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Made it home at 6:30 last night after an easy 400 mile ride. What a great time and even greater people. The OEM confirms what a great decision I made to buy a FJR.

Thanks to all the organizers for a special event.

Special thanks to:

Spklbuck - Jim for the great tour of WV on Friday.

DJB - for the tire removal lesson that I will be using soon.

dbvolfan and wife - for the company on the ride home. Keep that wife away from the double yellows!

Look forward to seeing everyone soon.

PS - went to the nose doctor this morning for get the sinus problem looked at. Having surgery on Thursday!! Oh fun. Doc said that 6 days of motorcycle riding probably didn't help the situation. Sometime sacrifices have to be made.

I just got back. Not completely without incident but I'm here nevertheless. I rode with IONBEAM and MRS IONBEAM up to Harrisburg PA where we got a hotel and had a really nice dinner together. I finished the last 300 miles up today. A couple of miles west of the Verrazano Bridge the wires melted on my ignition toggle switch which then shorted out briefly in the middle of heavy traffic. Luckily being ever prepared I switched it out for a new toggle switch and I was on my way.

There is not enough space on this server for me to thank all the people at EOM who made this a truly unforgettable weekend in my life. For those of you that were there, I'm sorry if I was having trouble articulating what I truly felt about the honor that you bestowed upon Jordan. I have no idea how you guys kept the scam a secret but it worked amazingly well.

For those of you that were not there, the members who attended EOM raised over $1850.00 for the Lance Corporal Jordan C. Haerter Memorial Fund which will go directly to funding a scholarship in his name. My sincere thanks, appreciation, and respect also to all of those current and former service members who stood up to be recognized when asked. :clapping:



PS- The nail will need to be replace shortly, its almost worn out.

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:yahoo: Man it was a wonderful time. I got home today (Monday) about 4:00 after a fantastic ride with gasportrider and buzzz down 219S to Pearisburg, then 61 west (a truly great road) to 16sount (a truly FANTASTIC road) and continued on 16 all the way to near I40/I77 where gasportrider and buzzz continued to Hotlanta and I on into Lancaster SC.

Many thanks to those that put in what was clearly a significant effort organizing this. I have been motorcycling 50 years and this is unquestionably the best put-together meet I have ever attended. I am getting near retirement so maybe I can help put one of these on soon.

Ed :yahoo:

Susie and I made it back to Columbus, safe and sound, about an hour ago.

300-ish miles for the day, 1120 or so for the weekend.

We had a terrific time, and the riding...

Dang. Makes me realize how sucky the local roads around here truly are!

It was great meeting you all.

Even you, Scab. :blink:

Many thanks to all the organizers.

Organizing events like this is about like herding cats, but you guys did an outstanding job!

Keeping TheAxeman in the dark was no small feat, but very, very well done.

Be safe!


Had The time of my life !!! EOM 2008

Safe, uneventful trip home.

So many people to thank, you all were like family and friends

So when is EOM 2009?

Thanks againJimstan
Finally home safe...

EOM was probably the best FJR Gathering i have attended, With the exception of my little get-off... :rolleyes:

I am already planning on attending EOM '09 :yahoo:

Wife and I safely home about 430 today. Went directly to Freedom Motorsports for a couple new tires...(very nice people, and what a great price). Met with a couple of locals that attended the EOM too. We talked about a route home and they both suggested 16 south...What a ride! About 30 miles of nothing but beautiful scenery, (so Wife said..I was paying attention to the road), and twistys that would make the dragon run for a hole. It was the best road all weekend. We got to make the run to the bridge on Sunday and Saturday was EOM-1. Excellent route. I hope others took it. Thank you to all who made the EOM happen. We will be back next year no matter where it's held, but Lewisburg is about perfect. :clapping:

Don and Christine Ralph

Tiffany and I got home safe today.

After a sad ride out of the Brier Inn parking lot, we got one last EOM run on 60 past the Hawk's Nest Park. Picked up I-64 at Charleston, and slabbed it back to L'ville.

This EOM was outstanding. The roads were great and the weather was perfect, but the people made it extra-memorable. Can't wait for EOM '09!

Going though the pictures taken and came across this from the back of my bike. Route 19...


I just got home from work....er, well, a few hours ago. Changed the oil in the skoot along with the final drive oil....and, bonus...changed the car oil, too. Amsoil, of course. Glad you guys are concerned aboot pups getting home n stuff. It's important, don'tcha know? Is EOM someone's work place?

I'm home safe and Scab just called me to let me know he made it. Great weekend everyone. Thanks to everyone who attended and made the event a huge success!


I had a large time and thank the organizers. Enjoyed seeing some of the characters I only get to see once a year.

Headed out Sunday by myself. Made a quick loop around the motel and ran into a my buddy Art who decided to leave a day early, cool to have somebody to ride with. We took the scenic route through Seneca Rocks and made a long day of it. Followed him for a while and observed him ride. We adjusted his suspension, and I gave him some pointers along the way. He was rocking along pretty sweet by the end of the day. Got home about 7:30.

The start of the trip was pretty interesting too! I met the VA Beach/ Norfolk riders on I-64 on their way through. So I found a nice place to pull over with a freshly paved lane with orange barrels to keep away from traffic. Got there a little early so I balled up my coat, and laid next to my bike. Cooling it with a drink and a cigar, and Hendrix on the ear buds. Life is good. I looked over and saw a pair of yellow boots, WTF? Some lady called in a fallen/ dead rider. Got up to a fire truck, two rescue vehicles, and three police cars. Fireman said, I saw you where alright when I got off the truck and saw you puffing on the cigar. A cop asked what I was doing... I think three bikes like this are down the road. You got their numbers? No. He turned around in the median and drove down and told them to come get me. What a trip!!

Left Briar Inn around 0900, arrived Lorton, VA at 1430. 263 miles. Great time, great roads, great folks. See ya next year.

I rolled into the homestead 'bout an hour and half ago. (That's seven o'clock, my time.)

Nobody was home. I was locked out. I didn't have keys. :huh:

Did one of you bastards call ahead and let 'em know I was coming?

But, man-oh-man, was this EOM one to remember. We sure got some good people that hang around this place.

Next year, remind me to tell you about the Harley I met on the ride home. :glare:

Home safe and sound. :clapping: I took the scenic route, re-running a couple of roads from yesterday, then taking a detour into KY.

What a great weekend!! My hat is off to all the planners and coordinators.. You know who you are! Many, many thanks for putting this great gathering together!!

