Hotel Website for 07 EOM Reservations

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I'm in. My middle daughter Deena, who came last year, is planning to come again this year.
oh, great, i now have 6 mos to lose 60 lbs and 20 yrs.... :wub: :bow_arrow: :rolleyes:
This is just an official notice that you said that "out loud". :)
Deena is living with a boyfriend these days. :unsure: Of course you never know what will happen between now and September. She is planning on taking the MSF course some time soon and may buy herself a bike of her own.

I'm in. My middle daughter Deena, who came last year, is planning to come again this year.
oh, great, i now have 6 mos to lose 60 lbs and 20 yrs.... :wub: :bow_arrow: :rolleyes:
This is just an official notice that you said that "out loud". :)
Deena is living with a boyfriend these days. :unsure: Of course you never know what will happen between now and September. She is planning on taking the MSF course some time soon and may buy herself a bike of her own.
well, if they break up, it's HIS FAULT!!!

I'm reserved and ready! New to this forum and the FJR, can't wait to meet some more folks. Technically I'm not on the EAST side of the Mighty Miss, but I can see it from here! :)

I reserved a double for my riding partner, but if he comes we'll be trailering to his brother in law's down in NC and then riding up. If not, I'll be riding from MN and I'll be needing a room mate if anyone's interested. I'll post here if my riding partner (and his wife) changes his/their mind about going and the room is open. Rented from Thurs night through Sun night.


Finally remembered to reserve my room. Hotel said about half of the rooms are taken, so there are still a lot left. Looking forward to some time away from work and enjoying all the good company. :yahoo:

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Hey Rick, we blocked a decent amount of rooms. I don't have paperwork in front of me but I think that it was 75 rooms. I expect that as time gets very close, those blocked rooms are going to be scooped up.

Something to keep in mind though... all of the blocked rooms will be released back to the general public 3 weeks before the meet. Which will be sometime in August. I don't know if there is anything going on in Lewisburg that weekend & rooms will be swiped, but if there are people on the wall about attending, to insure that you get a room, make a reservation.

Hi all,

Sorry I havn't been around, just busy at work and moving to Orlando.

Ann and I are in and will see you all there !!


Hi all,
Sorry I havn't been around, just busy at work and moving to Orlando.

Ann and I are in and will see you all there !!


Orlando? I thought you guy's were moving out of sunny FL? Somewhere up around Atlanta?

Your getting closer and closer to my turf. :clapping:

Nope, just moved to Orlando Bob......not too far away from you, Shannon and Mike now.

Hope you are well.

Nope, just moved to Orlando Bob......not too far away from you, Shannon and Mike now.
Hope you are well.
All is well, as I hope it is with you and Ann.

I won't be doing the EOM this year. It's a great time and I alwasy's enjoy it. Maybe next year.

We should all get together one day. Orlando is only 150 miles from Jax. Maybe we could pick a spot somewhere between us and meet for lunch? I have a pretty tight schedule, so I am only available any day of the week. :rolleyes:

Well WV you better watch out!!! Cause I'm coming for the ride. I just booked my room. . . can I leave yet?

Has there been any planning to the itinerary yet? I live in VA/MD and I have done some riding in WV, Romney/Petersburg areas mostly even up into Deep Creek, MD. Those are some great roads to ride with very little traffic.

OK that sounds like an easy enough plan.

Next question, I see that a few are heading down on Thursday the 13th. Any special reason? Or is just an extra day to socialize and sleep? Is the majority leaving Monday morning?

Arriving on Thursday to socialize & sleep? nawwww... so we can ride all day Friday.

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