... Error message pops up "you're not allowed to use that extension here." ...
Depends on how Mr Challenger presents the photo link to the forum. For instance, the forum won't accept ".jpeg" ending to the link, it only likes ".jpg" (it also is happy some others such as ".gif", but it's most likely your picture link is ".jpeg").
One problem is that these sites never link directly to your picture, the call is trapped by the site's software that then presents your picture indirectly, maybe even resizing it in the process, even if the call looks like a direct url.
As an example, with my web site, these two links (without the space after the "http:") result in the same image being presented to your browser.
http: //atrophy.lock.net/pi/20170218_bikewash/tmp/0_P1000299.JPG
http: //atrophy.lock.net/pi/20170218_bikewash/index.php?image=P1000299.JPG&sz=0&show=1
The first is happily accepted by the forum software:
For the second, I get the "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." message, although the image does show whilst editing. Nor is it sufficient to simply have the last 4 characters of the image url as ".jpg". For instance, I can alter the order of the parameters on my "invalid" link above to be:
http: //atrophy.lock.net/pi/20170218_bikewash/index.php?sz=0&show=1&image=P1000299.JPG.
This ends in ".JPG", makes no difference to my web server, but isn't accepted be this forum's software.
Regardless, even if it's a direct link to your image, it must have the ".jpg" extension. As an extension, ".jpeg" isn't accepted here, even though it's perfectly valid as far as all of your computer software is concerned.
Edited to add, I noticed your post in the test area, the url has a ".png" extension, that in itself is perfectly valid.
Of course, even when I try to view it directly from PB, I only get a glancing view of the car, followed by a "remove your ad blocker" message.