ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT? TAKE ME TO THE HOTEL RIGHT FUCKING NOW."

And the women would get off the bike and take pictures and we were back on the road. I was stunned.

At lunch I got to meet everyone and I am really bad with names with I am riding my ass off, but all seemed like normal people and they didn't have a death wish. And the women were commenting on how great the ride was. I was again more then suprised, I was stunned. We were going 100 mph for God's aake! This can't be normal. What an eye opener for me.

On Sunday me and Powerman (Mile) rode home together. I was lead going out and I really sucked. I was too fast and too slow and I didn't have a line and a plan and we stopped and talked about it a number of times on the side of the road. And he set my suspension for me and I was ready to rock and roll. He taught me how to unlease the beast known to many as the FJR. I never realized what I bought. I was more then happy driving to Grandma's house. "Hauling ass" has a new definition. I followed him for hours when he said I was doing alot better at the end of the day.

Everyone was great and willing to share knowledge and I sucked it up. I appreciate all who made it there.

And I can't thank the "organizers" enough for a seamless event. Your efforts are priceless.

Why can't we do EOM every other weekend?


Made it home safe and sound this afternoon. I left the hotel and took 60 east and then a side road (goat trail) in West Sulphur Springs. After getting chased by several vicious WV dogs and encountering multiple deer crossing my path I realized that I had missed my turn to yet another goat trail that would bring me out to 311. I had missed it by 9 miles. So I had to pass the vicious dogs yet another time. Once on 311 it was a spirited ride to Paint Bank for a coffee break and then over and down Potts Mountain to 42 and home.

The weekend was more than I could have ever imagined. I am still on a high. The rides Saturday and Sunday were just awesome. The dinner was excellent and the camaraderie and helpfulness of the FJR community was out of this world.

Thanks to all the people who helped to organize this event. It was great seeing all the people and putting faces with their names. Great people, great weather and awesome roads, what more can you ask for?

I can't wait for next years EOM.


Another one who made the 219 north to 50 east run, solo. Home in a little over 10 hours. Came home a better and wiser rider than when I left, made new friends and came away with a new found appreciation for this amazing machine. Special thanks to Bob H., ALFJR, Rangerray, FJR1300Mark, Krid, Christine and Brody. They took the rookie, put a smile on his face and kept him safe. Life! Ain't it grand!

Left at 06:30 and arrived north/east CT 12 hours and almost 700 miles later with about 3K miles for the trip.

My impression of my first EOM:

These boyz play hard day and night! And have huge hearts. What a great combination.

A big thank you to the organizers.

On the 2nd stop. I was fully prepared to see women hitting their men on the back of their heads in anger while crying and screaming "ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME? ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT? TAKE ME TO THE HOTEL RIGHT FUCKING NOW."
I did hear of one this weekend, but that was at 140mph. (you know who you are. :lol: )

Don't be fooled, that trust you saw is earned over time.

Just a suggestion; Read some good books and work on the solo skills long before introducing a passenger to aggressive sport riding and asking for that trust. (Sport Bike Riding Techniques is a good book to start with)

Hopefully, you also read The Pace, posted in the EOM thread.

Glad you had fun!

We got back home Sunday evening. Had a great time....catching up with old friends ....meeting new ones...= Great Time!!! Thanks to all who put this together!

The only way it could have better would have been not to have to run to Princeton at 5pm Saturday to get a tire!!!! But I did make it back in time to eat, even if it was a little late.

Stay safe everyone. See you next year at EOM 2009.

Roy and Sherrie

Duane (OhiFJR) and I made it home in good time yesterday. We left at 7:30 am and I got home around 2:00 pm. The ride was a bit cool in the begining,43 degrees. It ended up a nice warm day. As usual, EOM was great!!! :fan_1: I too am looking forward to next year. I still have not run all the routes, will have to make a return trip to check them out sometime. So, where is EOM next year??? It will be hard to beat Lewisburg in my opinion. Thanks to the staff for a job well done. Enjoyed every minute of it.

Made it home last night about 11. Left at 930am. Long ride but great great time. We will definitely be doing lewisburg again. Thanks to all

Sort of wussed out and, except for 311 to Roanoke, took an easy route back home to central NC.

It was a fantastic event and the organizers deserve all the credit in the world...well done!!

No One and I made it back late last night.

We rode from Lewisberg to Lebanon, Tn. Sunday.

got up Monday and completed the ride to Dallas/Ft. Worth.

Arrived at home last night about 11pm.

Coming through Va. needing to make the transition from 77 South to 81 South.

I must have been asleep, rode about 30 miles toward NC. before I came around.

I guess I need to get the Auto Pilot Re-calibrated.

Otherwise the ride back was fairly uneventful.

How bout them Cowboys!!!!!

Had a great time and enjoyed meeting new friends.

Looking forward to next year.


I am home safe. Just a quick post to leave that info.

I heard news about Wayne (extremarine) & Annette this morning. Looking for the post about it. If folks don't know, they decided to stay an extra day. Down having fun in Burkes Garden, they had front tire wash out. They went down an embankment. There is quite a list of broken stuff. Docs are doing surgery on Wayne this morning.

Good time everyone. Well, except for that part, Heidi

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I am home safe. Just a quick post to leave that info.
I heard news about Wayne (extremarine) & Annette this morning. Looking for the post about it. If folks don't know, they decided to stay an extra day. Down having fun in Burkes Garden, they had front tire wash out. They went down an embankment. There is quite a list of broken stuff. Docs are doing surgery on Wayne this morning.

Good time everyone. Well, except for that part, Heidi
Didn't know about the crash. Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Don and Christine

I heard news about Wayne (extremarine) & Annette this morning. Looking for the post about it. If folks don't know, they decided to stay an extra day. Down having fun in Burkes Garden, they had front tire wash out. They went down an embankment. There is quite a list of broken stuff. Docs are doing surgery on Wayne this morning.

Sorry to hear...hope Wayne and Annette heal up quickly with no permanent effects.. :clapping:

I am home safe. Just a quick post to leave that info.
I heard news about Wayne (extremarine) & Annette this morning. Looking for the post about it. If folks don't know, they decided to stay an extra day. Down having fun in Burkes Garden, they had front tire wash out. They went down an embankment. There is quite a list of broken stuff. Docs are doing surgery on Wayne this morning.

Good time everyone. Well, except for that part, Heidi
Oh my God, please say it isn't so!! Please keep us updated Heidi if you can. I just feel sick about it....

I hear that they will be ok. There is definitely going to be a recovery period, though. The really good news is: they had just stopped at some big MC gear shop on their way to the meet & bought Annette new jacket, gloves & pants on their way into town... so she was ATGATT. I expect that they didn't think it'd be tested so soon. I, or someone that knows more than me will post more details when we have them.

Prayers to my 1 night roomates, Heidi

I'm extremely sorry to hear about a crash with extrememarine and Annette. The road to Burke's Garden is very tight and twisty and the slopes are steep.

I wish them a very quick recovery.

Better news will be welcome.
